Anchor Environmental Sustainability & Net Zero Carbon Strategy 2023 – 2026
A strategic priority for us in achieving net zero carbon by 2050 will be making our residents’ homes energy efficient, comfortable and affordable to run and supporting their wellbeing. We’ll do that by scaling up a retrofitting programme that will: • Take a fabric-first approach to insulating residents’ homes • Embrace a shift away from gas heating towards electric forms of heating that can be powered renewably • Use tried and tested components and materials that are reliable and suitable for our residents’ comfort and ease of use. • Integrate retrofit works into planned works programmes to minimise disruption and maximise efficiencies. • Invest in education, upskilling and effective engagement: • on the techniques, technologies and equipment for retrofit • with our colleagues and our long-term supply chain relationships • and importantly, with residents, so they understand and buy into the journey and the changes to their homes in support of reducing carbon emissions. • Measure and report carbon emissions and actual energy use in homes as well as EPC ratings • Achieve a minimum of EPC C for all rented homes by 2030 • Achieve net zero carbon for all rented homes by 2050 • Phase an expanded programme of solar PV and renewable energy generation deployment in the years to come. Taking a fabric first approach means that we prioritise retrofit works to homes as follows.
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