King's Business - 1925-12

December 1925

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


of the open’sores of the Chinese Empire, and removing some of the dark shadows from the East, than any that diplomacy has as yet put forward.” The plan is fully set forth on page' 567 of this issue of The King’s Business, and the editor is glad to add his commendation. Mr. Davis is a very dear personal friend, and is known all over the Christian world for his devotion to the cause of Christ, and his zeal in preaching and distributing the Word of God. T H U KING’S BUSINESS FOR 1926 Hundreds of commendations from our King’s Business Family have reached us during 1925. It has been a bless­ ing to thousands. Now for .1926: We would value a card or letter from the members of Our Family with suggestions of possible improvement. The publication of the magazine has cost us a large sum of money over and above the subscription price, hut we feel sure it has been seed well sown. We would like to enlarge and Improve it and will do so if you will help us. You can help us by securing new sub­ scribers, or by contributing funds for this purpose. It is an unselfish ministry to thousands of homes. Pray about it! Pen us a promise of help. Procure some new members of the family for 1926, andJ f3 working together for God’s gloryB-let this he a banner year! — T. C. ¡g IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT! Dr. John M. Maclnnis, Dean of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, has been in recent communication with Dr. J. Stuart Holden, of St! Paul's* London, from whom he has received assurance that he will, without doubt, be able to visit the Institute during the period from February 7th to 21st, 1926, both inclusive. This will afford friends of the Institute in Southern California an unusual opportunity and privilege, and it is therefore desired that this notice be given the widest publicity possible in this section. Watch subsequent issues for further announcement.

If the Bible is not true we have no standard of righteousness. We have no Christ. We have no prom­ ises for , the future. We are shipwrecked on the sea of life, with no anchor, drifting to eternal doom. Dis­ seminate this doctrine of doubt and denial of the Word of God and the forces of hell will fill our land. What safety will there be for human life ? When the logical result of this Satanic teaching is realized by the practical business men of this country, who are demanding enforcement of law and the punish­ ment of criminals for violation of law. and who are conscious of the need of recognition of the Bible as the basis for moral conduct, they will rise up and say something that will make the Modernists think. God speed the day ! \ MENDING BROKEN CHINA This is the.'striking title of a recent editorial in the Toronto Globe, appealing to Christians to cooperate with Mr. George T. B. Davis in distributing one million Testaments throughout the length and breadth of the Chinese Empire. The editorial states, in part : “ For over a year Mr. Davis has been in China dis­ tributing the Bible, or portions of it, among soldiers, prisoners, policemen, and others, and has a knowledge of prevailing conditions in China and the problëms that confront that nation. In cooperation with the various Bible societies and missionaries, he proposés to dis­ tribute these million copies of the New Testament, free, to those .who agree to read it, in an effort to .reach the people quickly with tiie Word of God. The total cost of the enterprise is estimated at $150,000, or at the rate of fifteen cents a copy for the books. “ The plan is one that ought to commend itself heart­ ily to all, who desire to see this great Empire of the East set upon her feet and taking her rightful place among the nations of the world. Of the many schemes put forward in recent years for the rehabilitation of China; none holds more promise than this. It is free from the taint of any chargé of exploitation, personal gain or territorial aggrandizement,, and seeks only the highest good of the nation. : “ The story has often been told of the visitor to Eng­ land who, on being presented to Queen Victoria, asked her Majesty what was the secret of Britain’s greatness. Pointing to the Bible that lay on the table, her Majesty replied: ‘There lies the secret of the greatness of Britain.’ If the story is not true, it ought to be, for the years of Britain’s greatest glory have been coinci­ dent with her great work in the spreading of the Gospel and the distribution of the Word of God. It was John Richard Green who, in his ‘Short History of the English People,’ wrote these words of the effect of the study of the Bible on English life and character : ‘The Bible was as yet the one Book which was familiar to every Englishman, and wherever its words fell on ears which custom had not deadened to their force and beauty, kindled a startling enthusiasm. The whole moral effect which is produced nowadays by the reli­ gious newspapers, the tract, the essay, the missionary report, the sermon, was then produced by the Bible alone, and its effect in this way, however dispassion­ ately we examine it, was simply amazing. The whole nation became a church.’ What the Bible has done for Britain it can do for China if the Word is given an oppQrtunity to reach the masses of the people. The plan of Mr. Davis holds more hope of success for the healing

TH E I N T E R N A T I O N A L F I S H E R M E N ’ S CL UB '‘Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men” (Matthew 4 :1 9 ). Never was there greater need for “ fish­ ers of men” than in these days, and it is to meet this need that the International Fishermen’s Club is widening the scope of its work so as to reach every section of the globe. Inquiries are being received nearly every day for information and instructions as to the organization of a Fishermen’s Club, under the auspices of the International organization, and we expect to have a hundred thousand young men enrolled, all definitely obeying the definite command of our Lord, as embo­ died in thè Fishermen’s Club motto, quoted above. Address, T. C. Horton, President, 536 S. Hope Street, Los Angeles, California, for little leaflet, ‘‘The Story of the Fisher­ men’s Club.”

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