King's Business - 1925-12

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jjM ÎÉ ®h ick «ÿhall W VoJU l people* «/«.♦* m -&j ¡®av inVke City of 0 a v ii a&vtauv, $Huch t$ CkmgV Vta ffovà" * JIuke % »10,11 $fo*MnVo^ou \p JBotm

20 CENTS A COPY - - $1.25 A YEAR IN U. S. - - FOREIGN $1.50

Science Discovers the Secret of Caruso’s Marvelous Voice

Caruso’s Throat and Yours Why is it that the humble peas­ ant boy.of Italy became the great­ est singer of all time? This dia­ gram of his throat will show you. Caruso’s marvelous voice was due to a superb development of his Hyo-Glossus muscle. Your Hyo- Glossus muscle can be developed too! A good voice can be made better i—a weak voijce become strong — a lost voice restored — stammering and stuttering cured. Science will help you.

The Hyo-GIossuf (Singring)Muscle

"nwHyo-Olo“”“ (Singing)Muscle

Diagram of the Normal ThroatShowingthe Com­ plete Vocal Mechanism.

Diagram of Caruso’s Throat ShowingtheSuperb Development of his Hyo-Qlossus Muscle.

We Guarantee— Your Voice Can Be Improved 100% E VERY normal human being has a Hyo-Glossus muscle in his or her throat. A few very fortu­

Opera Singers—discovered the secret of the Hyo-Glossus muscle. Dissat­ isfied with the methods used by the maestros of the Continent who went on year after year blindly following obsolete methods, Professor Feuch­ tinger devoted years of his life to scientific research. His reward was the discovery of the Hyo-Glossus, the “Singing Muscle”. Professor Feuchtinger w en t even farther into the Science of Singing. He perfected a system of voice train­ ing that will develop your Hyo- Glossus muscle by simple,, silent exercises right in your own home. Grand Opera Stars Among His Students Hundreds of famous singers h a v e studied with Professor Feuchtinger. Over 10,000 happy pupils have received the benefits of his wonder­ ful training. There is nothing complicated about the Professor’s methods. Theyareideally adapted for cor­ respondence instruction. Give him a few minutes eaoh day; The exercises are silent. The results are sure. The Perfect Voice Institute g u a r a n t e e s that Professor Feuchtinger’s method will im­ prove your voice 100%. You are to be your own judge—take

this training—if your voice is not improved 100% in your own opinion, we will refund your money. A Beautiful Voice for YOU You do not know the possibilities of your voice. If you want to sing—if you have always felt .that you could sing but lacked the proper training because you had not the time nor the means to study—here is your chance. Professor Feuchtinger’s course will improve your voice 100%. You can now learn to sing at a very small cost and in the privacy of your own home. If you want to improve your speaking voice—if you stammer or stutter—Professor Feuchtinger will help you. Inspiring Free Book "Physical ‘Voice Culture” Send us the coupon below and we’ll send you FREE this valuable work on the voice culture. Do not hesi­ tate to ask. Professor Feuchtinger is glad to have us give you this book and you assume no obligations what­ ever by sending for it. You will do_ yourself a great and lasting good by studying “Physical Voice Culture.” It may be the first step in your career. Do not delay. The number of th e s e books is limited. Send today for your copy.

nate persons—like the late Caruso —are born with the ability to sing well. But even they must develop their natural gifts. Caruso had to work many years developing that muscle before his voice was perfect. Whether your voice is strong or weak, pleasant or unpleasant, melodi­ ous or harsh, d ep e n d s upon the development of your Hyo-Glossus muscle. You canhaveabeautiful sing­ ing or speaking voice if that muscle is developed by correct training. Prof. Feuchtinger’s Great Discovery Professor Feuchtinger, A. M.—de­ scendant of a long line of musicians —famous in the music centers of Europe, Munich, Dresden,ifBerlin, Bayreuth, Vienna, Paris andFlorence, for his success in training famous

ilHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllNIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllllllUIIIIIIIIUIllllllliljg Perfect Voice Institute

Studio'53-19, 1922 Sunnyside Ave., Chicago | Please »end me FREE your new book, "Physical Voice Cul- | turc1’, I have put X opposite the subject that interests me g most. 1 assume no obligations whatever. □ Singing □ Specking □ Stammering O Weak Voice 1


Perfect Voice Institute 1922 Sunnyside Ave., Studio 53-19, Chicago, 111.




