King's Business - 1920-06

Tke Ckosen People,Tke Land and die Book

the homeland is the yearning of twenty centuries in which it has beèome an established fact that the Jews will never have a home where their homes now exist.” Nathan Straus presented to the Zionists the Straus Health Bureau in Jerusalem to be operated as part of the American Zionist Medical Unit. With the addition of this burden, its clinics, hospitals and laboratories, the American Zionist Medical Unit is a step nearer its goal, the establishment of a health department for Jewish Palestine. The Question of Giving Many feel that they desire to aid the Jews in returning to their land and some Christians have given liberally of their money. Mr. Chalmers in “ Prayer and Work for Israel” says: “ As an expres­ sion of sympathy with suffering Israel, this may be praiseworthy, but conse­ crated Christians who seek to please the Lord with their money will hesitate to help what is clearly an infidel move­ ment. When the Lord’s time comes to restore Israel, repentant and humbly seeking His aid, then all Gentiles of the earth may delight to join in -help­ ing His people in their return.” Jewish Bolshevists A writer in The Life of Faith says:. “ Those who are watching events in the light of the prophetic Word will doubt­ less find something in the Bolshevist propaganda more significant than what appears upon the surface. Letters from British officers in South Russia have de­ clared that the ultimate aim of the Bolshevists is to exterminate the Chris­ tians and the Bible. If it be true that over 80 per cent of the Bolshevists are Jews and that the only unviolated sacred buildings are the Synagogs, we have a striking foreshadowing'of the compact the anti-christ will make with the Jews and later break. The Bolshevists have formed a league for the liberation of Islam, with one committee working in Europe and one in the East, the object being to stir up all non-Christian races against Christian countries. May we not regard this as foreshadowing the gath­ ering of the forces under anti-christ for the final onslaught of the Great Tribu­ lation? (Rev. 3:10.) The sword drawn

Bad Omen for the Turks Ernest Smith writes from Jerusalem of the phenomenal snow storms in that vicinity. Many ancient trees were broken down under the weight. The tree growing on the spot where Christ is said to have knelt in Gethsemane suf­ fered less than any other tree of its size and age about Jerusalem. The tree known as “ Butmi” outside the city near the Jaffa Gate, a former Turkish gallows from which criminals were hanged, collapsed under the snow. There has long been a tradition that when this tree fell, Turkish domination would end, and for this reason it was bolstered up and encircled with iron rings. The snow brought all the branches down and only a mere stump remains. Beautifying the Band The British administration in Pales­ tine planted 369,000 trees in 1918-1919 and has ordered the planting of 1,820,- 000 this year. This is exclusive of pri­ vate undertakings. Many forest nur­ series are being maintained in the land. How Many Must Return? If the number of Jews that originally entered Canaan with Moses was about two millions, it is unlikely that a larger number will in these significant times return, prior to the Lord’s coming. Only a remnant is named (Isa. 11:16; Jer. 23:3; Mic. 2:12). The remnant that returned from Babylon was less than 50,000 (Neh. 7). If 50,000 re­ turned after 70 years exile, how many will return after 2520 years or “ seven times” ? This would figure 1,800,000. We will not see the restoration of “ all Israel” , now said to amount to 12,000,- 000. Christians should pray for the restoration of the Jews to their land, for thus, as well as by the Saving of souls, we may help to hasten the day of the Lord’s coming. Jacob Schiff and Nathan Straus Jacob Schiff made the following statement at a recent dinner in New York: “ Unless the Jewish homeland is established, anti-Jewish prejudice will grow everywhere because the world re­ spects no one who does not respect him­ self. A Jewish nation is today no lon­ ger discussable. The establishment of

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