King's Business - 1920-06


T HE K I N G ’ S B US I NE S S We have a commission direct from the lips of the Lord “ As my Father hath sent me, even so send I you.” Missionaries of the Cross! Our business is soul-winning. “ Occupy (do business) till I come.” “ Follow me and I will make you fishers of men.” Not to be at the task assigned is to be recreant to the most sacred trust, for we are stewards of the mysteries of God. Do not try to evade the responsibility. We are told to rejoice not in miracle-workings, but to rejoice that our names are written in Heaven,- and that there is joy in Heaven over one sinner that repenteth. Let us be at the business given us to do. No matter what others may or may not do, let us glorify the name of our blessed Lord by seeking to save that which is lost. _jw Q4 h . JsSk I ^ j p L et GEORGE Do It This is a homely phrase, well suited to the attitude of the church toward the Lord’s command to give the Gospel to every creature. We all believe that the Lord meant what He said “ Go ye into all the world” ,—but somehow we do not believe that the application was meant to be personal. We believe the Gospel is good news and are glad we have it. We believe the sinners around us and the heathen beyond us should have it, but when it comes to the “ who?” then “ Let George do i t !” That is, let someone else do it. The preacher, for instance, he is George. The officers of the church, they are George. The Sunday School teachers (if you can find them) they are George. “ Tell us how much you want, and we will have a drive for the money, then—let us alone!” Page George. ‘ ‘ Where are you, George?” He won’t be paged. He can’t be found. He is an imaginary missionary and personal worker. The preacher talks about him. We have a banquet and the expert comes and tells what George is expected to do, and how to do it; but, George, that mysterious George, does not materialize. We need a Nathan with a long, lean finger, to come along and put that finger upon us and say “ Thou art George. Thou are the guilty slacker. You didn’t enlist. God now drafts you. Come out into the open, George, and confess your Wrong doing.” God says “ Go work today!” Go talk to the servant in your house, and servant, go talk to your friends!' Go, talk to your employees, and— employees, talk to your comrades! Pewholder, bench warmer, arise and go forth! The day is far spent; the night cometh. The message is God-given to every man and woman, “ He that winneth souls is wise. ’ ’ —T. C. H. ^¡( 5 . ¿ 1 ^. ife i 1 T*HE POT and the Kettle A once celebrated preacher, who forsook the fold of the faithful and went out to exploit old, worn-out, devil doctrines against the authenticity of the Bible and the Virgin Birth of God’s, only Son,-—has turned up in the Middle West and is getting quite a little cheap notoriety by attempting to clean up the movies.

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