ACS_3857_Anchor Environmental Sustainability Strategy 2023 …

Anchor Environmental Sustainability & Net Zero Carbon Strategy 2023 – 2026

How do you retrofit a home to reduce energy use?

Step 3 Install energy efficient heating systems such as communal heat networks or heat pumps

Step 4 Top the building with renewable power generating capablities (solar PV)

Step 1 Stop heat escaping through wall, roof, floors and window & door insulation

Step 2 Ensure good ventilation and low energy lighting

Sequence over time

Retrofitting homes will include:



Key milestones EPC C by 2030

1.“No regrets” fabric improvements 2.Heat decarbonisation

Simpler fabric upgrades to lofts, roofs, floors, windows and doors. Harder internal wall insulation. Air source heat pumps on houses Clean heat networks in flats Connection to district heat networks Government hydrogen decision 2026

2025: no new home gas connections 2035: no gas heating replacements

3. Renewables and storage Solar PV and battery storage for energy generated, starting with large communal roofs on flats, possible investment in PV generation

Pathway development 2023-24

4.Decarbonisation of existing heat networks

New connections in urban areas Replacement of gas boilers and CHP with heat pumps or connection to district network. Grid renewables deployment Local deployment (eg solar PV on Anchor stock)

2025: no new home gas connections 2035: no gas heating replacements

5.Grid decarbonisation

National carbon budgets for each sector


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