T H E K I N G ’ S
December 1925
« v e ' CiaH 22 On: Chem istry and C riticism Dr. W. B . Landon, Chief Chemist of the Erie Railroad Company ISSS Meadville, Pennsylvania This splendid defense of the verity of the Scriptures is taken from “Serving and Waiting,” published by the Philadelphia School of the Bible. Dr. Landon’s original and unique presentation of his theme will stimulate and strengthen the faith of every believer in the infallible and inerrant Word of God. E EgjBOVE is the composition of H sugar. There are, in one hundred pounds of sugar, 2-S 42.11 pounds of carbon, 6.43 pounds of hydrogen, and 51.46 pounds of oxygen. official report said, “In forty years of meteorological records of the German government the wind never acted so peculiarly before.”
If professors, scientists, preachers and people generally would feed on the Bible daily and put its teachings into every thing they did, it would become so sweet to their taste that they would know that its composition was right. If one molecule of carbon, hydrogen, or oxygen is taken from or added to C 12 H 22 OU, it is no longer sugar and its sweetness is gone. So with the Bible. Take away anything, or add anything, and it is no longer the Bible, and its sweetness is gone, and there is a ter rible penalty; for the Bible says: “And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy,, God shall take away his part out of the tree of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things that are written in this book” (Rev. 22:19, R.V.). “Thou art the God that doest won ders” (Psa. 7 7 :1 4 ). Twelve parts of black carbon; twenty-two parts of hy drogen gas, light and inflammable; eleven parts of oxygen, the gas that supports life this is the composition of sugar. Wonderful, wonderful, won derful is C 12 H 22 O 11 ! Millions of gallons of soda water are drunk because of its presence, thousands of tons of candy are eaten because sugar is in it, thou sands of carloads of sugar are used in our homes to make the food palatable. It was at four o’clock in the after noon of April 22, 1915, that the Ger mans at Ypres turned loose for the first time their deadly poisonous gas on the allies. It was all unexpected and the allied armies, all unprotected, fell in winrows. All Germany now needed to do was to march through, take the English channel and the world was hers. Then why didn’t she do it? Why was this particular time selected to turn loose the gas? It was not the military but the meteorological author ities that fixed the hour. Dr. Schmaus, the head of the meteorological depart ment, announced to the German gen eral in charge that the direction of the wind was fixed and settled for thirty- six hours to come and that it would carry the gas far out over the allied lines. So the gas was turned loose. But all of a sudden it whirled and flung itself back over the German army, and the Germans, gasping and strangling, staggered by the thousands to their death. Dr. Schmaus in his
The Bible says: “He made a great wind to pass over.” “He walketh on the wings of the wind.” “Hath the wind a father?” Now this God that doeth wonders, and is Father of the winds, and made C 12 H 22 O 11 , made the Bible; and yet a professor said: “The inspiration of the book is untrue historically and impos sible psychologically. The Bible has all the marks of a deliberate, human com position.” The trouble with that pro fessor is that he is criticizing sugar. He is trying to add or take away some thing from the Bible, which is just the same as adding or taking away carbon, hydrogen or oxygen from C 12 H 22 O 11 . Burn the carbon of the sugar and you have bitter caramel. Bitter cara mel is no good except to give color to essences or spirits. Let the professor burn by his words the inspiration of the Book, and all its sweetness is gone, and no good except to give color to evil spirits in men. But when these professors are tested in the chlorine of God’s wrath, the color (applause of men) will be of no avail, and then they will know, what they should have known before, that “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteous ness” (2 Tim. 3 :1 6 ). Why will not eleven parts of carbon, twenty-one parts of hydrogen and ten parts of oxygen make sugar? Because the sweetness would not be present un til the composition is CisHaOu. Why is it «necessary to have the books from Genesis to The Revelation in the Bible? It has been said that Genesis is a myth and The Revelation a mystery. The Bible says: “Thy Word; is true from the beginning; and every one of thy righteous judgments en- dureth for ever” (Psa. 1 1 9 :160 ). The- sixty-six books of the B ib le are just as necessary to make the Bible as CuHaOu is necessary to make sugar, and it can be fully demonstrated in life. There will be no peace and sweet, fellowship to any person that does not. accept the whole Bible just as it is and (Continued on page 566)
Professors, scientists and other wise men have not raised any criticism as to the composition of sugar, and yet it is composed of the most ridiculous things. If, before the days of chemi cal analysis, a committee had asked the wisest man in the world to set be fore it the constituents in one hundred pounds of sugar, and he had brought forth 42.11 pounds of black carbon,,; 6.43 pounds of hydrogen gas and 51.46 pounds of oxygen gas, he would have been declared a fool or insane. Of the many million things that God has done He saw fit to make a Book called the Bible, which was no more complicated or difficult than making sugar. God also knew that, after He had made man and given him the earth to dominate and sugar to feast upon, unless He gave him a Book for guid ance he would soon be so full of sugar that its fermenting would so act upon his brain that man would think that he was God. The chemical composition of sugar will never change. If ten thousand chemists, in ten thousand different places, should make analyses during a period of a thousand years, they would always find C 12 H 22 O 11 . The Bible, made by the same God, if tested by ten thousand Christians in ten thousand different places during a period of a thousand years, would al ways find the Bible containing the car bon of indestructibility, the hydrogen of inspiration, and the oxygen of life. The Bible says: “The grass withereth, the flower fadeth; but the Word of our God shall stand for ever” (Isa. 4 0 :8 ). Why is it that professors and scien tists have not taken exception to the composition of sugar, when they have not ceased to criticize God’s Book, whose composition has been proven to be just as accurate as C 12 H 22 O 11 ? The reason is because they have filled themselves with sugar, and are contin ually enjoying the taste of the same, to the extent that it is said that Ameri cans spent during the past year half a billion dollars for candy and ice cream.
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