Outpatient Mental Health Services For the whole family
Benefits of our anger management class
Community Support How bhs can help you
900WNorfolk Ave, Ste. 200 Norfolk, NE 68701
SEEKING HELP I Most American's know someone with a mental illness: depression, eating disorders, phobias or substance abuse. Warning signs include personality changes, excessive anxiety, difculties sleeping and concentrating, prolonged sadness, or extreme highs and lows. Seeking help is a sign of strength and the rst step in regaining control of your life. Mental Health treatment can be life saving.
At Behavioral Health Specialists we recognize that not all treatment approaches are the same and we customize your treatment to meet your specic individual needs. If you or a loved one are in need of help, call us today at 402-370-3140 or stop by or ofces at 9th and Norfolk Avenue. Seeking help is the rst step to recovery. There is Hope. . . .There is Help!
900 W Norfolk Ave, Ste. 200 Norfolk, NE 68701
Agency Location/Web AD • Anxieties/Fears - including panic attacks and fear of being in crowds • Depression - Sadness, low self-esteem, changes in sleep and weight, and irritability. • Major Psychiatric Disorders - Schizophrenia, Manic-Depression • Coping with Stress - Acute or Chron • Emotional Trauma - Sexual assault, crime, physical, emotional, and sexual abuse • Family and Marital Problems - Including effective parenting skills, behavioral problems of children, parent-child relationship issues and marital conict. Behavioral Health Services Behavioral Health Specialists, Inc.'s outpatient mental health program addresses a wide array of problems with living, ranging from adjustment to stressful changes in life to more severe behavioral problems which signicantly interfere with everyday life activities. Services are offered to children, adolescents and adults. A variety of psychotherapeutic and pharmacological interventions are available to help promote change. These include individual, family, group, and home-based therapies designed to address identied treatment goals developed for specic disorders. Our experienced professionals provide clients with the tools to address many problems such as: A variety of psychotherapeutic and pharmacological interventions are available to help promote change. OUTPATIENT MENT • Emotional Adjustment to Chronic or Life Threatening Illnesses - Stroke, Traumatic • Brain Injury, Loss of physical function. • Other Problems - Tools are provided for other problems such as adjustment to adolescence and changes of aging.
Agency AD Agency Location/Web AD • A psychological evaluation is generally an important component in our assessment and treatment of those dealing with an addiction disorder. Such addictions include alcohol, drugs and compulsive gambling. Trained certied substance abuse professionals provide the primary assessment and treatment of those individuals who struggle with addiction. Psychological Evaluations Our psychologists are highly skilled in the administration and interpretation of a variety of psychological assessment batteries including: • Personality Assessments • Identication of strengths and weaknesses in an individual's emotional, psychological, and cognitive functioning in order to make treatment recommendations for therapists, agencies and legal services. Intellectual/Academic Achievement Assessments • Identication of Attention Decit Disorder and other learning disabilities, their cognitive effects, and recommendations for compensatory strategies. Coordination with Substance Abuse and Addiction Services
L HEALTH SERVICES A psychological evaluation is generally an important component in our assessment and treatment of those dealing with an addiction disorder.
About ourDirector Connie Petersen, PhD.
AGENCY SPREAD the human service eld, to include community support, outpatient, inpatient, and residential levels of care in both mental health and addiction services. She joined the Behavioral Health Specialists, Inc. (BHS) team in August of 2007. She enjoys working with individuals struggling with addiction issues as well as individuals dually diagnosed with addiction and chronic mental health issues. Dr. Petersen (and her team) provide critical incident stress debrieng for individuals as well as groups as the need arises. Dr. Petersen is fond of utilizing Acceptance and Commitment Therapy strategies in the work she does with individuals and groups. She has skills in leading both a Dialectical Behavioral Therapy Group and Courage to Change/Dual Diagnosis Connie Petersen, PhD, Director of Outpatient Clinical Services, obtained her PhD in Clinical Psychology from Wichita State University in Wichita, Kansas and is a fully Licensed Psychologist. She has over 15 years of experience working in
Group. She provides Business team building consultations and education in success for businesses. She is the Chairperson for the Quality Assurance (QA) Committee for BHS as well as the Chair for the NIA Tx Change Team within theagency. She is a Nebraska Registered Service Provider with the Criminal
Justice system and has been trained in both the Addiction Severity Index (ASI) and Comprehensive Adolescent Screening Inventory (CASI) Dr. Petersen is also a Certied Mental
Health First Aid Instructor and Certied Anger Management Facilitator. She has been appointed to the Northeast Nebraska Drug Court team as a Provider Representative and currently sits on their Board. She has been the clinical lead on the LWSI Electronic Medical Records Work Group moving BHS into the world of Electronic Medical Records. Dr. Petersen has been a member of the Nebraska Psychological Association, an American Psychological Association (APA) member, a member of the National Association of Professional Women, and a Phi Kappa Phi member.
