

Hard Money Loans Make Investor Dreams Reality

R ob Barney, owner and CEO of DHLC Investments, Inc., considers his hard-money lending business not just a thriving private lending practice, but a “wonderful opportu- nity and honor.” Barney, who has capital investment clients who have been with him for more than 17 years, has been thoughtfully and successfully navigating the real estate market throughout multiple market cycles. “It really is an amazing honor when someone trusts you to deploy their capital in order to generate strong, safe rates of return,” he said, noting that many of his clients utilize his private lending services to fund their living expenses in retirement and build up their legacies. “The thing that makes private money amazing is that we tru- ly make dreams a reality while everyone involved in the process has the opportunity to generate wealth as well,” Barney said. “On the real estate side, we spend a great deal of time with our borrowers on the front end. I have helped countless investors avoid potentially disastrous deals and place their time, effort and capital (borrowed and personal) in safe, secure, profitable properties instead. On the capital side, my investors routinely secure great returns on their investment capital with very little active effort.” Barney, whose com- I would never tell an investor to

pany has funded well in excess of $150 mil- lion in transactions, usually for fix-and- flip borrowers, spent plenty of time flipping properties himself before he entered the private lending space. “I make sure that every investor gets a look at the same due diligence we do on a potential

invest in a loan on a property I would not want to own myself. ROB BARNEY

ROB BARNEY DHLC Investments, Inc.

a loan on a property I would not want to own myself because if things go south, that is exactly what will happen: I will assume the borrower's position if the property doesn’t sell at foreclo- sure. If I’m telling you that it’s a good idea to be right in the heart of that deal, then I might as well go ahead and put myself right in the heart of it also, so everyone knows that I have very good reasons to believe it is a very sound transaction.” Because he has so much personal experience with investing on his own behalf as well, Barney has a heart for his borrow- ers, too. “I would never make a loan just to deploy capital. I want every borrower to say, ‘Hey, that was a great transaction. Let’s do more!’” •

property before we make a loan, be they a borrower or a lender. I have huge faith in transparency,” he said. “That gives everyone a chance to ask questions and understand why I am willing to make a loan or not.” He then goes one step further, personally guaranteeing every loan DHLC makes. “I would never tell an investor to invest in


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