King's Business - 1920-06



turn on the water. You turn around to the others and bellow: “ There’s nothing in it.” Another steer, not quite so smart perhaps, but with faith to step upon the platform, trusts itself to the platform, gets the drink and goes away satisfied.” Jesus Christ is willing that His claifias should be put to the test. “ The power of God unto salvation” can be ex­ perienced for it has been experienced by millions, in spite of all arguments against the miraculous in Christianity. “ But,” you say, “ I can’t bring myself to believe as the Bible teaches.” Of course not. “ God’s thoughts are not your thoughts and His ways are not your ways.” “Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit to his stat­ ure?” Is God at your bar, or are you at His? Have you come to tell God what you think, or to listen to what He says? What is the Reasonable Attitude? You are claiming to be a man of reason. Is it reason’s place to dictate or to receive? Is it to discuss and crit­ icise the teacher as she explains the problem in school— or is it to listen, put the problem to the proof and find out if it is correct? Human reason is but a creature. It is an empty vessel until it is filled by the instructor. What do we know of things beyond physical sight unless God somehow has revealed them? God HAS given a testimony. Reason’s highest function is to weigh the simple state­ ments of that testimony, then act upon it. Thousands of intellectual men have testified to the saving power of Jesus Christ. Hundreds of others, however, have been lost, for their own thoughts and for “ turning to their own way” (Isa. 53:6). The Bible was given to correct men’s thoughts in regard to things eter­ nal. Think against it if you will, but you do so at your own peril. Jesus said: “ He that rejecteth me and re-

Look Out for that "M ew Stuff” Naaman, the princely leper, was told that if he would do a very simple thing in obedience to God’s Word, he should be clean. But what God asked was too simple for him. It was too much for his dignity. Fortunately there was in his party, a humble servant, not pos­ sessed of so great an intellect, who per­ suaded Naaman that he should be at least honest enough to put God to the test. Naaman became a fool that he might learn true wisdom. He went away a new man. The same thing has happened to many an intellectual man who has been willing to acknowledge himself a sinner in rejecting God’s sal­ vation, and to receive Jesus Christ as his personal sacrifice and substitute. Proof of the Pudding A loud-mouthed skeptic was once talking his theories of “ human reason” to Sam Jones, the southern evangelist. Mr. Jones simply answered, “ If you will believe and put Jesus Christ to the test, you will have the proof.” The man, however, was seeking to evade the truth rather than to put it to the test. Mr. Jones continued: “ You make me think of some of those places they have in the West for watering cattle. The cows have to mount a platform to get to the trough. You are like a smart steer that sneaks around to the barn­ yard and peeps into the trough without getting onto the platform. It takes the weight of the animal on the platform to

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