King's Business - 1920-06


THE K l r f G ’ S BUS I NE S S these channels represented In such or­ ganizations as the Faith Missions, Bible Schools, Interdenominational and Com­ munity churches, etc. These are not new denominations but are channels manned by like minded men and women of many denominations, co-operating in prayer and support. This seems to be God’s method of keeping alive, in these days, the purity of faith once for all delivered unto the saints. These societies (there are hundreds of them) are preaching the Gospel in the neglected portions of the earth. They are working hand in hand with denominational missionaries where it is possible. But they refuse to question the Word of God or depart from evan­ gelizing the nations. They will not lower their standards of truth and serv­ ice by merely veneering the nations with Christian civilization. All praise to the Denominational Mission Boards and the work they have done, but some of them are being woefully poisoned by the false teachings of_our day. God has a process of selection and election which can be traced in all ages. God chose Abraham, David, Paul and others. God gave them His Word and they followed it. Men and women have been prospered and blessed in divine things in the measure in which they have followed the will of God as re­ vealed through the Word of God. Just as business concerns today bestow fa­ vors upon those who follow their pro­ scribed rules. The men who are true to the company’s line, do business ac­ cording to the company’s rules. These remain with the company and receive promotions. But the man who plays false to the company’s products and the corporation’s rules is sooner or later set aside. Now ip church history this process of setting aside the formal, the false and polluted; and prospering the pure and godly, is very evident. This is true of the individual or the church as a whole. Therefore, the church that

gathers together and produces the largest number of godly, pure, apostolic type of Christians, will have the great­ est amount of the blessing of God upon them. Have we not seen the blessing of God upon the Bible Schools and Bible Conferences all over the land, while many a seminary has lost its testimony, because it failed to train its students according to the Bible? These same seminaries, fifty or one hundred years ago, were turning out ministers and missionaries with apostolic faith and courage. But insofar as they have failed in their testimony to the truths of the Word of God, in this measure have they been set aside. We read in 1 Timothy 3:15 that the “ Church of the living God is the pillar and ground of the t r u t h .G o d will see to it that a testimony for the truth will be kept to the front. If a church or institution becomes corrupted, they will be set aside and another company raised up to maintain and push forward the testimony. God has said in II Tim­ othy 2:19, “Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are His. And let everyone that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity.” A Chinese rendering of this verse is illum­ inating. “Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having a seal on the other side, Let every one that nameth Christ depart from iniquity.” The foundation of truth once laid in His Church by the Apostles of Christ can never be removed. But our bless­ ing and prosperity as Churches, Insti­ tutions and individuals^depends on our attitude toward maintaining the testi­ mony of this foundation. Therefore as an individual Christian I ought to study my Bible till I know the principles of God’s dealings with His Church in this age. Then I should pray, work and give where I see I can promote best the Apostolic testimony of the Gospel of Christ.

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