Dr. Petersen has presented on a variety of topics, including: Addiction and Recovery; Ethics, Boundaries, and Professionalism; Common Mental Health Illnesses and Treatment; Effective Communication; Team Building; Utilizing Acceptance and Commitment Therapy approaches; and Suicide Prevention and Treatment. Dr. Petersen has also published a number of articles centering around the use of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy with a number of populations.
Dr. Petersen (and her team) provide critical incident stress debriefing for individuals as well as groups as the need arises.
900 W Norfolk Ave, Ste. 200 · Norfolk, NE 68701
The path you take lies in the choices you make. What’s yours?
Call US TODAY (402) 370-3140
Let Us Help You.
AGENCY SPREAD • Helping remove unnecessary barriers to accessing the services needed. Many individuals in crisis experience confusion or signicant feelings of helplessness when initially trying to rebuild their lives. This coupled with the "paperwork" the "lingo" and what can appear to be "red tape" may result in their being more vulnerable to giving up before they've even begun. Our staff can facilitate connecting you with the right people, help with the paperwork, explain the details and what to expect, and maneuver effectively through the process. Community Support Our Community Support Program (CSP) strives to help maintain stabilization of at-risk clients so as to help that individual live successfully within the community. CSP provides support to individuals at high risk of relapse in their mental illness and/or substance abuse/addiction. This is accomplished through our focus on four primary areas: • Matching the person with local resources that assist them to establish stable housing, employment, transportation, medical and dental care, mental health and substance abuse treatment, etc. • Acquiring or providing skills training in daily living skills management. This is broad based and attends to areas such as budgeting, personal grooming, preparing for job interviews, creating a resume, establishing a personal and household schedule, learning appropriate refusal skills and relapse prevention measures. • Providing 24 hour/7 day a week emergency access and support. We are available to help enhance the person's success at relapse prevention and staying healthy and focused on recovery despite the unexpected twists and turns life sometimes presents.
CSP provides support to individuals at high risk of relapse in their mental illness and/or substance abuse/addiction.
TargetAreas Community Support targets several areas for which clients can receive assistance. These areas may include the following: • Interpersonal Skills
Referrals to Community Support Individuals can be referred to our Community Support Program on a self-referral basis or through their doctor, therapist, attorney, or any other agency they are already working with. All that is needed is a call to our main ofce. Our staff will walk you through the registration process. The length of time a person is enrolled in this program is based on the individual's needs. The average length of time is approximately four months. Criteria for discharge include that the person demonstrates the ability to self manage their ongoing work on issues important to their recovery and have no relapse or crises in four months. Persons who successfully complete CSP may re-enter the program in the future if the need arises.
• Life Skills • Housing • Legal • Medical • Family/Marital • Employment • Vocational • Educational • Relapse Prevention • Toxicology • Emergency/Relapse • Medication Management • Mental Health • Substance Abuse • Resource Acquisition
Call US TODAY (402) 370-3140
You are what you have overcome.
900 W Norfolk Ave, Ste. 200 Norfolk, NE 68701
AGENCY SPREAD WhoWeAre Behavioral Health Specialists, Inc., has been providing care to children and their families since 1991. The goal of our Youth and Family Services program is to provide a personalized level of care to children and families that meet their needs and provide an environment for healing and rehabilitation. We specialize in the care of children between the ages of 0-19 whom, for a various number of reasons, are not able to live in their own homes. Why Foster Care Nebraska has one of the highest rates in the nation for children placed in out- of-home care at a rate of 19 per 1,000. Of those children placed, many will come from backgrounds of abuse (physical, sexual or emotional), neglect, abandonment, drug abuse or instability. These children may also have difficulties with social skills, academics, expressing emotions and making good choices. Foster Care provides a healthy family environment, filled with love and acceptance, where the child can heal and begin to thrive.
