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Flood warning again for Ottawa River region The SouthNation Conservation Authority (SNC) has issued a warning to residents in the Alfred-Plantagenet Township area that water levels in the Ottawa River could rise “significantly” during the week because of heavy rainfalls expected. The Ministry of Natural Resources has also issued a warning to all municipalities bordering the river. Environment Canada has forecast the

level of the Ottawa River and could cause local flooding along some sections of the riverbank and also involve some of the river’s tributaries. The heavy rainfall, plus continuing snow- melt runoff from the north, will fill most of the northern reservoirs and create high water levels in the Ottawa River from theMattawa region down to Montréal, with potential flooding in some areas which are vulnerable to high water. Residents are warned to stay clear of the riverbanks which may be slippery because of the heavy rainfall or undermined in some places. Parents shouldmake sure their child- ren understand the danger of playing near the river at this time. Homeowners are also advised to check their sump pumps and take any other pre- cautions necessary for dealing with high- water situations near their property. Updates on the water level situation will be available at or at www.


Monsoon levels of rain predicted for this week in the region have prompted a flood warning for residents along the Ottawa River and other major streams in Eastern Ontario.

Des sacs et du sable à la disposition des propriétaires

chance of between 30 to 60 millimeters of rain during the first week of May in the Eas- tern Ontario region, which will raise the Plus de randonnées du dimanche au Parc du Moulin à Rockland pour un certain temps, jusqu’à ce que les eaux de la rivière des Outaouais se retirent. —photo Gregg Chamberlain 613-850-5744 La maison du store par Danny & Sandra Décor 100 stores en démonstration *Venez voir votre store avant de l’acheter* • Peinture • Tissus • Céramique • Cadeaux

La température douce accompagnée de la pluie fait augmenter le niveau des rivières et des cours d’eau rapidement. La protec- tion des propriétés contre la crue pourrait s’avérer nécessaire. La Cité de Clarence- Rockland met donc des sacs et du sable à la disponibilité des résidents riverains de la municipalité. Les résidents peuvent venir chercher et remplir leurs sacs de sable à la station de transfert de la municipalité au 700, rue Industrielle à Rockland (près de l’usine de traitement des eaux usées). The City of Clarence-Rockland has bags and sand available for waterfront residents. Residents can get sand bags filled at the transfer station at 700 Industrielle Street. —photo web

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