December 1925
T H E K I N G ’ S
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Bible Inst i tute Happenings Particularly of Interest to Friends and Students
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ALUMNI GATHERING January 29th, 1926. 4 :3 0 P. M. T h is is to be a Fellow ship M eeting in the F ish erm en ’s Club Room , to be fo l lowed by a 50c supper w ith the students a t 5:30. T here w ill be a program of testim on ies, prayers and. conversation: but no bu siness o f an y kind w ill be tra n sa cte d . W e hope to have:,*a rea l happy, home com ing tim e together. Rem em ber the date, pray fo r the m eeting and COME. On Tuesday evening, O ctober 6th, a t 8 P. M., in the home of the bride’s p ar ents, M iss G race N aftel w as m arried to M r. T ru e M axfield; the ceremony being performed by Rev. Jo h n A. Hubbard of the B. I. Facu lty . Mr. and Mrs. Maxfield are both grad uates of B. I., Mr. Maxfield being the speaker for the 1922 class. He now has a church a t Chico, C ali forn ia. Mrs. Maxfield since her gradua tion has been engaged in C h ristian w ork in Sa n ta B arb ara. Ivan P e te rso n , '24, was m arried on May 11th to M iss B eu lah C allorm an. He has been doing some preaching and teachin g, but they have now gone into Sunday School w ork in Seattle, W ash. Je n n ie I. B ra n d t, *18, was recen tly m arried to M r. W a lte r E . L u tz, and they are now liv in g a t 496 B rain ard Street, D etroit, M ichigan. Bom A very dainty card has ju s t been r e ceived from R ev. and Mrs. A . J . A nder son, B ox 36, Managua, Nic., C. A., a n nouncing the sa fe a r r iv a l. of eig h t pounds of real liv in g happiness and joy in the shape of a dear baby girl, whose charm ing name is M arg aret Loraine. W e rejo ice w ith these dear friend s in this g ift from God, Mr. Anderson grad uated in the class of 1923 and took the P. G. course in 1924. H is w ife w as m iss M arie Mack of the cla ss of ’23. M anford G utzke, ’24 was the first of the class to m arry. He w rites from T y n dall, Manitoba, Canada, th a t God has blessecj them w ith a baby g irl. He has been teach in g as P rin cip al of a school, but feels more and more the ca ll to Gospel preaching in W estern Canada. M r. and M rs. R iesem (n ee O lga H a l- v o rso n ), both ’24, w rite from Silverton, Oregon, th a t God has sen t them a dear little one to brigh ten th eir home, and has g rea tly blessed them in th eir w ork for H im ; hence they are very happy. They speak of the g re a t blessing received through the v isit of the B. I. Glee Club la st w inter. General News V icto r F o rd , ’24, a fte r a y ear a t X en ia Sem inary in St. Louis, spent the summer vacation here in Los A ngeles w here he had ch arge of a D aily V acation B ible School. A certain young lady friend of his has come to B. I. th is y ear from New Zealand; but —V ictor has returned to X enia—However-------. B ob A nnand, president of the 1924 class, has spent the tim e since grad u a tion here in Los Angeles co llectin g to g eth er a sufficient number of the elusive dollars to enable him to retu rn to his home in Duluth, M innesota, where he w ill again ta k e up his studies w ith the view of b etter preparing h im self for the work of the m in istry. W e w ere sorry to say good-bye to “B ob,” but pray God’s rich blessing upon him. ALUMNI NEWS Married
to see them as they were among the first garduates from this department. Their pres ent address is 919 South Burlington Avenue, Los Angeles. They are staying on the Pacific Coast sever al months until Mrs. Van : Dusen recovers from a minor operation which she has ju st passed through. They need our prayers and fellowship. May God’s best be theirs in these weeks of rest. They will be speaking later in the evening school and at other services. Miss Frances L. Downs, ’24, now of the C. I. M., Shanghai, China, writes under date of September 18th, “Thank you so much for fre quent letters. I do appreciate your constant prayers for me and am sure the Lord is graciously answering at this end. “I have ju st gotten out of the hospital, where I have been with severe boils in my ears. I am still deaf, but the doctor assures me this will not be permanent, and indeed they are beginning to improve. They have troubled me ever since July, and it is a relief to be free from pain. However, the Lord has been very near and precious through it all. It must be good to have our dear Dr. Maclnnis a t the head of things a t the B. I. and I am sure the Lord will greatly bless as in the past. “I saw Hugh Foucar when he arrived, but he was so excited at being back he could give me no news. When the Kellers arrived I was in the hospital so missed them. Was still in the hospital when Mary Chen came, so lost the pleasure of welcoming her. It was such a disappointment after looking forward to it for a year. Expect to see her in January. Every little bit of news from B. I. is eagerly watched for and most wel come.” A lady frien d o f th e In stitu te writes under date of September 23rd, “I had a feast a t the Montrose Bible conference this summer. Among others whom I heard and enjoyed there, was Dr. John M. Maclnnis, your Dean. I took my King’s Business with me and show ed it to everyone I could and herewith hand you ten names to whom I ask you to send samples.” FISHERMEN’S CLUB The annual election