King's Business - 1925-12


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

December 1925

T h e H unan B ible In stitu te (th e China D epartm ent of the B ible In stitu te of Los A ngeles) is organized along sim ilar lin es to the home In stitu te,— train in g native Chinese young men and women for C hristian work, and a t the sam e tim e, carry in g on an activ e evan g elistic w ork among the unsaved. The w ork (which is recognized by the different evan gelical m issions as one of the best in China) has three d epartm ents: (1 ) A B ible In s titu te a t C han gsha (the 'capital city of Hunan P rovin ce). (2 ) Tw elv e E v a n g e lis tic B an d s w ith th irteen men in each band, devoting the m ornings to B ib le Study, and th e a fte r­ noons to givin g the Gospel in the native homes. (3 ) T he A utum n B ible School and C on ference a t N anyoh (one of China’s five sacred m ountains). Hundreds of conversions have resulted from the w ork done' among the thousands of pilgrim s.

personal work. It is not uncommon to see him with a bunch of patients around him while they are asking him all about this ‘Jesus way’ as they call it, and he with his Bible, tell­ ing them the wonderful story. “We like him very well and thank God for the Bible Insti­ tute in Changsha which is training men so that they know their Bibles and are anxious to see souls saved.” When it is remembered that the students in the Hunan Bible Institute come from twelve of the provinces in China, and that the smallest of these provinces has a population of over eight million, and the largest a population of over sixty eight million, it will be seen what a tremendous influence in the evangelization of this land these students will be. It costs but $40.00 to keep a student in the school for one year, $80.00 for the entire course, and $20.00 additional will sup­ ply the students with a splendid library. The “Biola Evangelistic Bands” (of which there are now twelve, undertake work in the fields of the various missions. All these Bands are now engaged through 1927, and some of them for several succeeding years. From $75.00 to $100.00 a year will pay the salary and traveling expenses of an evangelist in one of these Bands. Compute the cost of supporting one and the possible results of his service and then ask the Lord if He would not make it possible for you to have the joy of sharing in this blessed service and the rewards which will be bestowed “in that day.”

UR readers will rejoice with, the Bible Institute of Los Angeles in the completion of the new “Milton Stewart Memorial Hall” unit of the Hunan Bible Institute, shown below. This building will add much to the effectiveness of the splendid work being done by Dr. Keller in evangelizing the Province of Hunan,—-a work which has the highest possible commendation from resident missionaries of. many different denominations. In a letter recently received by Rev. John H. Hunter, Secretary of the Faculty, B. I. O. L. A., from Mr. A. Sydenstricker, of the Nanking Theological Seminary, the writer has this to say regarding the Hunan Bible Institute: “I had the opportunity a few weeks since of visiting the Hunan Bible Institute, and was very much pleased with, it and with the work which is being done there. It seems to me to be as nearly ideal as it can be made. I was especially impressed with the practical part of the course, in that the students are put to work both while attending the Institute and during vacation. I am very glad indeed that the teach­ ing is conservative, evangelical, and evangelistic.” To the same effect is a letter received from one of the Presbyterian missionaries, who is especially impressed with the earnest soul-winning work of the students. He says: “Our hospital evangelist is a graduate from the Institute in Changsha and is such an earnest soul-winner. He is at it all the time. We have chapel services each morning, and after we are through he goes around in the wards doing

M ilton Stew art M em orial H all, Bible In stitu te, Changsha, Hunan, China

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