King's Business - 1920-06

GraceHospital offers to prospec­ tive students, a three year general train­ ing, including Public Health and Dis­ pensary. Eight hour system through­ out. Student government. New private building to be opened in autumn. Ad­ dress: Superintendent, Grace Hospital, New Haven, Conn.


Evangelical Pub. Co., Dept 2, Lakeside Bldg., Chicago

A Great Bible Tool It indexes, by topic and Bible text, the best you read In books, and flies clippings almost automatically. THE KING’S BUSINESS—May, 1919. pp. 424 “ It is in advance of any other aystem we know of foe enabling one to locate the material he wants when he wants it.” REV. KEITH L BROOKS, o f th e Bible Institute “ I am using this index and would not know bow to get along without it. There ia nothing to compare with it." DR. GRIFFITH THOMAS “ During thirty-five yean I have tried all aorta of plana without success. I now use Wilson’s Index with such satisfaction that I bid others to ’go and dp likewise.* ’ ’ We send the Index on approval. Said for circulars. W IL S O N IN D E X C O M P A N Y Bo xX E a s t H a d d a m , C o n n . See review in The King’s Business May 1919, P. 424 ^IIIIIIIIIIUDIIIliUllllllllllillUIIUlillillllUIlilllUIIIIIIUIIillilllllllllllig ILife intheWord1 New and Revised Edition By Philip Mauro More than two hundred thousand 1 ¡§ copies have been distributed and the de- = H mand continues. The “Observer” says it i g presents “the best proofs of the vitality E g and vitalizing power of the Bible.” I Cloth 60c Paper 30c g Looking fo r the Savior Will the Lord’s Coming precede the E s Great Tribulation, or follow it? All who E s are interested in that question should p = read this book. g Cloth 60c Paper 30c s HAMILTON BROS., SCRIPTURE TRUTH DEPOT 120 Tremont St., Boston, Mass. | ^rimiiiiiHiiiniimimiiminiiHimiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHimiimnitifnmuiHB^ g

^IltllllilillilUlUIUIUIUIIlllilllllllillllillllllllililllilllllllililllililllllll^ | THE KINGDOMOF HEAVEN | | WHAT IT IS? | | AND WHEN? AND WHERE? Jl By Philip Mauro | | This is the Book that has recently | 1 awakened interest in the Kingdom of | | God and started the discussion now 1 | in progress in magazines and on the I H platform. It should be read by all § i who wish to be informed as to that | I deeply important subject which lies | I at the foundation of New Testament 1 I Teaching, and also of Christian Life 1 g and Character. Revised and Enlarged Edition just Published 1 1 Cloth, 85c Paper, 50c 1 Send for catalogue Hamilton Bros. SCRIPTURE TRUTH DEPOT 120 Tremont Street | Boston, Mass. §



S A C R E D S O L O “ LO. I A M W IT H YO U A L W A Y .” The beautiful art cover page of the CHRISTIAN HERALD of March 31, 1915, reproduced from duplicate plates by special permission of the C hristian H erald , M argaret E . Sangster, Jr., who wrote the words, and Remington Schuyler, the painter. The music is by Charles H. Marsh. Written for high and low voices, and printed in both settings on eight pages large size music sheet. B ea u tifu l! P rice, 60 Cents S end fo r tw o copies For sale at Music Stores and Denominational Pub­ lishing Houses. Mailed direct by the publisher at price quoted. W . E L M E R B A IL E Y . P u blish er S tation E C olu m bu s, O hio

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