King's Business - 1920-06

614 Religion is the only realm where everyone is right and no one is wrong. Who dares to accuse “ science” of being narrow in her positives? The answer to the problem in mathematics is never different and never questioned. But in religion the wiser you are the more you will doubt. Some men have tied knots in logic in an attempt to prove Christ broad­ minded in the accepted sense of the term. They remember that Jesus re­ buked the disciples for being jealous of some who cast out demons in Christ’s name. But you must remember they did it— the casting out— in His name. May I remind you of the time He sent out the twelve and said, “ Go not into the way of the Gentiles, and into any city of the Samaritans enter ye not: but go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” That does not sound very broad. Of course you can get rid of that scripture by doubting its authen­ ticity. That is a very convenient way to get rid of troublesome sections of the Word. The Apostle John tells of a conversa­ tion Jesus had with a Samaritan woman at the well. In that conversation He said, “ Ye worship ye know not what: we know what we worship; for salva­ tion is of the Jews.” One came to Him for help. He gave the needed aid but said, “ I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” You will have a hard time proving Jesus tolerant. If you believe Jesus had authority to speak for God you must believe God has a Door, and a Way, and a Plan. It is for the preacher to be as broad as that Door and that Way— and no broader. God has always had a plan. When Jesus said, “ Go only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel,” He was follow­ ing the plan. Some time' after Pente­ cost came another step in the Divine Plan and the door was thrown open to both Jew and Gentile. The gospel of grace was given to the whole world.

THE K I N G ’ S B US I NE S S The gospel was given. It was not an­ other step in the evolution of religion. The gospel is a revelation not an evolu­ tion. It was not built up by man— it was handed down by God. The gospel is not brotherhood or tol­ erance or education. All ^he way from the Garden of Eden to the present the. same religion has been proclaimed by the messenger of God—Atonement by substitution. Read it in typical acts, events and persons. The entire Bible from Genesis to Revelation points to the Man of the Cross. We are saved from our sin and brought into fellowship with the Father by believing in Him. This is the only original and genuine relig­ ion. All others are imitations, substi­ tutes, and counterfeits. THE GREATEST THING When Dr. Lyman Beecher was on his dying bed, a brother minister said to him, “ Dr. Beecher, you know a great deal; tell us what is the greatest of all things in Christian ministry.” " “ It is not theology,” he replied, “ and it is not controversy. It is to save souls.” WIN MEN, NOT HUMANITY , “When Julia Ward Howe wrote to an eminent Senator of the United States in behalf of a man who was suffering great injustice, he replied, ‘I am so much taken up with plans for the benefit of the race that I have no time for indi­ viduals.’ Mrs. Howe pasted this letter in her album with this comment: ‘When last heard from our Maker had not reached this altitude.’ ” -----REMEMBER--------- Every man Has a tetter right to hear the Gospel once than any man has to hear it twice.

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