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Do you ever pray about your v Christmas shopping ? Do you ever stop to think how our Lord, whose birth­

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T he K ing ’ s B usiness Motto: “ I, the Lord, do keep it; I will water it every moment: lest any hurt it, I will keep it nifeht and day.” Isaiah 27:3. PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY AND REPRESENTING THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES T. C. HORTON, - - - Editor-in-Chief WM. A. F ISH E R , M anaging Ed itor DR. C. E . MACARTNEY CON TRIBU TO RS DR. LEAND ER S. K E Y S E R DR. W . B. HINSON DR. CHARLES ROADS DR. MARK A. M A TTH EW S DR. F. E. MARSH DR. W . B. R IL E Y TH IS MAGAZINE stands for the Infallible W ord of God, and for its great fundam ental doctrines. IT S PU R PO SE is to strengthen the faith of all believers, in all the world; to stir th eir h earts to engage in definite C hristian w ork; to acquaint them with the varied w ork of the Bible In stitu te of Los Angeles; and to w ork in harm ony and fellow ship ■w ith them in m agnifying the person and w ork of our Lord Jesu s C hrist, and thus hasten His com ing. DR. JOHN M. MacINNIS DR. I. M. HALDEMAN DR. J . FRANK NORRIS

Volume XVI

Number 12

December, 1925

Table of Contents


Editorials Page The Carol and the Cross........1 ........................................................... -............ 533 Confirming the Convert ..... ....... .......................... ............................................533 Bryan’s Benediction .......... ...................................... ^......................................... 534 Best Books ...............................................................................................................535 The Master’s Message to the Modernists......... ............................................535 Mending Broken China ....................................................................................536 Contributed Articles A Silent God: Unscriptural, Unnatural, and Unhistorical ----Dr. John Murdoch Maclnnis ....................... -...................................537 Immanuel: A Christmas Meditation— Rev. A. D. Belden, B. D......... .538 Come to the Manger— Rev. W. B.' Hinson, D. D....................... ......... ...539 “If I May But Touch!”— Rev. John G. Reid, Ph. D............. ..................541 The Angelic Song— Dr. W. H.Rawlings............................................ .542 Was Mary A “Youthful Spouse Recently Married” ? —-James P. Welliver ..... ......................................................................... 543 C 12 H22On: Chemistry and Criticism— Dr. W. B. Landon...,.......... .’__545 A Reminder, a Warning, and an Exhortation— Dr. F. E. Marsh..... ...546 Satan’s Triangle— Prof. S. J. Bole____ 1................. ................. .................. 547 The International Fishermen’s Club........................................ ........ ...................... 536 The King’s Business for 1926 .................. .................................................................536 Fine Gold (A Serial Story)— Josephine Hope Westervelt............... ............. 548 ,.550 Our Bible Institute in Hunan Province (China).......................................... ..... 553 The Family Circle (For Fellowship and Intercession)....................................... 554 Practical Methods of Personal Work (for Defenders of the Faith)..... ........ 555 Outline Studies in the Epistles of John— T. C. Horton.................................... 556 The Children’s Garden (The King's Business Junior)................. .................... 55 7 Christian Endeavor Topics ..................................................... Bible Institute Happenings ............................................................... Iowa Christian Fundamentals Association.............................................. 5 The Chosen People, the Land, and the Book..................................... .................. 582 Index to Volume 16 ....................................... ].............................................................607 Straws and Symptoms..... ......................................................... Evangelistic Department (Interesting Soul Winning Stories from Real Experience).......................................

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“And the Lord God/¿aid unto/the sehpent * woman, and between/thy seed /nd her/ seed; His heel.”— Genesis' 3 : 14 , 15. hers 24:17. “The Lord Himself shall give you a sign; and shall/call His name Immanuel.”/— Isaiah 7 “F o / unto us a Child is born, dnto us a S His/¿noulder; and His name shall /be called \\ everlasting Father, the Prince of/ Peace. Of nail be no end, upon the throne/ of David, a: dish it with judgment and with justice from h4 “But thou, Bethlehem Ephra/tah, though th out of thee shall He come forth unto me that i been from of old, from everlasting.”— Micah .// “When the fulness of the time was come, under the law, to redeem them that were und : “Jesus Christ, the Son of David, the Son of in Bethlehem of Judea, in tne days of Herod aid “And there were in the /same country shepherds their flocks by night. * * f. And the angel si you good tidings of great joy which shall be the city of David, a Saviour, which is Christ unspeakable gift! iSLuke 2 : 8 , 10 , 11 ; 2 Coiji: the “There shall >^ome a Sta

* * I will put\enmity Between thee and the it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise

out of/Jacob, and a Sceptre shallVise out of 'Lsrael.”ff-iVMW-

hehold, a virgin shall conceive and bear a Son, ■ on is given; and the government shall be Upon onderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The the increase of\His government and peace there id upon his kingdom, to order it, and to estab- nceforth even for ever.”— Isaiah 9:6, 7. ou be little amohg the thousands of Judah, yet to be Ruler in Israel; whose goings forth have n God sent forth His Son, made of a woman, made jer the. law.”— Galatians 4 : 4 , 5. Abraham * * * the Son of God' * * * was born the king.”— Matt. l\ l; Mark 1 :1 ; Matt. 2:1. abiding in the field, keeping watch over unto them, Fear not; for, behold, I bring :o all people. For unto you is born this day in Lord. * * * Thanks be unto God for His nthians 9:15.

“This same Jesus, which is taken up from you into Leaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen Him go into heaven. * * * For the Lord Himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God; and the dead in Christ shall rise first; then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so shall we ever be with the Lord. * * * Thanks be to God which givfeth us the victory through our Lord Tesus Christ.”—I Thess. 4 : 16, 17; 1 Cor. 15:57.

