AVS Strategic Plan (External)

Inquiry-Based Learning Continue to cultivate creative problem

solvers through experiential, hands-on learning. Celebrate iteration, foster a growth mindset, and develop self-advocacy skills while engaging students in productive challenge and deep learning. Clearly articulate and define our academic approach to all stakeholders. STEAM Maintain an interdisciplinary approach to STEAM as a framework for collaboration and awareness of diverse perspectives and multiple paths to problem solving. Shape programs and priorities to foster collaboration and creativity across disciplines, grades, and campuses. Ensure the AVS faculty is extensively trained to implement robust STEAM practices across grade levels. SEL Maintain an inclusive and respectful learning community through teaching SEL skills such as cooperation, personal accountability, and conflict resolution. Provide parent education in SEL tools and skills to bridge school and home in support of student development. Coordinate and formalize service learning and community service opportunities across the school.

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