20 Years of Ministry at GMO


I was in a very dark place in 2007. I had everything I could possibly want: a great husband, a wonderful child, a great job, and great friends. However, I was very discontented with life. I wanted to divorce my husband for someone more fun as I had only one life to live, and he was not meeting my needs. I was always looking for happiness and making checklists of things to make me happy. I Googled ‘happiness,’ and this Global Media Outreach website kept coming up. I said, ‘Christianity … been there, done that, doesn’t work,’ ... but it kept popping up. So, one day, I clicked on it and said the sinner’s prayer. I am a sinner, and Jesus is my Savior. What did I have to lose? It said my life would never be the same. The moment I said the prayer on December 1, 2007, I felt the Holy Spirit descend on me, and He changed me from the inside out. I wanted to go to church all the time and read the Bible all the time. I saw my sin and depravity (I thought I was a good person before), I stopped cursing (I

used to curse like a sailor and tried to stop but couldn’t), and I just became so sensitive to God. I thought about Him all the time and talked to Him. I looked forward to my 30-day walk with God and read it faithfully. I continued to walk with the Lord, and a few years later, I felt like I was not as close to Him as I wanted to be and looked up the GMO website again. I signed up for the 30-Day Guide on GodLife. I hadn’t thought about GMO much until I was on a mission trip recently and heard a friend talking about GMO. I mentioned that I thought that was the website that had brought me to the Lord and looked it up. Sure enough, it was! She just happened to be friends with a GMO employee in Houston, and I got an opportunity to meet him and encourage him. She also told me about ways to serve as an Online Missionary. So here I am giving back to others through GMO as an Online Missionary as it has been used as a platform to change my life radically.


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