December 1925

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


THE CAROL AND THE CROSS— “Glory to God in the Highest!”

obscurity and poverty. No record is given of this period of His life. He was known as “ the carpenter’s son,” and probably worked at the carpenter’s bench. His induction into office occurred in the Jordan River where a wilderness worker baptized Him. Then fol­ lowed three years during which, with a heart full of compassion and lové, He ministered to old and young,

The wonders' of the Word of God never cease. Always, everywhere, we are confronted with marvel­ ous pictures and wonderful revelations, and here in the second chapter of Luke we have a never-to-be-for­ gotten scene :

rich and poor, day and night, accompanied by a little group of fellow w o r k e r s . Words dropped from His lips which will live throughout eternity,— words of promise and prophecy and peace. The touch of His hands meant health. His voice penetrated the caverns of death and brought life. No soul was sunken so low in depths of sin that His love could not reach and rescue. Loved of some, hated by others, He lived His short life, completed His course and delivered Himself into the hands of His enemies. There is another scene on a hillside. Three crosses are out­ lined against the sky and the Son hangs in the middle. The heavens are dark, fa-night dark­ ness at noon time. The death cry of the Son reaches Heaven. There is a hush, in Heaven and then we may be sure the courts of Heaven ring again with the angelic chorus, “ Glory to God in the highest!.” Sin’s debt is paid. The Son has triumphed over Satan. The door of Heaven is opened to sinful men. The cross gives place to the crown, and mil­ lions of saints are there to join in the chorus, ‘ ‘Glory to God in the highest !’’ Let Christmas bring to all of our “ Family” this Hallelu­ jah Chorus, and may young and old join in the anthem of

A hillside in the Land of Promise. A little band of shep­ herds keeping watch over their flocks. It is night and they are chatting together. There is a flash of light from the Heavens and the form of an angelic vis­ itor is seen. It was the “ Angel of the Lord” and the glory of the Lord enveloped him. Thè angel, addressing the awed shepherds, said : “ I am come with good tidings of great joy for you and for all people. Unto you is born this day in the City of David a Saviour.,”. And,, as the angel spoke, a mul­ titude of the heavenly host sur­ rounded him, lifting t h e i r voices in holy unison, and say­ ing, “ Glory to God in the high­ est ; and on earth,1peace to men of good will!” •What a contrast between man’s ways and God’s ways! Who are these shepherds ? They are nameless. W h e r e is the Child? In a manger in Bethle­ hem. Do wé ever hear any­ thing of Bethlehem after this? No. Do we hear anything of the shepherds? No. Why is this? “ My ways are not your ways ; neither are my thoughts. your thoughts, ’’ saith the Lord.

LOVE HAS COME Love has come to earth today, Sing! sing! celestial choir! Love has come on earth to stay, Lift the holy anthem higher. ■Let your music reach the skies Till the earthrhound sleepers rise, And exclaim with wondering eyes,— “Sweet day of days, Lo, Christ .is born! We sing.His praise, No more forlorn— Hallelujah!” Love has come on earth to live, Sing! sing! angelic host! Love has come His life to give, Laud Him to the uttermost. Let your gladsome tidings ring,. Round the world and comfort bring, Then the sad ones soon shall sing,—iiyj “Sweet day cuf days, Lo, Christ is born! We sing S is praise, No more forlorn—A Hallelujah!” ' Love has come on earth to die, Sing! sing! poor sinners, all! Lonely ones who sink and sigh, Who before the tempter fall— More than victors you may be, Love has come to. make you free, Let your hearts cry out with glee,— “Sweet day of days, Lo! Christ is born! We sing His praise, No more forlorn— Hallelujah!” —S. S: McCurry in “The Christian.”

Here is the event. Here are two or three witnesses. Here is the message : “ Glory to God in the highest!” That message has come down through the ages and will be heard the whole world ground at this Christmas time. “ Peace on earth to men of good will.” That was the greatest message ever given to the children of men. It is the Solution of all the world’s problems, if the world would only hear and heed it. , “ A Child is born,” yes,—but “ a Son is given:’1’ Whose Son? God’s only begotten Son. Given to whom? To a World of lost souls. God’s greatest gift to meet the world’s greatest need. Man surely never conceived this event and its climax. The Child grows to manhood, during thirty years of

praise brought to us from Heaven itself, “ Glory to God' in the highest ’’ ! And may the Christmas Child so dear to us have the place of honor and praise throughout all our days. CONFIRMING THE CONVERT To win men to Christ is the work of the church. Every possible legitimate means should be used to accomplish this. The instructions are definite and apply to every believer. The means and methods to be employed in this, the most joyful service committed to men, are clearly stated in the Gospels and Epistles.

