King's Business - 1925-12

December 1925


T H E K I N G ’ S



Dr. LeGrande Guerry When one o f the most noted surgeons o f the South, Dr. Guerry, was honored last year by elec­ tion to the presidency o f the Southern Surgical Association, he chose as the theme o f his inaug­ ural address, “Luke the G reek Physician and H istorian.” His address made a profound impres­ sion. He not only set forth the historical accuracy and medical learning o f Luke, but he declared that “the stupendous, the abysmal need of the world today is for God as revealed in the person o f His Incarnate S o n .” Dr. Guerry’s testimony will be published in

Th e great surgeon and scientist o f John s H op ­ kins University, honored as few living men by learned societies throughout the world, whose epoch-making testimony to the O ld Faith was published last spring, and who believes the Book from cover to cover, will now tell what his per­ sonal methods o f daily B ib le study have been for the past forty years, and how he digs treasures from the Word. T h e time and painstaking care this scientific leader gives to B ible study will amaze you. His indescribably rich contribution will appear, early in 1926 , in

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{Issued Every Week) Stupendous discoveries and possibilities o f discovery are opening up in the Holy Land since the W orld W ar expelled the Tu rk and a Christian nation was given control. Professor Melvin Grove Kyle, Archeological Ed itor o f T h e Sunday School Times, sails in February for an expedition to K irjath Sepher, a city between Hebron and Beersheba which flourished in the days when Joshua led the Children o f Israel in their conquest o f Canaan. Dr. Kyle has had his eye on that city for more than thirty years. MAY WE NOW FIND TABLETS OF THE PENTATEUCH? K irja th Sepher is the most likely place for tablets of that date in all Palestine. T h e name means “book town,” and the site has been undisturbed since Nebuchadnezzar destroyed the town 2 ,5 0 0 years ago. If we are ever to discover any portions o f the Pentateuch dating from Moses’ own day, they are likely to be here. Remembering that the critics say Deuteronomy was not written until near Jo siah ’s time, eight or nine centuries later, the significance o f such a find would be over­ whelming. Dr. Ky le will report the results in full, as he does all archeological events o f B iblical importance, to the readers o f T h e Sunday Schoo l Times. y

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