
Walk-in clinic and new medical centre in Embrun g ŏđŏ

Russell Agricultural Society

the c l inic is estab l ished. I t is expected to be open Monday to Sat u rday , b u t wi ll soon ex - pand to inc lu de S u ndays. T he space , which former l y he l d J oma Shoes , is c u rrent l y being reno v ated and it wi ll be ca ll ed the Notre Dame Medica l Cen - tre and E mbr u n Medica l Pharmacy. Says I dicheria , “T he emergency room at Winchester H ospita l said they are happy


EMBRUN l A newmedical centre, including a walk-in clinic, family medicine practice and pharmacy, is about to open at 934 Notre Dame Street in Embrun.

Photo Candice V etter

Embrun is about to gain a walk-in medical centre, family medicine practice and new pharmacy, at 934 Notre Dame in the former Joma Shoes location.

T he anticipated opening date is March 25 , says Rex I dicheria , pharmacist. At the o u tset there wi ll be one f ull time doctor and two part - time doctors a v ai l ab l e for one on one cons ul tations with new patients. T he ho u rs wi ll initia ll y be 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. , with p l ans to extend ho u rs to 7 p.m. once

we are opening. ”T here is not a wa l k - in c l inic a v ai l ab l e in the genera l area , so this may red u ce emergency room v isits. T he owners are a l so l ooking to hire bi l ing u a l sta ff . T he phone n u mber for fami l y medicine ap - pointments or to inq u ire abo u t jobs is 61 3 44 3 - 2999.

Russell Arena, May 3, 2013 Russell Arena, May 3, 2013 $50 per ticket (reserved seating) or 613.445.4161 ww Tickets purchased before April 8 are eligible to win an awesome prize. For details, follow us on Facebook.

Bi ll ets en v ente par té l éphone o u en personne à l’É co l e secondaire catho l iq u e Embrun # Tél.: 613 443-2186 poste 0


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