December 1925

T H E K I N G ’ S



love for souls; and you will create in the convert Christian character of the highest type and command

But there is also a very distinct command concerning our obligation for the cultivation of Christian charac­ ter in the convert after he has made his confession of Christ as Saviour and Lord. After the foundation has been laid (1 Cor. 3 :1 1 ): “For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ,” then the building must be erected,—a building which is to last after all. earthly structures are destroyed. We are responsible for sowing the seed which brings the unsaved into the family of God, but we are also responsible for the fruit produced in their lives. Some­ times, of course, because of circumstances, it is impos­ sible to do more than to follow the converts with our prayers; but when we receive them into our church fellowship, then we assume a tremendous responsibil­ ity concerning them. As parents, we recognize the obligation upon us for training our children, but somehow we are slow to recognize our obligation to train converts-—the babes in Christ—teaching them the great truths of the Word, developing their spiritual life-, deepening their desire for spiritual things, and instructing them in the great business ■of believers—fishing for men. Such tremendous potentialities are enshrined in one personality, that we are overwhelmed as we consider the duty resting upon us, as leaders and shepherds of the sheep. The atmosphere in which the new convert finds himself largely determines his future usefulness. If it is worldly and merely social, the convert is apt to fall away or become a worldly Christian; and a worldly Christian is a stumbling block alike to saved and unsaved. The true child of God thrives in a warm, spiritual atmosphere of real prayer and praise; real study of the Word; a real sense of the shallowness of a worldly life and the real joy of fellowship with Christ. After many years of contact with men and women, young and old, we have no hesitation in saying that young people, if they are given such an atmosphere in which to develop strong, sturdy, sensible, spiritual characters, and from which they can go out and live and labor for Jesus Christ, produce the very finest type of Christian service, The most foolish argument ever invented by Satan and accepted by church officers is that converts, and especially young converts, want a worldly “ good time” in the church. This is not true, but if it were, it would be a sad reflection upon Jesus Christ, upon the Holy Spirit and upon the church. A truly “ born- again” child of God despises such an attitude and so does the Lord. Young people respond quickly to an appeal to the heroic, and this is the-appeal which comes from the call Follow Me.” Hear what Paul says to Timothy: “Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, In word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity” (1 Tim. 4 :1 2 ). “Thou, therefore, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. * * * Thou, therefore, endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ” (2 Tim. 2 :1 , 3 ). Let us seek earnestly to build converts up in our most holy faith; inspire them to live lives of devotion to others; place the Christian life before them in exact opposition to the worldly life; give them an illustration of the teaching of the Word by our own fives and our

the commendation of the Lord, BRYAN’S BENEDICTION

Bryan lives! He is not dead. He is living m thou­ sands of lives. Many politicians of note are dead. Some Presidents are dead. But Bryan’s enduring mem­ orial is embodied in human hearts. He lived in the faith of the Bible, He loved His Ldrd. He manifested that faith and love to the very hour of his departure.. His name will be a household word in Christian homes until the Lord comes. His death on the “ field of honor” has enshrined him in the true Christian church, and his last days were his best days. Already .various monuments are being suggested to his memory, not in cemeteries, but in school buildings where the Bible will have its proper place and where tbe students will be taught to kneel and pray in Christ’s name for the Father’s’ blessing. Here is a notice of one such institution taken from “ The Methodist Protestant ” : $200,000 RAISED FOR BRYAN MEMORIAL UNIVERSITY About $200,000 has already been raised to establish the proposed Bryan Memorial University a t Dayton, Tenn., according to Alfred D. Fairbairn, of Washington, D. C., one of the originators of the memorial idea. Mr. Fairbairn said plans are under way for a nation-wide campaign to obtain the funds necessary to begin construction work by next spring on the “fundamentalist” institution. Mr. Fairbairn, former New York newspaper man, was among the fundamentalist adherents at the recent Scopes trial at Dayton and received Mr. Bryan’s indorsement of the plan, in addition to the latter’s pledge of $5,000 as a finan­ cial nucleus. Various Dayton organizations have pledged $100,000, he added, and George F . Washburn, of Manomet, Mass., has pledged $50,000. The necessary buildings will cost about $1,000,000 he continued, in addition to an endowment of about $5,000,000 to keep the institution in good financial shape. Dr. W. B. Riley, of Minneapolis, thinks a “ William Jennings Bryan University” should be located in Illi­ nois, and says in his appeal: “This was Mr. Bryan’s native state. In the schools of that state he secured his education. While yet in that state, he rose to eminence. Nebraska became the home of his political ascendency, and Florida—with its matchless cli­ mate— in consideration of his loved wife’s health, uttered ' to him the last and most efficient call for residence. But he was born in neither of them, and in the truest sense, he belongs to Illinois. “Chicago, or vicinity, is the ideal location. It was in Chicago that he secured his education in law,— the Very education that gave direction to his potent life. Chicago is only a few miles removed from the center of the United States’ population. Chicago is the seat of many skeptical universities,— the very institutions against which he made his fight for the fundamentals of the faith. Chicago is a place readily accessible to the men who must be chosen to administer the affairs of such a university. Chicago has also been the common meeting place of the executives of the World’s Christian Fundamentals Association and, in all probability, will so remain. “In and about Chicago are many influential Fundamen­ talists. There are a number of institutions that would cooperate and in some instances combine with the move­ ment; in fact, more of them than we dream might be easily incorporated into this great University. There are men who tell me that they stand ready to raise the money,— capable men who have the organization and the ability. Will the Fundamentalists of America rise to this auspicious hour— this God-given and never-to-be-repeated opportunity?” We believe that at this time a popular appeal to the Bible-loving people of our country would be followed


