King's Business - 1925-12

December 1925

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


YOUR Children What Are They Studying at S U N D A Y - S C H O O L ? Are they learning that


the Bible is the Word of God. and a trustworthy guide toetemal life? Are they being taught that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and the Saviour of the World? Or are their minds being filled^ with the doubts and denials of Evolution and Modern­ ism? You teachers and par­

ents ought to know. Our Sunday School publica­ tions, written for all de­ nominations, are true to the Word of God. The “Full Gospel” Line of In te rna tion a l Lessons TEA CH ER S’ Q U A RTERLY An absolutely new publication, prepared with Tno ex­ pense spared to make it the very best handbook for Sunday School teachers available. There are five dis­ tinct departments. YOUNG PEO PLE’S Q U A R T E R L Y For use in Young People's Societies and Bible Study classes. Topics are selected, and expositions furnished to cover every phase of Christian experience. SEN IO R Q U A RTERLY Special features are: Lesson Subject, Lesson Text, Lesson in Brief, Lesson Outline, Lesson Exposition, Lesson Questions, Home Readings, Practical Points. IN TERM ED IA TE Q U A RTERLY Meets the needs of young people between the ages of 1 4 - 1 7 . A simple, instructive publication, with special features and an attractive cover. JU N IO R Q U A RTERLY Fills the needs of young people between the ages of ten and fourteen. Its special features are: Scripture Reading, Memory Passage, Questions, The Lesson Story, Illustrations and an Introduction. HOME D EPARTM EN T QUA RTERLY All the features of the Senior Full Gospel Quarterly , .adapted for home use. TH E ALLIANCE W EE K LY For adult classes, The Alliance Weekly is an excep­ tionally fine Sunday School paper. In addition to a Lesson Exposition in each issue, there is an abundance of Bible study material,, sermons and missionary articles. TH E Y O U TH 'S COUNSELLOR Gives young people a grasp of the essential truths of the Bible in such a way as to prov e both interesting and entertaining. Clean, spiritual stories; live mis­ sionary news; helpful Sunday School notes, and in­ structive Bible studies. JU N IO R B O Y S AND G IR L S Alively, interesting paper for boys and girls between theagesof ten andfourteen. Bristleswith Bible stories, incidents and applications. Illustrated. JO Y B E L L S Delights the little primary people. The pictures and simple stories are fine. Issued weekly. Write for Free Samples and Price Lists of Sunday School Supplies S e n d f o r O u r Catalog The Christian Alliance Publishing Company Books B ib les T ra cts M ottoes Sunday School Supplies 260 W est 44th S tre e t NEW Y O R K , N. Y . Please Mention This Periodical. J E W S A copy of “T he Baffled R abbi.“ T he g rea t­ est cou rt room w itness for our Lord Jesu s C hrist in m any years. Sen t F R E E to C hris­ tians interested in the evangelization of the Jew s. Christian Witness to Israel 521 West 179th St., - - New York City Picture Lesson Cards Picture Lesson Rolls Lesson Leaflets

Mr. V a rta n A tch in ak , G en eral D ire cto r of th e Bible' L an d s Gospel M ission, on th e Shore of th e Sea of G alilée.

R. ATCHINAK is the good brother who, when he re­ turns j to Palestine, will establish a Fishermen’s Club

open a Sunday School in Harrittil Cubie. We believe this is in answer to prayer and have made an arrange­ ment to go to this village for the first time tomorrow. We will have Sunday School here at 10:10 in the morning, and go right on to this village for Sun­ day School at 11:30, from there to Derkuble for Sunday School at 2:30. We are so glad for the opportunity to go to these villages as there is no Gos­ pel work being done there.” foreign $20,000; a new edition of the Self-Explaining Bible Notes, $15,000; endowment of the society’s Spanish periodical, $50,000; publication of a monthly bulletin, $25,000, and. a per­ manent. home, such as a remodeled residence, for which no amount is set.” MAUDLIN SENTIMENTALITY However much horror may he aroused by a crime when it is first committed, it usually occurs that in a little while sympathy is awakened in behalf of the criminal. It is well to sympathize with any one in trouble and to do whatever may be of benefit to him in the way of bringing him to repentance and a de­ termination to lead a better life. But it should not be used merely to relieve' a criminal from the punishment due him for his evil deeds. One of the strange phenomena of this sentiment is that it is usually shown much more strongly towards the criminal than it is towards the victim of the crime. What ought to be demanded is that justice shall be done to the crim­ inal, to the victim and to the law.— Presbyterian of the South. STRAWS AND SYMPTOMS (Continued from page 549)

on the shores of the Sea of Galilee where the first fishermen heard and heeded the call of Jesus, “Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.” Inquiries are steadily coming in from all sections of the country, as well as from across the water, regarding the formation of these clubs, hut the “Galilee Fishermen’s Club’’,' will hold the unique place among them all. Inquiries addressed to T. C. Horton, 536 S. Hope Street, Los Angeles, will have prompt attention. Owing to the disturbances which are now taking place in that country, we covet the prayers of all God’s people for our Brother and Sister Atchinak as they return to their chosen field of labor that the work and workers may be preserved. They are doing very effective work in evangelizing the lands where our Lord and His apostles lived and labored. A recent letter from some of the teachers in the Lebanon High School and Bible Training Insti­ tute, conducted under the auspices of the Bible Lands Gospel Mission, shows the devotion of the workers and some of the results: “We are just getting the Sunday School started in Derkuble. Last Sun­ day the attendance was eighteen, and we pray that God will bless and send out many more to attend. Just yester­ day another request came for us to

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