the new industry standards, as ERS’ CCM® OCT filter is in a class of its own. “Our ERS system meets all codes and insurance com- panies have approved it across the board,” the custom- er said. “I will argue with any insurance company and win that argument. They cannot give us an engineering reason The cost of owning a CCM® OCT filter, is less than half the cost of owning a baghouse or cartridge style filter. Cus- tomers can save money and most importantly gain valu- able time annually on every unit. Servicing the filter is so quick and easy that downtime has been cut by 80 per- cent. Instead of having to hire an outside crew for an entire weekend, two people can perform a complete preventive maintenance and filter media change out in 2-6 hours de- pending on the size of the unit – and it is all done indoors, without the use of a ladder or special tools. why they would not insure it.” Downtime Cut By 80 Percent The best dust collector is the one you do not have to think about. With explosion hazards out of the way, simple maintenance and a window to monitor the internal opera- tion, the CCM® OCT filter is a solution that is engineered to give you peace of mind. ERS’s satisfied customer went on to install five more units across the Midwest, with a few more in the works. There are currently more than sixty-five fully operating, in- sured CCM® OCT filters in service throughout the United States, with many more on order.
special tools are required, and employees do not have to go outside and fight the elements. “We don’t have to pay to bring somebody else in any- more,” the customer said. Once sales for the CCM® OCT filter took off, there were no problems getting them insured. Insurance companies came to the facilities to inspect them and approved and insured them every time. Though, in the beginning some
insurance companies were not willing to pre-approve the filters prior to installation, it was found that they were bas- ing that on pre-approval requirements that were written for filters with older technologies that are not applicable to CCM®’s new type of construction and operation. Users are now urging insurers to update their policies to fairly reflect
See us at Corrugated Week, Booth 424. Sept. 18-22, 2022
All CCM® OCT-Filters meet NFPA, OSHA and local code requirements.
No dry chemical fire protection required No explosion vents required
No high speed abort gate CCM® OCT Filters = SAFE to operate and maintain No need for compressed air +1 770-954-8780
September 19, 2022
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