T H E K I N G ’ S


December 1925

(John 5 :46, 47) : “For had ye believed Moses, ye would have believed me; for he wrote of me. “But if ye believe not his writings, how shall ye believe my words?” (Mark 12:26) : “Have ye-not read in the book of Moses, how in the bush God spake unto him?” (Luke 1 6 :3 1 M “And he said unto them, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded though one rose from the dead.” And now note the testimony of the risen Christ to His loved disciples in Luke 2 4 :27, 44 : “And beginning at Moses and all the prophets, he expounded unto them in all the Scriptures the things con­ cerning Himself. * * * all things must be fulfilled which were written in the law of Moses, and in the prophets, and in the psalms concerning me.” . In these last verses our Lord sets His seal to the whole of the Old Testament Scriptures. But the Mod­ ernists do not accept Moses’ account of the creation, nor his history of Israel. As a logical consequence, they, are without any Bible as a foundation for their faith. We are sorry for them and can pray for them, but there is a more serious -side to this matter : These men pretend to be scholars. Many of them are preachers and teachers, and by reason of their denial of the authority and inspiration of thé Word of God. they are helping to destroy the foundations of our beloved government, and dragging down with them tens of thousands of innocent, ignorant people who are depending upon them as teachers of the truth. The falsity and fallacy of their position has been shown over and over again, and added proof has been given of the authenticity and authority of thé Bible in a recent cablegram from Berlin, to the effect that Prof. Grimme, who holds the chair of Semitic Philology at the University of Munster, told at a small gathering in the home of a friend of his discovery of a tablet written by Moses fifteen hundred years before Christ. According to Prof. Grimme, the stone tablets, on one of which Moses’ tribute to his royal master was inscribed, were dug up in a buried Egyptian temple on the Serabit El Chadem plateau of Mt, Sinai by Flinders Petrie, an English explorer, in 1905. Unable to remove the stones because of their weight, Petrie photographed and made plaster casts of them and then reburied them. The inscription on the tablets remained a riddle until 1916 when Alan Gardner, an eminent English Egyptologist, managed to establish certain Mosaic con­ sonants. Dr. Grimme proceeded from this point until he had mastered the entire alphabet and could read all the lines carved on one of the photographed slabs. The message of eternaL gratitude, carved either by Moses himself or at his behést, reads as follows: “I, Manasse, mountain chief and head priest of the tem­ ple, thank Pharaoh Mischepaut for having drawn me out of the Nile and helped me to attain high dignities.” “ M'y heart stood still as I read’these words,” Prof. Grimme told his auditors. It is. estimated that the tablets were written in the year 1479 B. C., which accords with thç dates of Moses’ life as fixed in the Hible. It is Only necessary to have a fixed faith in the Word of God, and in due Season God will produce all needed proof to its verity.

by a spontaneous heart-offering in behalf of such a memorial. It should be done NOW while hearts are pulsing in real affection for the martyr whose life was lived and laid down as a Bible-defending warrior. Another memorial, not in the form of a university,, but a ‘‘Bryan Bible League,” has been launched hy Rev. Paul Rood, pastor of the Mission Church of Tur­ lock, California, who has this to say about it in the “ Bryan Broadcaster” : “The Bryan Bible League was formed to honor the mem­ ory of William Jennings Bryan and to continue the fight he so nobly began in opposing the teaching of evolution in tax-supported schools and in defending the historic position of evangelical Christianity. Nearly a thousand people signed up at the first meeting and other thousands have joined" since. Judging from the spirit of the meeting and after developments, this crusade will spread like fire. We are after a million members.” BEST BOOKS Books come and books go, but the making of many books has no end. The best Book, of course, is the Bible, which is the “ Book of books.” Give it first place in your homes and in your -hearts. Give it a large place in your life and also a loving place, remembering that millions of lives were laid down before we could have it. So do not allow any man or woman, preacher, teacher, friend or enemy to change your mind concern­ ing the best Book—the Bible. You will never live long enough to master it, but the older you grow and the better you- know it, the more you will be conscious of its value and the closer you will clasp it to your heart. It is not a question of how many verses you read in a day, or how many books of the Bible you read in a year, but how much of the matter which you read do you masticate? Be sure your faith is fixed on the fundamental facts of your security as a saint; your debt of gratitude to God the Father who loved you and to Jesus Christ who died; your obligation of obedience to Him who has commissioned you to carry the Gospel message to a lost world. There are other books which deserve mention as “ best books,®—but the tide was never so great as now. All sorts of “ religious” books,—good, bad and indif­ ferent—are to be had. Some are only fit for the fire. The poison of asps is between their leaves and a few years ago they would have been rejected by the Post- office Department as unfit for the mails. Some books are so subtle that even the saints will hardly sense the danger, or their deadly Satanic design. So let us be wise in our choice and let no book, however good, separate you from the Best Book—the Word of God. THE MASTER’S MESSAGE TO THE MODERNISTS Our Modernist friends sometimes talk quite seriously and favorably about Jesus Christ, but criticize freely His confirmation of the story of Moses, and this is the basis of our controversy with them. Now, “ to the law. and to the testimony” (John 1:17) : ' ■“For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.” Add to this Jesus’ own testimony in John 7 :19: “Did not Moses give you the law? and yet none of you keepeth! the law. Why go ye about to kill me?”

