King's Business - 1920-06


THE K I N G ’ S BUS I NE S S days. Oh, what a responsibility is ours to carry the message promptly and earnestly to those who are so willing and glad to accept it and to believe on Jesus in these most wonderful days. An Outside Worker’s View A missionary of another denomination having recently made a visit to the Biola Evangelistic Band working in his field, on his return to Changsha wrote me as follows: “ Last week when visiting our out stations to the west of Changsha I also came to Kiaokow where your Band No. 5 is working at present. I had the privilege of meeting for the third time with one of your Bands, and of seeing the way in which they are do­ ing the work. I got so enthusiastic

held that same evening, and which I also had the privilege of attending. They did not merely dismiss the crowd after the last speaker had finished, but urged everybody who had any doubts or anything they did not fully understand, to stay, and they would be there to talk it over with them. And before I knew it your men, one by one, had formed small groups around them in different parts of the chapel and were talking personally with the individuals. It touched my heart to see this fine working method practiced by them, and my evangelist also told me that the men have a quite unique ability in this kind of personal work. “ I just wanted to express my feel-

Leaders and Evangelists o f Six Biola Bands Eightÿ in A ll

ings to you and to thank you for the work these men are doing for our mis­ sion. And I most sincerely wish that the richest blessing from God may dwell upon this and all other Bands you have at work, as I am convinced that their conscientious work will mean a great deal to the coming of the Kingdom of God to this province.” The Gospel Posters God continues to bless the silent min­ istry of His precious Word which is be­ ing more and more widely proclaimed by the Gospel posters. It reminds one of what the Psalmist says of the testi­ mony of Day and Night, “ There is no speech . . . their voice is not heard.

about them that on the spot I made up my mind that I would write you to express my gratitude and my admira­ tion of the men. “ On arriving at the city by a small boat I got ashore by first going on their boat, thus accidentally getting an opportunity to see how perfectly clean and neat and in fine order everything was kept there. Then in the afternoon I met with a number of the men as they came to the communion service I was conducting in our chapel. What struck me most was the spirit in which they undertook what you may call ‘The fol­ low-up work’ at the close of a large meeting for non-Christians which they

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