King's Business - 1925-12

December 1925

T H E K I N G ’ S




IMMANUEL: A CHRISTMAS MEDITATION ; (Continued from page 538)

Evangelists SUPERIN­ TENDENTS, TEACHERS, CHRISTIAN WORKERS, and BIBLE STUDENTS W ill surely be pleased w i t h t h i s beautiful and deservedly popular

Christ, they called out: “We know Him! He lived here! We knew Him well!” Thus, as His Father was known in Him, does Christ desire to be known in us. The Angels in the Kitchen In the Louvre at Paris there is a great painting by Murillo. The scene is a kitchen in which toilers move to and fro. One is putting the kettle on the fire; another is lifting a pail of water; a third is at the dresser taking down the plates; another is moving here and there. Their faces are radi­ ant, their forms are beautiful, they are not clad in ordinary garb; they are beautiful white-winged angels, and, as one writer has put it, the charm of the picture lies in the fact that no incon­ gruity strikes the beholder. “The An­ gels in the Kitchen”— that is the spirit of our Christian faith. The trivial round, the common task, Will furnish all we ought to ask, Room to deny ourselves; a road To bring us daily nearer God. If, in the presence of God, there is fulness of joy, what a merry Christ­ mas it should be for us, since Christ is Immanuel— “God with us.” “Behold, I bring you tidings of great joy . . . unto you is born this day a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.” The Word Made Flesh O Word made flesh! A tender plant Out of a dry ground springing, When Thou wert found in Bethlehem Men heard the angels singing. O Root of David! Wise men came With off’rings to adore Thee: Soon1 all the world shall own Thee Lord, And kings fall down before Thee. Seed of the Woman! Virgin-born In Thine own world a stranger, By faith we see Thee on the Throne Who once wast in a manger. True Vine of God! Thy virtues flow From Paradise supernal, Through branches that abide in Thee With fruit to Life Eternal. S - F . W. Pitt.

“Nevermore thou needest seek Me.” “I come in the little things,.” saith the Lord, “My starry wings I do forsake, Love’s highway of humanity to take; Meekly I fit My stature to your need, In beggar’s part About your gates I shall not cease to plead, As man to speak to man, Till by such art I shall achieve My immemorial plan, Pass the low lintel of the human heart.” A Story From China A delightful story has recently been received in missionary circles from China. A white colporteur visited a section of Central China into which no white missionary, to his knowledge, had ever penetrated. Gathering a big crowd of Chinese around him In a certain town he began to read to them from the New Testament in Chinese. He read the story of Jesus healing a blind man, healing a lame man, heal­ ing lepers, the lepers that crowded their streets, disfigured and dreadful. And they said suddenly, their faces lighting up: “Oh, we know Him! He. used to live here. Our mothers and fathers have told us about Him. He lived in a house down the street. We know where He is buried. His grave is here; we will show it to you, teacher. When the great plague came the rest left us, but He would not leave us. He gave us strange things out of a bottle. We took the things, and were better. We had babies; they were blind. He washed their eyes; He made them well; they could see. Oh, we know Him very well! He has often walked down our streets and spoken to us when we were little.” The colporteur said: “No, that could not be! He lived in a land far, far from here. He belonged to a different nationality.” “No, sir,” they said, “you are mis­ taken. He was right here. Come, and we will show you the grave.” They went and saw the grave, and its inscription In English. They look­ ed up the history of the town, and found the man they were speaking of was a British volunteer, a young med­ ical man, who had just completed his medical course, who had gone up the Yangtse six hundred miles and broken into the central and northerly interior, and settled down in this little town. The plague at last had taken his life. And away out there, after the years, when they heard the words about


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