of officers took place Monday, September 28th, and they were in stalled October 5th by Mr. T. C. Horton. Mr. Horton is now teaching the Book of Romans to the Club, with his old time vim and con viction. The interest in this wonderful club of Christian young men never lags. The a t tendance never falls off, and the enthusiasm is spontaneous and catching. Come and see. A new Fishermen’s Club has ju st been or ganized in Pasadena, meeting in Lincoln Ave. Presbyterian Church. STUDENT MISSIONARY UNION Mr. Young, one. of our new students, was the speaker at our first Student Missionary Union meeting for the school year 1925-1926. He comes from Burma and has been working ju st across the border from Tibet; chiefly among two main tribes, some of whom are head hunters. All these people are very superstitious and have a great dread of evil spirits. But they are also very open to the preaching of the ' Gospel on account of their traditions. Their story of the creation is the same as th at in Genesis. They believe th at the Word of God was given to them at one time but was lost and th at some day it was to be brought back to them by men who should come from the great blue water with a book for them. On this account they eager ly receive the foreigner and his story of Christ. The first tour of the missionaries was made among these people in 1922* and they were waiting and eager for the white man to come and teach them. There were over two thousand conversions in one year. The work there was hindered for a while but now is being carried on again and the wild people are coming in by the thousands. What
M r. J . N. W illem s, ’20, P. O. Box 413, Reedley, Calif,, w rites from W innipeg, Manitoba, August 30th, th a t he and J . J. Froese, ’20, have spent the summer preaching the Gospel w herever God opened a door, in Oregon, Montana, Saskatchew an, and Manitoba. God has blessed th e ir, m in istry and souls have been saved a t many places, tw enty in a little country church at Turnhill, Sask., fifty a t Main Centre, Sask. People came from g rea t d istances a t every place to hear the Gospel. They have depended en tirely upon God and He has abun dantly supplied every need above all expectations. They a sk the prayers of all B. I. students. Mr. E ld en C. W hipp le, ’24, w rites from Nanyoh, Hunan, China, under date of Septem ber 1.5th th a t he and his sister L ois and brother G rant have been in a t tendance a t the Autumn B ib le Confer ence of the Hunan B ib le In stitu te which is held y early a t th a t place. He has been in V. M.> C. A. w ork at N ahking; but is now connected w ith the Hunan B ib le In stitu te a t Changsha w ith Dr. K eller. H is fa th er is superintending the erection of the new buildings for the In stitu te and his m other is there w ith them , so th a t now the whole fam ily are happily situated together, and en jo y ing the blessed fellow ship of Dr. and Mrs. K eller and the staff a t the In stitu te. The way in which God took th is con secrated fam ily to China, very unex pectedly, a y ear ago, is m arvelous in deed, and reads lik e a ch ap ter from the Book of A cts. T ru ly our God is the sam e yesterday, today and forev er and moves in a m ysterious way H is wonders to perform . R ev . F r a n k S. H a rt, who is a form er “B. I.” student, and la te r a graduate of McCorm ick Sem inary, Chicago, and now a reg u la rly ordained P resb y terian M in ister, w rites from H alf W ay, Oregon, w here he is pastor of the Pine V alley P resb y terian Church, saying— “P lease send me The K in g ’s Business and rem em ber me to all B. I. F o lk s and the F ish erm en ’s Club, and sp ecially Dr. P ik e of the E ven in g School. “P lease pray fo r my w ork fo r it is ex ceedingly difficult. There are three churches and eight lodges in th is town of four hundred people, who are en tirely indifferent to religion, and tru st to th eir lodges to save them , and resen t any r e f erence to, them .” Mr. Georg© H. Ekdahl, ’18, who is home on furlough from Bdlivia, is now taking P. G. work at B. I. M r. and M rs. F ord Canfield, who have re cently returned on furlough from the field in China, .are enjoying the Post Graduate courses in Christian Philosophy and Psychol ogy under Dr. Maclnnis, and Christian Edu cation under Miss Chaffee. Miss N ina H utton, ’24, organized a system of home classes and taught several Bible classes in Port Worth, Texas, last year. She is now teaching Bible in the high schools of Chattanooga, Tenn. Our old friend, Gordon E . H ooker, whose ability as a musician is so well known and appreciated in B. I. and Los Angeles; and his good wife, nee Miss Martha Smith, a former B. I. girl, are back in Los Angeles, after a year spent at John Brown University, Sulphur Springs, Arkansas, where they were both teaching. Mr. Hooker has ju st completed the com position of an elaborate piano duet arranged from "I Know Whom I Have Believed.” His new Gospel song compositions are now appear ing in new song books. Mr. Hooker is ad mirably fitted as an evangelistic accompanist and it is quite possible he will join some evangelist in th at capacity. M r. and M rs. George V an D usen, who have been missionaries in Aba, Belgian Congo, Africa, for several years, are home on fur lough. Evening school students will rejoice
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