King's Business - 1925-12

December 1925

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


P ra c t ica l Methods of Personal W o rk For “Defenders of the Faith ” T. O. Horton

AHYMN FOROUR DEFENDERS The words and m u s i c of this splendid s o n g ? “P r e a c h t h e Word,” were writ­ ten especially for oiir Defenders of the Faith by our dear friends, Rev. and Mrs. L. H. C. Hasler, of Eng­ land. We know It will be a real in­ spiration to you all, a n d would suggest that the members of “Our Family” send a word of apprecia­ tion to them at the address given for their contribution. Our hearts are always encouraged and gladdened by the reports that come to us from “Defenders” a l l over t h e world telling of their ex­ periences •— both successes and ap­ parent failures— in fighting t h e good fight of faith. We cannot reply to them all per­ sonally, nor can we print all the letters in The King’s Business, but we are always glad to hear from you, especially if you have any sug­ gestions w h i c h would be helpful to others who are seeking to win souls. A C a 1 i f o rnia “Defender” w a s encouraged by the answer given him by a friend to w h o m he had loaned a copy of The King’s Bus­ iness. He writes: “I am anxious to do more as a Defender of the Faith. Have re­ sponded to your call to secure Trial Sub­ scriptions, and when I asked a sister in the

“Defenders” in your city or com­ munity, who would be glad to come together for mu­ t u a l fellowship and intercession. We would be glad to give the names of all The K. B. subscribers in any particular neigh­ borhood to anyone who will agree to call them together for this purpose. S o m e o n e has said: “The one c o n c e r n of the devil is, to keep the saints from praying. He fears n o t h i n g from prayerless studies, prayerless wo r k , prayerless relig­ ion. He laughs at our toil, mocks our wisdom, but trembles when we pray.” The following is George Muller’s statement telling why he believed his prayers for the unsaved must be answered. “First, I have had no shadow of doubt in praying for their salvation, knowing as I do th at it is the Lord’s will they should be saved, for He would ‘have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowl­ edge of the truth’ (1 Tim. 2 :4). ‘And this is the confidence th at we have in Him, th at if we ask anything ac­ cording to His will, He heareth us’ (1 John 5:14). “The second reason is, I have never plead­ ed for their salvation in my own name, but in the all-worthy name of my precious Lord Jesus (John 14:14), th at is, on the ground of His merit and worthiness, and on th at alone. “The third reason is, I have always believed in the ability and willingness of God to answer my prayers (Mark 11:24).

PreaGh the Word. O ambekley . 8.3. 8.. 3.8. 8. 8.3. (A H y m n f o r th e F u n d a m e n ta lis ts .)

2 Tim. 4:2. '

Rev. Leonard H. C. Hasler

Lottie Clifford Hasler

SI -E h



P P M M Word!.............. Word!.............. Word!.............. Word!............. Word!.............. Preach the Word! N N S H s ■ - J ■ ■ Preach the Wordl

1. Ye ser -vants of the liv - ing Lord, Preach the 2. Go tell the gift of God’s great love, Preach the 3. Unsheathe theSword, andnev - er faint, Preach the 4. Pre-sent the Gos - pel of the Blood, Preach the 5. Re-deem the time! and faith-ful be, Preach the

Tell out that man was made Set forth why Christ came from

by God, Preach the Word, a - bove, Preach the Word, ner, cheer the saint, Preach the Word, its cleans - ing flood, Preach the Word, re-vealed in thee, Preach the Word. 9 1 HM 1 H i

Go warn the sin Bid sin - ners seek His strength shall be

•- *— De-clareman’s sin andshameful fall, And how that death is passed on all, Let all the tribes of Adam’s race, Hear howGodsaves by sov’reign grace, Re - late the facts con-cern-ing hell, OfHeav’nwith e- qual clearness tell, Teach howfor sin Christ did a-tone, He rose triumphant—makeit known, The fields a-far and wide are white, Hold forth theWordof Truth andLight, m 1 J— E-J - I - » - 4 . • -

mm tne Word! Word!.......... Word!....... . Word!.......... Word!...... ... Word!......... the Word! I ' H I

ProclaimGod’s grace to great and small, Preach the The Gos - pel news bid all em- brace, Preach the O spread the truth where er - rors dwell, Preach the And soon He comes to claim His own, Preach the As ves-sels filled and bum - ing bright, Preach the ■f- Of- ' m ____ . . -*-• 'ALlt*-'


1 i Words Copyright, 1925, by Rev. Leonard H. C. Hasler Music Copyright, 1925, by Lottie Clifford Hasler. The Manse, Woodlands Road, Camberley, Surrey, Eng. ✓ r ■ i i/

“The fourth reason is, th at I have not al- l o w e d m y s e l f i n known sin, for ‘if I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me’ (Psalm 66:18). “The fifth reason is, th at I have continued in believing prayer for over fifty-two years, and shall so continue until the answer is given. Luke 18:7: ‘Shall not God avenge His own elect, which cry day and night unto H im ?’ ” Whenever the Lord showed George Muller that it was His will he should (Continued on Page 676)

PRAYER CIRCLES This letter, and the letter which we published last month from Mr. Tat- lock, have suggested to us the advis­ ability and helpfulness of a “Defender of the Faith Prayer Circle” in every community. There may be— all un­ known to you— a number of fellow

church to whom I had loaned a K. B ., if she would not like it for three months, she said, ‘Oh, no; I want it a whole year. It needs no recommendation, for it recommends itself. I t just thrills my soul to read those glowing: sermons/ She went on to say th at she had never heard of The King’s Business before, though she had heard the minister deride the Bible Institute. ***Now I am trying to reach as many as I can. Have sent it to my pastor, who is true though he is afraid to come out too strong. Pray for me.”

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