From Bashful to Confident

Did you know that mental stimulation is just as important if not more important than walking your dog? Making your dog work for their food will be rewarding, mentally and physically. Instead of feeding them in an easy boring bowl, take a portion of their food to use as a training opportunity and the rest in an interactive feeder. You can purchase on Amazon or DIY. As your puppy works on their enrichment project you can take some time to catch up on your to do list. Most think if you want to tire a puppy, you take them for a long walk. However, the more exercise your puppy gets the more fit they become. Next thing you know your 20 minute walks are an hour and a half and your puppy is still not tired. To be honest, there are few humans that can really keep up with the energy of a puppy. Ditching the bowl is accessible to everyone: the raw feeders, those whose dogs require medication in their food, those with puppies, those with senior dogs. With a little bit of prior thought and planning, there is no reason why ditching the bowl should be difficult. Every moment has an opportunity for learning, and we miss so many of those moments and the opportunities they bring by putting our dog’s food into bowls.


So ditch the bowl and embrace the learning! You and your dog will never look back.

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