King's Business - 1925-12

December 1925



Send Christmas Tidings to Help Evangelize China AMillion Testaments for China A Nation-Wide Distribution of the Word of God in the Hour of Crisis

C HINA is standing today on the edge of a precipice. Shall she jump into the abyss of Bolshevism ? Shall she fall into the chasm of A the­ ism ? O r shall th is great people follow the Lord Je su s C hrist? Conditions in China today present an im perative call, and an oppor­ tu nity unparalleled in all the centuries of its long h istory for a nation-w ide distribution of the W ord of God. .The people are hungry for knowledge. Students will m ake alm ost any sacrifice to continue th eir studies. More of the poorer classes can read than ever before. The delight and gratitude of the people a t receiving a n eat cloth-bound copy of the New T estam ent is alm ost unbounded. The pocket copies of the New T estam en t are to be given to those who will undertake to read and carry them . It is intended th a t the distribution shall reach such special classes as. governm ent officials and employees, soldiers, postal employees, policem en, doctors, nurses, students, farm ers, facto ry employees, rickshaw -m en, those in various in stitu tion s, such as orphans, lepers, prisoners, and also the boys and girls in th e schools throughout the length and breadth of the land. T he three Bible Societies, the Am erican Bible Society, the B ritish and Foreign Bible Society, and the N ational Bible Society of Scotland, propose to aid in the distribution of the T estam en ts through the m issionaries and Chinese p astors and C hristian w orkers. A statem en t of the proposed plan w as sen t out to the P ro testan t m issionaries in China and received their h earty approval. M issionaries alone have already applied for nearly 700,000 copies of the T estam ent, for w ise and careful distribution. T he Bible Societies are ready. The m issionaries are w aiting. The Chinese are dying w ithout C hrist. It is hoped to begin the distribution early in J9 2 6 . B u t the T estam en ts m ust first be printed. Y ou r prom pt actio n will greatly a ssist. It is estim ated th a t the to ta l co st of the cam paign, including the printing and distribution of the T estam en ts, will approxim ate $150,000, or 15 cen ts a copy. HOW SUNDAY SCHOOLS ARE HELPING •k’H E County Sunday School A ssociations of Philadelphia, Buffalo, N. Y ., ^ and Grand Rapids, M ich., have heartily endorsed the plan. The m ethod is to give an illustrated sheet (som ew hat sim ilar to th is page) to each m em ber of the School (including the prim ary departm ent, but not the in fa n ts), and ask them to give as they desire, and also to give others an opportunity to help send the W ord of God to the people of China. The plan does not deplete th e Sunday school treasury. It awakens fresh in terest in m issions. It gives a new realization of the pow er of God’s W ord. And it gives each m em ber o f the school an opportunity to help in a p ractical and v ital m anner in the evangelization of China. T he reaction on the Sunday school m akes the plan well w orth while, ap art entirely from the blessing it will bring to China. HOW YOU CAN HELP ¥ F YOU are a County President o r Secretary of a County Sunday School A ssociation w rite us a t once, statin g the num ber of Sunday-schools in your county, and we will send you a sufficient num ber of sheets and letters explaining the plan, so th a t you can m ail a sheet and letter quickly to each Sunday sch oo l.Superintendent in your county, asking if they would like to co -operate in the effort. A copy of a valuable new book, “China’s Christian A rm y,” will also be sen t to you. If you are a Sunday School Superintendent please w rite today statin g how m any m em bers you have in your school above the infants. A supply of the^ sheets will be sen t you, and also a free copy of the book, “China’s C hristian A rm y.’’ If you are a B ib le C lass T each er (o r a leader or m em ber of a m ission­ ary o r young people’s society ) send for a supply, of the sheets for use in your organization. If you love the W ord of God, send for ten or fifty o r a hundred o f the sheets to give to your neighbors and friends. A sk them to retain them for a week o r two, and then return them to you w ith the funds collected. A COPY OF “CHINA’S CHRISTIAN ARMY” will be given free of co st, as a token of appreciation, to any one who gives o r secures from others a donation am ounting to $15 fo r sending 100 T es­ tam ents to the people of China. The book contains 136 pages, and 15 pages of pictu res. It tells of thrilling modern m iracles. A m an in New Y ork sa t up until four o’clock in the m orning to finish it. Please send all donations to The Sunday School Tim es Company, 1031 W alnut Street, Philadelphia, o r to Mr. Joh n G. H arris, Treasu rer, Million T estam en ts for China Campaign, 1 19 South Fourth Street, Philadelphia. Send all applications for sheets to M illion T estam en ts for China Campaign, 1 19 South Fou rth Street, Philadelphia. You need not wait till the sheets arrive to commence working. You can start at once with this page. Be sure to begin the list with a large donation, as ah inspiration to others.

One Million of These Testaments for China. How Many Will You Give?

HOW MANY WILL YOU GIVE? Each 15 cents sends a cloth-bound Testament $150.00....^— ------ ..will send 1,000 T estam ents 15.00.........................................will send 100 T estam ents 7.50.........t...............................will send 5 0 T estam ents 1.50.......^ .,....^ ^ ^ ...........will send 10 T estam ents

No. of Testa­ ments Amount



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