King's Business - 1920-06



promised to run all of it— sometime. What we have will last us nearly ten years. We like good poetry, but please don’t sit up nights writing it especially for us, because we can’t guarantee to run it— unless it is very short. A YOUNG ENTERPRISE Arthur R, Young, a young evangelist of our acquaintance at Cobleskill, N. Y., is not asking for “ fields.” He is tired of organizing and organizing and com­ mittees and committees, and is starting out on the Scriptural plan. He sends out a circular letter announcing that he is getting a big truck to carry his four workers and is going from town to town with the story of Christ and Him cruci­ fied. He expects the Lord to lay it on the hearts of some of His people to sup­ port the enterprise, so that no mention of money will have to be made in any town. Mr. Young is a powerful preach­ er, true to the Word of God. Would that more like him would cut loose and go to the people. Those who have money to invest in Christian work could not use it to better advantage than to put workers of this kind into the field. DON’T GO BY THE TITLE “ The Return to Faith” is a little book by the Methodist Publishing House, described on the cover as most helpful, attractive, conclusive; it tells us the Bible is full of errors of all kinds, even the words of Jesus being contra­ dictory and His ethics imperfect. Can it be possible any author is such a fool as to call acceptance of these and other blasphemous pages full of such utter­ ances “ faith” ?—Eastern Methodist. Y E S ------------------------- ^ y °ur life speak for Christ— i ^ J-S* nCt your kps ke silent about Christ.

We don’t often blow our own horn__ you’ll have to admit that. But here’s something we want you to think about. Put The King’s Business to this test. Take the leading Bible study maga­ zines. Count the number of pages of actual reading matter in them. No­ tice the size of type in which they are printed. Notice the little schemes used to save composition— the white space wasted. Now look at The King’s Busi­ ness. What are you getting? How much are you paying? We have before us six of the best orthodox monthlies. We recommend them all. Here’s one— $2 a year— 72 pages of reading matter. Another— $1.50 a year— (set in large type)— 62 pages of reading matter. Another— $1 a year— 55 pages of reading matter (14 of which are concerning the institution which publishes it). Another— $1 a year— 62 pages— (set large, short lines, much white space). THE KING’S BUSINESS— $1 a year— 80 pages of solid Bible material, set in eight-point type, every available inch utilized. . CAN YOU BEAT IT? To the Poets and Poetesses Just a word. A great many have lately been going from bad to “ verse” . Our poetry box is stuffed full. We have

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