While the child is receiving the care they need, the natural family is also given the opportunity for healing. We offer personalized family support services, individual and/or family therapy and a wide range of other support services to assist the family in their healing process. The primary goal for children in foster care is to return home with their families. Foster parents are the vital link that provides the time needed to make this possible.
Accreditation Behavioral Health Specialists, Inc., maintains national accreditation awarded through the Joint Commission. BHS’s ongoing accreditation achievement is a demonstration of our leadership and staff commitment to delivering the highest level of service performance possible. Additionally, BHS holds licensure through the State of Nebraska as a Substance Abuse Treatment Facility and Child Placing Agency.
YouHave the Power toMake aDifference As a foster parent you can provide these children with the love, comfort and stability they need. Your commitment can range from full-time, to one weekend a month. Your open door is HOPE! Ready to share your heart and home? Contact us today for more information on becoming a Foster Parent.
Call 402-370-3140
EVERY accomplishtment
starts with the decision to try.
OUR VISION We will set the standard of cellence in the development and delivery of innovative behavioral health and addiction services. With courage, personal responsibility, and integrity we dedicate ourselves to meeting the needs of those we serve.
MANAGEMENT What is Anger Management? Anger is a normal human emotion and is a problem when it occurs too frequently, is too long lasting or is too intense. Excessive anger leads to health problems, impacts interpersonal relationships and can easily lead to physical violence. Candidates for Anger Management Classes include those who are short-tempered, have chronic irritability, are impatient, argumentative or regularly employ sarcasm in their interactions. Anger management is a class which offers the following:
• Specialized Self-Assessment • Assertive Communication Training • Stress Management/Stress Reduction Training • Training in Managing Anger Effectively • Emotional Intelligence Enhancement • Learning Empathetic Listening
Excessive anger leads to health problems, impacts interpersonal relationships and can easily lead to physical violence.
Internationally Recognized Model and Staff Certification BHS is pleased to have personnel certified in the Anderson & Anderson model of Anger Management. This model has the most widely recognized curriculum in the world and is also an approved intervention with professionals by the Joint Commission. Our Certified Facilitators have received specialized training and certification in the Anderson & Anderson model for both the training of adults as well as of adolescents. Our Anger Management Classes Two different class formats are offered for both adolescents and adults. The number of classes available may change depending on the needs of the community. Specialized and individualized sessions are available and tailored to providing the necessary training and intervention for individuals in high profile roles such as supervisors, managers, professionals and executives. To register yourself or to make a referral to our Anger Management Classes, call our main office at 402-370-3140. A sliding fee scale based off income guidelines is available. Specialized and individualized sessions are available and tailored to providing the necessary training and intervention for individuals in high profile roles such as supervisors, managers, professionals and executives.
Your future is created by what you do today not tomorrow. Call US TODAY (402) 370-3140
OUR MISSION We are committed to cellence in the provision of comprehensive behavioral health care. Our approach honors each client's condentiality, dignity, and self-determination. As skilled professionals, we proudly provide affordable and accessible services of the highest quality.
900 W NORFOLK AVE, STE. 200 · NORFOLK, NE 68701
Behavioral Health Specialists, Inc., (BHS) has been providing quality professional care for over 25 years. Formerly Monroe Mental Health Center, the agency began operating as a private, non-profit organization in November of 1992. Prior to this, it had been owned by Region 4 Mental Health and Substance Abuse Service District, which developed as a result of the Nebraska Community Mental Health Center Act of 1974. BHS currently provides an array of services throughout the Region 4 Behavioral Health Service area and in 65% of the Health & Human Services Northern Service Area and beyond. Our agency’s main office is centrally located in Norfolk. We operate two short-term residential treatment programs: Seekers of Serenity in Columbus, Nebraska and Sunrise Place in Norfolk, Nebraska. We have foster homes, respite care homes, family support services and community support services that extend throughout northeast Nebraska.
CALL US TODAY (402) 370-3140
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