Research & Validation | Summer Solutions Foundation Paper


Scholastic Education Solutions (SES) recognizes that schools do not have time to waste as they consider paths to accelerate student learning. That is why SES incorporates eight research- based practices into its summer offerings:

1. Offer Evidence-Based Code-Focused and Meaning-Focused Instruction

LitCamp: Each lesson centers on a read- aloud of an engaging authentic text, followed by whole-group, small-group, and independent learning activities focused on vocabulary, literacy/language structure, verbal reasoning, and writing that reinforce essential skills and extend comprehension. Bunk Builder Kit resources support critical phonemic awareness, decoding, word- reading, and sentence-writing skills. Scholastic Scholar Zone Summer: The curriculum includes short, engaging fiction and nonfiction texts that immerse students in close reading and support fluency development. Read-aloud texts develop comprehension skills, build background knowledge, and connect students with diverse texts and relatable characters. Exciting cross-content magazine articles enrich knowledge and spark discussions that elevate speaking and listening skills.

Code-focused (phonological awareness, letter/word fluency, morphological awareness, phonics knowledge, decoding skills, and sight word recognition) and meaning-focused instruction (content knowledge, literacy knowledge, vocabulary, language structure, verbal reasoning, theory of mind, and writing) are the two most significant predictors of skilled reading (Duke & Cartwright, 2021; Gough & Tunmer, 1986; Scarborough, 2001).

My Books Summer: Take-home book packs include Weekly Reader Summer Express Workbooks, which have more than 100 skills-based pages and activities to reinforce reading, writing, and phonics skills.


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