December 1925

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


of the open’sores of the Chinese Empire, and removing some of the dark shadows from the East, than any that diplomacy has as yet put forward.” The plan is fully set forth on page' 567 of this issue of The King’s Business, and the editor is glad to add his commendation. Mr. Davis is a very dear personal friend, and is known all over the Christian world for his devotion to the cause of Christ, and his zeal in preaching and distributing the Word of God. T H U KING’S BUSINESS FOR 1926 Hundreds of commendations from our King’s Business Family have reached us during 1925. It has been a bless­ ing to thousands. Now for .1926: We would value a card or letter from the members of Our Family with suggestions of possible improvement. The publication of the magazine has cost us a large sum of money over and above the subscription price, hut we feel sure it has been seed well sown. We would like to enlarge and Improve it and will do so if you will help us. You can help us by securing new sub­ scribers, or by contributing funds for this purpose. It is an unselfish ministry to thousands of homes. Pray about it! Pen us a promise of help. Procure some new members of the family for 1926, andJ f3 working together for God’s gloryB-let this he a banner year! — T. C. ¡g IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT! Dr. John M. Maclnnis, Dean of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, has been in recent communication with Dr. J. Stuart Holden, of St! Paul's* London, from whom he has received assurance that he will, without doubt, be able to visit the Institute during the period from February 7th to 21st, 1926, both inclusive. This will afford friends of the Institute in Southern California an unusual opportunity and privilege, and it is therefore desired that this notice be given the widest publicity possible in this section. Watch subsequent issues for further announcement.

If the Bible is not true we have no standard of righteousness. We have no Christ. We have no prom­ ises for , the future. We are shipwrecked on the sea of life, with no anchor, drifting to eternal doom. Dis­ seminate this doctrine of doubt and denial of the Word of God and the forces of hell will fill our land. What safety will there be for human life ? When the logical result of this Satanic teaching is realized by the practical business men of this country, who are demanding enforcement of law and the punish­ ment of criminals for violation of law. and who are conscious of the need of recognition of the Bible as the basis for moral conduct, they will rise up and say something that will make the Modernists think. God speed the day ! \ MENDING BROKEN CHINA This is the.'striking title of a recent editorial in the Toronto Globe, appealing to Christians to cooperate with Mr. George T. B. Davis in distributing one million Testaments throughout the length and breadth of the Chinese Empire. The editorial states, in part : “ For over a year Mr. Davis has been in China dis­ tributing the Bible, or portions of it, among soldiers, prisoners, policemen, and others, and has a knowledge of prevailing conditions in China and the problëms that confront that nation. In cooperation with the various Bible societies and missionaries, he proposés to dis­ tribute these million copies of the New Testament, free, to those .who agree to read it, in an effort to .reach the people quickly with tiie Word of God. The total cost of the enterprise is estimated at $150,000, or at the rate of fifteen cents a copy for the books. “ The plan is one that ought to commend itself heart­ ily to all, who desire to see this great Empire of the East set upon her feet and taking her rightful place among the nations of the world. Of the many schemes put forward in recent years for the rehabilitation of China; none holds more promise than this. It is free from the taint of any chargé of exploitation, personal gain or territorial aggrandizement,, and seeks only the highest good of the nation. : “ The story has often been told of the visitor to Eng­ land who, on being presented to Queen Victoria, asked her Majesty what was the secret of Britain’s greatness. Pointing to the Bible that lay on the table, her Majesty replied: ‘There lies the secret of the greatness of Britain.’ If the story is not true, it ought to be, for the years of Britain’s greatest glory have been coinci­ dent with her great work in the spreading of the Gospel and the distribution of the Word of God. It was John Richard Green who, in his ‘Short History of the English People,’ wrote these words of the effect of the study of the Bible on English life and character : ‘The Bible was as yet the one Book which was familiar to every Englishman, and wherever its words fell on ears which custom had not deadened to their force and beauty, kindled a startling enthusiasm. The whole moral effect which is produced nowadays by the reli­ gious newspapers, the tract, the essay, the missionary report, the sermon, was then produced by the Bible alone, and its effect in this way, however dispassion­ ately we examine it, was simply amazing. The whole nation became a church.’ What the Bible has done for Britain it can do for China if the Word is given an oppQrtunity to reach the masses of the people. The plan of Mr. Davis holds more hope of success for the healing

TH E I N T E R N A T I O N A L F I S H E R M E N ’ S CL UB '‘Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men” (Matthew 4 :1 9 ). Never was there greater need for “ fish­ ers of men” than in these days, and it is to meet this need that the International Fishermen’s Club is widening the scope of its work so as to reach every section of the globe. Inquiries are being received nearly every day for information and instructions as to the organization of a Fishermen’s Club, under the auspices of the International organization, and we expect to have a hundred thousand young men enrolled, all definitely obeying the definite command of our Lord, as embo­ died in thè Fishermen’s Club motto, quoted above. Address, T. C. Horton, President, 536 S. Hope Street, Los Angeles, California, for little leaflet, ‘‘The Story of the Fisher­ men’s Club.”

