What Can Good Posture Do For You?
• Be mindful of how you lift heavy objects. Keep your shoulders square and yourchest forward.When liftingsomething that isover50 lbs it is important totakeextracare.Leadwithyourhipsandtrytokeeptheweightclosetoyour body. Lifting something improperly can lead to injury to your neck or back, which may make proper posture uncomfortable. WHAT CAN GOOD POSTURE DO FOR YOU? There are a lot of benefits of having good posture. Aside from saying goodbye to neckorbackpain, improvingyourposturecanprovideseveralunexpectedbenefits to your lifestyle and personal well-being. Here are a few of the additional benefits of having good posture: • Proper posture creates quality exercise for your core and back • Improved respiratory health • Added protection for your organs, bones, joints and muscles • Reduced risk of arthritis If you are experiencing chronic neck and back pain, there is a good chance that it could be related to your posture. Contact your physical therapist to learn more about how you can take steps to start improving your posture today. Learn more about how you can naturally improve posture, visit our website at premiertherapycenters.com or call the clinic nearest you today!
Workingwithaphysicaltherapistto improveyourposture isagreatwaytoovercome chronicneckandbackpain. Inphysicaltherapy,youwillbeguidedthroughaseries of stretches and strength building exercises that can help you begin training your body to practice better posture, thereby reducing your back and neck pain. Ofcourse,therearewaysthatyoucan improveyourpostureathome,aswell.Here are several strategies that are typically helpful: • Try to stand tall whenever you are standing or walking. Hold your head high and square your shoulders, but more importantly work on being the tallest version of yourself. Hunching over is the leading cause of poor posture. • Use support when you sit to keep your posture correct. Lumbar support in office chairs and car seats will help a bit, but for improved posture you may need toaddadditionalcushioning thatwillhelpyoukeepyourbackstraight.
Relieve Back Pain In Minutes Try this movement if you are experiencing back pain.
Dried Fruit Energy Bombs
DIRECTIONS Combine almonds, figs and apricots in a food processor; pulse until finely chopped. Roll the mixture into small balls and dredge in coconut. To make ahead: Cover and refrigerate for up to 3 days or freeze up to 3 months. INGREDIENTS • 1 cup chopped almonds • 1 cup dried figs • 1 cup dried apricots • ⅓ cup unsweetened shredded coconut
Relieves Back Pain
SWAN DIVE Lay on stomach with your arms overhead. Press your chest upwards, keeping the muscles in your trunk and legs relaxed. Repeat 6 times.
Call 248.538.5165 (West Bloomfield) or 248.956.7640 (Commerce) to schedule your appointment today!
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