October 2022


morning excess heat, bitter cold or pesky rain make nature less appealing, and I seek shelter at the mall. My late afternoon walks are almost always at the mall; I can do three laps without breaking a sweat, thereby avoiding the need for a pre-dinner shower. The concept of the shopping mall arrived in the United States in 1956 with the opening of Southdale Center in Edina, Minnesota. Designer Victor Gruen envisioned it as a communal gathering place where people would shop, drink coffee, and socialize. He used art, tropical plants, and fountains to create an intimate, soothing atmosphere. Developers across the country built on the idea, and eventually, malls were everywhere. Central Mall is definitely a gathering place, its atmosphere resulting largely from the aroma of baking cookies. It is a true microcosm, offering just about anything you might need. You can get a pedicure there or a foot massage. You can snack on a pretzel, an eggroll, or a taco, not to mention the aforementioned cookie. Need a drum lesson? You have come to the right place. Haircuts, tutoring, and banking are all on tap at the mall, as well as arcade games, a play area, and kiddie rides. A convenience store stocks cleaning supplies, which is handy if you are out of Windex. You can even open a pop-up shop with a short-term lease if you want to try your hand at retail. I would be remiss, of course, if I did not mention the shopping. I frequently have to return to the mall once the stores are open to purchase something I have admired in a shop window on my morning walk. The mix of merchants results in the availability of just about anything you can think of. I have acquired, among other things, a white denim jacket I wear all the time and a periwinkle Panama hat that I never wear but love owning. There is a certain symmetry to the fact that I even procured my walking shoes at the mall. I think all of us who walk are grateful to the management at Central Mall for making their space available to those of us who choose walking as our fitness regimen. We realize that the lights, climate control, and security are not free, and we appreciate management’s generosity in providing them. The early morning appears to be a time they use for maintenance and setting up special events. It is always fun to watch them move cars in the giant doors on the south side and then maneuver them slowly around the mall. Signage for new stores goes up periodically, and the change of seasons brings the installation of colorful décor befitting whatever holiday approaches. Fall is the prevailing theme right now, but it will not be long before they start putting up the Christmas decorations and getting ready for Santa. To say walking at the mall has changed my life would be a stretch, but it has changed a few things about my life. My doctor says my gait has improved, and I have developed an appreciation for audiobooks that has expanded my love of books in general. Have I pushed osteoporosis a little further down the road? Maybe. At my age, you never know what is going to hurt, and one morning I found myself limping a bit as I made my rounds. “I have a hitch in my get-along,” I said to a passing walker who eyed me with concern. “You just have to crip on,” she replied with an encouraging smile. Indeed. See you at the mall!



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