King's Business - 1920-06



Savior and Lord. In less than two years’ time she was led through a wide- open door to spend this year in China, where her radiant Christian life is being multiplied beyond human computation, in the lives of her pupils, and through them to the poor women and children among the millions of China whom God “ so loves” but who have never before heard that He sent His Son to die for them. The Heavenly Telephone A member of one of the Bible Classes was lying awake praying one night and was strongly impressed to invite a neigh­ bor to the class the next day. Bright and early the next morning before her friend could start her washing, she went to extend the invitation. Somewhat to her surprise, she found the neighbor anxious to go. This neighbor had re­ cently passed through a very great be­ reavement and needed the comfort of God’s Word. Satan came along and whispered in the Bible Class member’s ear, “ But the teacher will not know her need, and what is the use of taking her?” “ Oh,” said the member, “ then I will telephone the teacher and explain.” But she could not be located by tele­ phone, so the little woman of faith re­ plied, ‘T il telephone this way” (point­ ing up to the sky.) The Lord took charge of the ushering that day and seated the sorrowful one right next to a lady who had also passed through bereavement. Before class the teacher came up to speak to the be­ reaved class member and tarried quite a while, giving the comfort of the Scrip­ tures. The other little woman sitting next to her received the whole benefit of it as if the teacher were talking to her! Then the opening hymn was, “ Roll your Burden on the Lord.” The teacher paused between stanzas saying, “ I do not know your burden, but I know my Lord, and He is able to carry that bur­ den.” Altogether, everything in the les­ son was calculated to comfort that sor­ row-stricken heart and the praying one went home confident that a heavenly telephone' works better than an earthly one!

week he left for the East with the de­ termination to witness for Christ to his relatives and old friends. Remember this man in your prayers. The Window Display Our window display attracts a great many people who always receive a defin­ ite message from the display. Some time ago a young man stopped and read the quotations that were in the window at that time from noted men, concerning the Bible. He told us later that as he read what these men had said, he thought “Well, if those well-known men value the Bible so highly, I ought to read it and find out what it is like.” He willingly listened to the Way of Salva­ tion as it was told to him by a Christian man who felt led of the Lord to talk to him. Although he did not then de­ cide for Christ, he came to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ that week through reading the Bible, and later we had the joy of grounding him more firmly in the Word of God. Praise God for the tribute that God has compelled men, even though not Christians, to give to His Book. V. V. MORGAN, 1 Superintendent. BIBLE WOMEN’S REPORT Outcome of a Class For years missionaries have been fer­ ried back and forth across the river which separates Canton, China from a suburb in which is located a Christian School for Chinese girls. The boats constitute the homes-also of the poor river people,- rude shacks full of children, men and women. Strangely enough, no effort seems to have been made during these years to reach the inmates of these boat-houses with the Gospel message until last Christmas, when a company of girls from the School, led by their teacher, held a Christmas Service on shore for the women and children. Since that time, twice each week, this teacher and her girls have gone to the river, on Thursday evening to teach the Bible and on Sunday to hold a simple Gospel ser­ vice; the little untaught childrenal­ ready are singing Christian songs about Jesus, and learning Bible verses. This, under God, is the outcome of one of our Bible Classes, where in the study of the Word the teacher in this Chinese Girls’ School found Christ as


Couldst thou in vision see Thyself the man God meant, Thou never more couldst be The man thou art, content.

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