December 1925

T H E K I N G ’ S



C o n t r i b u t e d A r t i c l e s

SB5BBBSgHZ5BZB5B5S5^BSZHgSB5aa5gBggt ___ AS a j A SilentGoa: Unscriptural, Unnatural, andUnhistorical t ^ U U ^ r ^ Dr. John Murdoch Maclnnis, Dean of the Bible Institute of Bos Angeles

HE Word was made flesh,” and Christmas once again reminds us that ours is not a dead, .lonely and silent world, but a'world in which God speaks. It was possible for Jesus Christ to come in the flesh because this world is the kind of a world in which God can express Himself. He made it so because He wishes to express Himself, for that is His nature. The world is not an accident, and the fact that its activities have been con­ summated in the creation of a being such as man is not incidental. These are the expression of the nature of God. The first .vision of God given to us in the Scriptures reveals Him to us in a creative activity which finds its cli­ max in the creation of a being with whom He can have fellowship— a being who responds to His own nature, for he is made in His image. Our next revelation of God comes when man sinned and that fellowship was interrupted. In this revelation we have God seeking to speak to a man who is now silent and trying to hide from God. It is not God who is silent but man. From that on, down through the story of the Bible until we come to the final unveiling of God in the Christmas stoop and in the ascent of the Cross, is the story of a seeking God who yearns for fellowship with men who through sin are constantly turning away from Him. It is useless to quote texts in the support of this statement for this is the throbbing heart of the Bible. The Christmas anthems were thé songs of heaven sung by the angels as they witnessed the quest of God for the lost fellowship of men who were dead to Him because of sin. The Incarnation is God seeking and saving the lost. Why this quest? Because the heart of God craved that fellowship. Man is the creation of that craving in the heart of the divine. Why does mother’s love follow her wandering boy? Because that boy had his birth in mother’s heart and love. She brought him forth because she wanted him. He originated in her nature. God seeks man because' he is His offspring and originated in His love, and that love created him that it might have fellowship in communicating itself to him. What was He to save him to? Of course He was to save him from sin, but that is only a Small part of the story. Sin was the thing that interrupted the fellowship for which he was created. The real story is that He came to save him to the relationship and fellowship for which he was created. This fellowship means friendship. Jesus said, “No longer do I call ye servants, but friends.” Why? “I have talked with you and told you the things that My Father told Me.” Friendship means communion. A genuine friendship can­ not be sustained long without a genuine communion. In redemption we are brought back to God and our fellowship is with Him, and in this relationship the church is called “the body of Christ.” Hé is the Head. A body apart from a living, vital communion with a head is unthinkable. To break this communion means paralysis, disintegration and death.

Paul also speaks of this body as “the bride of Christ.” This relationship is unthinkable apart from intimate fellow­ ship-and communion. In His redeeming action He has lifted us up into the most intimate possible relationship, and in that relationship we have communion and fellowship with Him because He wants to speak to us. He speaks by His Word and by His Spirit who is in us, and speaks not only in us but through us. This is the Bible story. To take that out of it would be to take from it its flaming heart and leave us orphans in a lonely and silent world. This is eternal life to know God in a living experience, and nothing else can satisfy the heart of man and nothing else can satisfy the heart of God. One of the :greatest souls of the Christian community has put this'fact in immortal phrase when he said, “Thou hast made us for Thyself and we cannot rest until we rest in Thee.” This is the language, of the heart and it is the story of nature. A father that does not want to talk with his children, a friend that does, not want to commune with his friehdS, a bridegroom that does not want to talk with his bride, are all unnatural. . The greatest thinkers of all the ages in their deepest insights have understood the world to be vocal with the voice and radiant with the glory of God. David said, “The heavens declare the glory of God. Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night, sheweth knowledge.” The heavens are no less radiant and day and night are no more silent today than they were in David’s day. Plato under­ stood this, and some of the greatest thinkers of our day can find no value or meaning in life only as it is the expression and voice of a greater and higher life. If this is not the voice of God, whose voice is it? History also shines with this glory and is vocal with the voice which by its power has created the world and deter­ mined the ages.. Abraham heard Him speak and followed a quest that lias proven a blessing to all the nations of the earth. Mosep heard His voice and ventured on the creation of a new nation. Paul heard Him speak and turned from Asia, where he wanted, to go, and accepted the challenge of Europe and turned the flood-tides of- civilization into new channels. David Livingstone listened and heard and opened a pathway into the dark and bleeding heart of Africa. J. Hudson Taylor heard Him and in obedience to the chal­ lenge, claimed the millions of inland China for Christ. No voice of demon or devil ever calls to quests and exploits like these. The sainted Horatius Bonar sweetly pang: “I heard the voice of Jesus say, ‘Come unto me and rest; Lay down, thou weary one, lay down

Thy-head upon My breast.’ I came to Jesus as I was, Weary and worn and sad; I found in Him a resting place, And He has made me glad.” (Concluded on following page)

December 1925

T H E K I N G ’ S



We are interested in letters and plans and specifications, hut they never take the place of living personalities, and God has not left us orphans in a silent world. His Word is precious, and is sufficient for the purpose for which it was given, but it was never given to take the place of the living Christ and the Holy Spirit who takes of the things of Christ and reveals them to us. When He was here He lived the perfect life— God’s ideal life for man. He constantly walked and talked with God, and His testimony is final and it stands forever against the unscriptural, unnatural and unhistorical idea of a silent God.

