King's Business - 1920-06



lo n g to Jesus or not, for if we do we will follow Him, that means we will do the things He tells us to do in the Bible, His word. If the sheep did not follow the shepherd he could not take care of them, and the wild animals would catch them. Our memory verse tells us that Jesus our shepherd cares for us. Let us say it together. “ He careth for you.” You know the sheep could not keep the wild animals away, or take care of them­ selves, but they needed a shepherd. Jesus knows the sheep that are His be­ cause they follow Him; He loves them and feeds and waters them; He leads them. He* knows them and they know Him. Our good shepherd, Jesus, watched over David and helped him to kill the wild animals when they came gfter his sheep. As the sheep trusted David to take care of them, so David trusted God to take care of him. That is why David could say, “ The Lord is my shepherd,” for the Lord had always cared for David, because David trusted in Him. Now we need a shepherd every day, and Jesus is just the shepherd we need to watch over us by day and by night as we sleep, and do for us many things that we cannot do for ourselves. In many ways we are like sheep and must have a shepherd to lead us in the right way. Closing Prayer: Dear Lord Jesus, we thank Thee for Thy loving care, and help us to follow Thee by doing what Thy word tells us to do.

be king. Now, if you will be real quiet I will tell you more about how the shep­ herds took care of their sheep in those days, for it will help us to understand our story better. David was such a faithful shepherd that God had him write the story we' have for today, after he had grown up. When the weather was nice, David would lead his sheep away to the green fields where there were quiet streams of water, and when they had eaten all they wanted and drunk of the nice cool water, they would lie down and rest. Sometimes storms would come, and then he would take the sheep into a safe shelter, perhaps in a cave in the side of a hill, until the storm was over. The shepherd always went before his sheep, and they all fol­ lowed him. David played beautiful music- on a harp, and he was also a very sweet singer. David carried some­ thing else with him, and I know you boys can guess. ' Yes, he carried a sling into which he could put a stone. One quiet and the little lambs cuddled up close to their mothers, and David was resting, he saw a dark figure coming out of the woods toward the sheep. It was a big bear, which had come to steal a lamb. The bear came closer and closer, and then fell over dead. I won­ der what killed the bear? Yes, David had taken a stone and put it into his sling and killed the bear, and saved his lambs from danger. How the sheep and lambs must have loved David, who took such good care of them and was kind and loving to them. When a little lamb would get tired he would take it up in his strong arms and carry it. Now, boys and girls, we just love this beau­ tiful story about David who was such a faithful shepherd to his sheep, and this story that David wrote is about the most wonderful shepherd in all the world. Who was it? We learned that the sheep always followed the shepherd and so. people can tell whether we be­

What do I not owe to the hammer and the anvil, the fire and the file? Afflic­ tion is the best bit of furniture in my house.— Spurgeon.

God spoketkrougkBalaam’s ass H e could speak through you if you would let H im Have your mouth.

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