King's Business - 1920-06

Bible Institute of Los Angeles (5 3 6 -5 5 8 S. Hope Street, Los Angeles, California) DR. R. A. TORREY, Dean. EVANGEL ICAL and EVANGELISTIC. THe blood of Jesus Christ, Cod s Go ye into all the world and Son, cleanseth us from all sin. preach the Gospel to every crea- 1 John 1:7. ture.” Mark 16:15. Trains Men and Women, Without Charge, to KNOW and USE the Bible. COURSE OF INSTRUCTION: Covers two years, embracing the following subjects: Biblical Introduction— Analysis— Doctrine— Synthesis— Chapter Summary — Christian Evidences— Church History— Methods of S. S. Work— Missions. For those who cannot take the regular day classes, an EVEN ­ ING SCHOOL COURSE is offered, and for those who are unable to avail themselves of either the day or evening classes, we have FOUR SPLENDID CORRESPONDENCE COURSES,,as follows: Fundamental Doctrines, by Dr. R. A . Torrey; Life and Teachings of Our Lord, Dr. R. A . Torrey; Through the Bible by Books and Chapters, Rev. John H. Hunter; Personal Evangelism and Practical Work, by Superintendent T . C. Horton. The whole atmosphere of the Institute is calculated to promote a high degree of Christian character and experience. PRACTICAL WORK : The Institute conducts aggressive evangelistic work, under competent leadership, along the following lines: In the Oil Fields. Among the Spanish-speaking people in Los Angeles and Vicinity. In the Shops and Factories. Among the Seamen in the Pacific Coast Harbors. The Bible Women, in house- to-house visitation and holding of Bible Classes. Among the Jews. In Hunan, China, where Dr. Frank A . Keller carries on Bible Insti­ tute and Colportage Work. The Work of the Pocket Testament League, for which the Institute is the Pacific Coast Headquarters. YOU CAN HELP: Send us the names of worthy young people who should be interested in Christian training also— W e need a great deal of money with which to carry on this intensive and extensive work, at home and abroad. W e need your prayers. W e need your help. W e need YOU , and you need US. Every department of our work is bringing defin­ ite results for our Lord. W e shall be glad to give you further infor­ mation regarding any part of the work in which you may be specially interested. Address T. C. HORTON , Superintendent.

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