Widera Entrepreneurs (CONT’D FROM PAGE 34)
wanted my nephew to learn outside industrial sales and how to qualify and actually be in front of the customer, face-to-face,” says John. “I wanted him to learn how it felt to experience the inevitable rejections, followed by a quick recovery of optimism to face the next prospect. I also wanted to confirm Nick was a self-starter with initia- tive and drive that he has proven himself to be.” “These are valuable sales skills to build lasting relation- ships with direct sales accounts while becoming more in- volved in problem solving of multiple departments,” says Nick. “By 2016, John and Chris felt I had been battle tested to take on the challenge of WTC, where we needed ‘more traction’ and more wins. We’ve always had a great team in our El Paso converting plant but we couldn’t quite achieve the sales and production goals John and Chris were seek- ing in that provincial marketplace.”
Adds John, “Does not a rotten apple eventually spoil the other apples in the barrel? And corporate culture. The good apples are special, of limited supply, and expensive, so why risk contamination by picking or hiring the ques- tionable apple? Nick is the good apple with loyalty and enthusiasm.” CB Group’s Bobst high-speed flexo folder gluer.
Privately owned for more than two de- cades, West Texas Container had grown from a small box manufacturer into a state- of-the-art sheet plant specializing in “On Time, With Quality,” on-time service and on- time delivery, just like other companies in CB Group. The approach reduces inventory costs when not buying large volumes that aren’t needed immediately. “We were using a few brokers and dis- tributors at WTC, almost like we’d been do- ing in California, but we wanted to accom- plish more with direct sales, like we were doing in Arizona,” says Nick. “I’m constantly learning in working directly with our sales people, controller, and our five plant man- agers. John and Chris thought if I could do at WTC what I’d done in Arizona, that they’d be happy.” Nick began work at WTC with the pro- active management style that focused on proven practices. Yet, even a good plan needs revision. He embraced higher-speed converting and started to develop the met- rics to understand its effects on the discern- ing operations, while making sure he took time into account when evaluating the prof- itability of an order. Satisfaction With Amtech “With the power of mobile technology, we can use tablets and Smartphones to ac- cess data analytics via cloud computing,” Nick says. “WTC can access information from individual machines, trucks, forklifts and from any authorized persons. It was critical that our team got up to speed on all
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