King's Business - 1920-06

552 which most of the students will come.’ “ Under date of January 31 the Bul­ letin seems much elated over the fact that the movement has won the approv­ al and praise of Shailer Matthews, whom we understand to be an open and avowed Higher Critic, and head of the Biblical Department of Chicago University. Mat­ thews is quoted as saying: ‘The denomi­ nation that fails to join in the move­ ment may get reputation for stubborn separation, but it will be losing more than it can ever get by exclusive inde­ pendence.’ That sounds like the ‘roar­ ing lion’ the apostle Peter writes about.” i l l MS BET HIM BOOSE! The Christian Fundamentals League, with U. -S. headquarters in Los Ange­ les, is doing a splendid work in curbing the progress of modern isms. They have been receiving requests for liter­ ature from all parts of the world, and most encouraging letters from those who have been delivered from the snares into which they had fallen. Dr. Robert Hadden, the General Secretary, has se­ lected the most efficient line of liter­ ature for exposing the doctrines of the different cults and is limited in the good he can do only by the lack of funds. Not only is the league definite­ ly meeting the- arguments of the cults, but it is daily sowing the seed, God’s Word, and sending out tracts contend­ ing for the fundamentals of the Chris­ tian faith. Christian Scientists and Rus- sellites have no trouble in getting funds to carry on their propaganda. We pray that Dr. Hadden’s hands may not be tied. “ Loose him and let him go.” If there are those in your town who would like to do some definite, work in meeting the isms in your town, write to Dr. Hadden, form a local organization, put up ' some literature boxes and get after the situation. He will help you.

THE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S The Fundamentals League was orig­ inally organized under the name “ In­ ternational Christian Truth Investiga tion Society,” but this unwieldy name was changed. The League has no head­ quarters in Chicago, nor any responsi­ bilities in connection with the organ­ ization there that has advertised itself under the name originally used by the Los Angeles society, and setting forth a program of activities not endorsed by the Fundamentals League. Dr. Had­ den’s office is locatedat Room 207, Van Nuys Building, Seventh and Spring Streets, Los Angeles.

Lest 2?ou may ha\>e failed to notice the page opposite first editorial please turn now.

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