King's Business - 1920-06


574 During one cf our recent calls at this camp this same man appeared, greeted us heartily and said he was so glad to see us again. On inquiring where he had been, and what he had been doing, he said, "I went to Texas to get my family and while there my family were con­ verted and we went to church every Sunday.” He evidently carried out the command of the Lord: “ Go home and tell them what the Lord hath done for thee.” Several men were in his room and we gave them a message after which this same convert testified tell'ng how God had taken away his vices and wicked ways and made him happy. He told the men “ to accept the Lord now and you too will be happy.” Friends, while we do not have con­ versions at every visit we make to the camps, the Lord encourages us in seeing the progress and boldness of the con­ verts in confessing Christ before their fellowmen. All this makes us feel that the work is worth while. Let me beg of you dear reader to continue to hold us in your prayers and God in due time will give us a harvest. On Sunday morning we have as many as twenty-four men in our Bible Class in Los Angeles. ROBERT H. BENDER, Superintendent. God Perfects the Work We would like to be able to keep in personal touch with all of our converts and tell our readers more about the his­ tories of these men and thus gain more prayers in their behalf. However, men come and go so quickly in this great city that many times it is. impossible to have more than one interview with a man, just at the time that he accepts the Lord, then he is gone. The minister’s son about whom we wrote in the May number is still a regu­ lar attendant at the Hall. The other night without any previous notice we called on him for a testimony before a large crowd of men, and he gave a very excellent testimony. He comes quite often to our prayer meetings and the prayers that we have heard are remark­ able for their praise and thanksgiving. He is burdened for unsaved relatives and friends and is studying the Bible that he may become “ a workman that needeth not to be ashamed.” BIOLA HALL

Inside o f Biola Hall Letter From a Convert

The Colorado business man we men­ tioned in the May number, and who had been spending his money at the Tia Juana race-track, and came to the Lord here, sent the following letter to us:-^ “ Your welcome letter received and read with pleasure. X thank God for the privilege I had of listening first to you, then Bro. L., the 13th of February. I was drifting to destruction as fast as a man could go, and I thank God that He gave you a message that touched my heart that I thought was beyond re­ demption. I pray that you may reach many men and turn them in the way of Salvation. I have united with the Broadway Christian Church, and will try to live as the Master would have me live. I have read my Testament every day. My warmest thoughts will always be for that band of earnest young men at Biola Hall.” A Scotchman Saved A Scotchman, about forty years old, raised in a Presbyterian home in Scot­ land, went to sea when quite young and soon forgot the teaching of his Christian parents. Consequently he went deeper and deeper into sin until he was almost a' physical wreck. When passing the Hall one night he heard of the Great Physician, stopped, heeded the message and accepted Christ. He had been to many fake doctors and had been cheated out of many dollars, but had not been helped at all. We directed him to a competent physician, and so were able to help him physically as well as spirit­ ually. He attended the outside services of the Hall regularly and fellowshipped with us several times in prayer. Last

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