Nova Scotia whose Development Plan is entirely construct- ed by community members.
work plan for the next four years. It’s our accountability to the Town Council, the Mayor, CAO and the tax payers.
When neighbouring communities work together, rather than compete, this whole process is much more stream- lined and much more beneficial. We have also renamed the plan to be called an Integrated Development Plan to reflect all of the municipal and community resources needed to create and execute the plan to grow our community. We have a vibrant regional Farmers Market here that has an excellent reputation and is recognized for the strong partnership that exist between the Market and the Town. Owned by the Town of New Glasgow and leased by the Market Cooperative, the Town received support from the federal government, provincial government and the Munic- ipality of the County of Pictou to build the seasonal building and the year round building. Town staff were instrumental in securing the funding. The market attracts more than 2,000 people to New Glasgow every Saturday morning and the business community also benefits. Usually when there is an event happening in New Glasgow, we connect immediately with the organizers of the Farmers Market because they can provide all kinds of support, including hosting on their site. Just last year they hosted a Christmas market in the new all-season facility. It opened at four o’clock and by the end of the night 2,500 people had walked through the door. I spoke with several restaurant owners and from what I could
“Because of the diversity of the people of the region, the people of Pictou County really work hard to promote and support cultural events and festivals that are for everyone.” We gather input from all demographics and broad rep- resentation of our community. Community development is the planned evolution of all aspects of community well-being, which includes economic, social, environmen- tal, and cultural considerations. It’s a grass roots process by which communities become more responsible, orga- nized and plan together healthy options to empower our- selves, create employment and economic opportunity. It’s all about community input. Every four years we reach out again and update the plan. That means new community sessions and new ideas from the business community, the residents, organizations, youth, and seniors. We just held these sessions again in January and February and we’re continuing to run an online survey. I’m currently pooling the information from the community to present to Council at the end of June for approval. That will essentially be our
GREATNESS IS AN ATTITUDE. The future is written by the doers, makers and creators. Those who are eager to get things done and make their mark. The world belongs to those who never settle. And NSCC is for those who Strive.
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