The belief that he was not deluded when he thus sang, has led to the greatest achievements of history. Men believe that they hear the voice of God and they dare to respond and undertake the impossible in obedience to its command. It is only right that we should say with great emphasis that the voice of God, however it speaks, never calls contrary to the Word that He has written and given to be our infallible rule of faith and practice, yet when He gave us this infallible rule of faith and practice He surely did not mean that He was to rob us of that living fel­ lowship which is essential to the realization of what is truest and deepest in Christian life.

JË? ÉÈ Ê k manuel: A Christmas M ed ita tion What the Presence of Christ With His People Means in Their Every Day Life Rev. A. D. Beiden, B. D., in “The Life of Faith”

till he reached the top of the steeple, and there in longing he cried, “Where art Thou, Lord?” only to be met by the startling reply, “Down here amongst My people!” ' That is the lesson of Christmas—-Christ is Immanuel— God with us. The religion of Christ’s day had made God a stranger; it had hid­ den Him, like every religion whose ceremonial is greatly developed, be­ hind an elaborate programme of ap­ proach and a formidable array of min­ ute moralities. Christ in Every-Day Life There are people, and their number is legion these days, who are fond of saying that they have no “religious bump.” They wili say it apologeti­ cally, but one can detect a subtle ele­ ment of relief in their tones as though they were not altogether sorry to be free of the responsibility involved in such a “bump.” Such a condition, however, is no disqualification, but rather a supreme advantage, if they desire to be Christian, for it is of the very essence of Christ’s revelation that it is not in great knowledge, nor in many talents, nor in place and power, but in simple every-day life that the human heart enshrines God and all the host of heaven. “Whosoever receiveth a little child in My name, receiveth Me,” Is your life like that inn at Bethle­ hem, so full of others that there is no room for Him? May that not be be- 1 cause you do not recognize Him? You have been expecting some Great One! You thought He was incompatible with others! You thought of Him as be« longing to the stars and suns, but He belongs much more to the sweet re­ unions of loving hearts, to the faithful remembrance of humble souls, to Christmas gifts and Christmas cheer. (Continued on page 564)

of Gael sharing our humanity and re­ vealing His character in terms of our own life. The medium chosen by God for His great self-revelation was the medium of our own nature. The beau­ tiful stories of the birth of Jesus are all laden with this great fact. Their theme is the condescension of the Great to the humble. Angels are linked to shepherds; the great and wise of the earth to a little out-cast Babe; the Eternal Son of God is born of working- class folk; the Son of Heaven finds no better shelter on earth than the stable of an inn; the mightiest revelation in the spiritual history of mankind trans­ pires in an obscure little outlying prov­ ince of the empire. The quiet and humble and despised ones of the earth are caught up to the chief places in the vast drama of redemption— that drama which is as wide as the universe, as high as heaven, as deep as hell. Where God is Found And when this little Babe, so feeble and lowly in His Advent, but so majes­ tic in His real Being, became con­ sciously the Teacher of men, it was the same great truth that He taught— re­ ligion was not to be realized, God was not to be found, by escaping from hu­ manity, by despising its every-day ex­ perience, by discarding the real world of fact for some mood of exalted emo­ tion. Instead, the commonest service rendered in love was real contact with God. Only in the highest possibilities of human relationship was God to be found amongst men. “If a man keep My commandments, We will come unto him, and We will make Our abode with •him.”. There is somewhere a quaint poem in which the author depicts a parish priest so eager to find God that he has­ tened away from the common crowd and climbed the belfry of his church

T is curious that this beautiful name “Immanuel” is so lit­ tle used for Jesus. Doubtless it is because the word is

never directly applied to Him in Scrip­ ture. It is a word of prophecy origi­ nally used by Isaiah concerning the coming Deliverer of Israel, whose iden­ tity is not clearly indicated. The Divine Deliverer Isaiah, like every real prophet, spoke greater things than he realized, and his glowing picture of Immanuel, the Di­ vine Deliverer, is only adequately filled out by Jesus centuries after the proph­ et’s vision. Upon the prophet’s lips this word signified all the hunger of human souls for the discovery of God, not in some far distant heaven, but in the midst of human affairs. Christmas is God’s splendid answer to that Hun­ ger. The meaning of “Immanuel” is “God with us,” the first part of the word being familiar to us in the term “immanent,” and no phrase could bet­ ter express the essential meaning of Christmas. The incarnation of God in Christ was the great point of- transition in the history of the world, at which the Unseen God, previously so dimly felt and imperfectly understood, be­ came visible and tangible in the midst of time and sense. The distant God of current religious thought and feeling became the God of whom the apostles were at last able to declare, “that which was from the beginning, which we have listened to, which we have seen with our own eyes, and our own hands have handled; the Life of the ages which' was with the Father and was manifested to us.” The first Christmas was the occasion when the idea of God as being apart from and different from our common humanity was superseded by the fact

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