Relentless. Bold. Unapologetic. Unequivocal. So, what does this mean for you and your business
While I could write an entire thesis based on this subject and her electrifying speech from a feminist perspective however, this article is not that. This article is about how having a voice is what builds a robust brand. What do I mean by having a voice? Having a powerful voice equals having a powerful brand. Period. No matter who you are. It means showing up every day and being consistent with your brand values and messaging. Ever think about how Ted Yoho’s name wasn’t even in the public 48 hrs prior to her giving this speech. She put him on the international map-with her voice. She is the one who is in the news making a splash. She is the one who uses her voice to stand up for the poor and marginalized and does not back down to opposition. She is the one behind the now “AOC” brand with 5.9 million followers on Instagram and 8 million Twitter followers. If she is so “disgusting” then why is this the case? Because she stood up for herself and others unapologetically and without flinching. She knew the right thing to do was hold this person accountable for their deplorable actions despite knowing that she would be met with intense opposition. Why? Because she is female, she is Latina, she is a young politician making a huge splash domestically and abroad. She is shatter- ing the status quo. Women politicians are putting powerful men’s feet to the fire despite intense scrutiny and back - lash-even by other women! Look at represen- tative Katie Porter who rendered the president of JP Morgan Chase speechless. Porter by the way is a Harvard-educated lawyer and law pro- fessor serving as the Democratic representative for California’s 45th congressional district since 2019. In April 2020, during a Capitol Hill hearing, Porter asked bank president Jamie Dimon why he can’t pay his front-line staff a living wage? A fair question considering that he himself made $31 million in salary alone in 2019 and the bank made $29.9 BILLION in revenue. Yet some employees who work for that bank can’t make ends meet. Porter is well-positioned to be asking this line of financial questioning as she is an expert in law
and bankruptcy.
Dimon couldn’t adequately answer any of her questions. This was social media fire! Not the fact that her educational background is super impressive and that she attended Yale and Harvard and teaches law. Fundamentally it created a stir because she is a woman daring to question a powerful, wealthy white male. Human beings are peculiar creatures, aren’t we? I digress. Since my entrepreneurial journey began, I have met incredibly successful and inspiring power- house businesswomen. Some of them are gener- ating annual revenues well into the seven figures. They didn’t get there by buckling every time they were met with resistance. In fact, they will all tell you that they stayed the course in spite of criti- cism and stayed rooted in their convictions and values. This isn’t easy but it is necessary.
and what lessons can we apply? Ask yourself these questions:
• Are you showing up every day? This can be in the form of social media postings; blogs; white papers; videos, etc. • What values drive you and your business? • Have you communicated these values? • What do you do for clients that no one else does? • What do you stand for? Is it education? Are you a teacher? • Do you have vital information and tools to impart to your clients to assist them with their bottom line? • Are you a trailblazer? Do you offer new and more effective ways of doing things? • Are you a trusted resource? • Do you provide effective tools and strategies for clients? Finally, have you communicated your thought-leadership? Gary Vaynerchuck is a prime example of this. I LOVE Gary Vee! Though I understand he is not everyone’s cup of tea due to his bold, direct and raw style of communication. More importantly, he knows that. Do you think this phases him? Not in the least. He now has 8.3 million follow- ers on Instagram alone and his fans hang on his every word. Find your voice as an entrepreneur and be unwav- ering in your values and messaging. It is a funda- mental building block for growing a successful, sustainable-and memorable business brand in the minds of your audiences. Need more tips or for someone to work with to see get your voice heard then reach out to me at I would be happy to help you out.
That is brand building.
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