I t’s easy for those unfamiliar with addiction to super-simplify and say things like, “Just grow up.” But as the science behind addiction advances, these sentiments of super-simplicity are being challenged. “The disease [of addiction] is about underlying neurology, not outward actions,” says Dr. Michael Miller of the American Society of Addiction Medicine. No-struggle-no-strength Recovery starts with a radical overhaul of our thinking because we’re dealing with the epic reality of brain chemistry. And this initially requires a kind of “tearing away” from old thought patterns. Over time our brains and bodies begin to readjust to a normal balance known as homeostasis. Long after physical cravings go away, mental triggers linger because triggers have to do with thoughts inspired by brain chemistry and old neural pathways. In recovery, the brain is eventually “re-wired” to think normally, sans-substance.
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