December 1925
T H E K I N G ’ S
$10 to $ 1 5 0 For Your SUNDAY SCHOOLor CHURCH SOCIETY A Successful , Dignified Plan An ideal method for rais ing church funds; one that in itself is closely allied to church activities. Is suc cessful all the year round, but especially good in holi day season.
EVANGELISTIC DEPARTMENT (Continued from page 551)
strike your breast three times); there fore I beseech the blessed Mary ever Virgin, the blessed Michael the Arch angel, the blessed John the Baptist, the holy Apostles Peter and Paul, all the Saints, and you, Father, to pray to the' Lord God for me.” (Pray then for pardon, thus:) “May God have mercy on me, forgive my sins, and lead me on to eternal life. Amen.” Far be it from us to ridicule or make light of the belief of the Roman Catho lics, but rather let us not only pity them but let us be up and doing for them extending to them the precious knowledge of the truth as we enjoy it. The only purpose we have in writing these things is that we may the more appreciate the precious truths of our Lord Jesus Christ and His Apostles, so let us pray for them that many may be brought out of darkness into the marvellous light of the Gospel. Please remember us as we continue to labor in their behalf, also for the dear men of our Bible class who are ministering to their brethren in Mexico, giving out these precious truths. '¿k Sfe WORK IN THE SHOPS M arion H . Reynolds, Supt.— M eetings Held in Shops, F acto ries, C ar-B arn s and F ire Engine H ouses in L os Angeles. E sr* ORK in the Railway Shops still continues, bringing with it a great deal of interest. The many friends of the work “ “ will be interested in the re cent trip we made up the coast, stop ping and speaking in the Santa Fe
Shops at Richmond, where a large crowd of interested men greeted us. Leaving Richmond we journeyed to Roseville, speaking in the Pacific Fruit Express Company’s large plant to sev eral hundred men. Could you have heard their invitation to return you would have said, as we have often said, “Would to God we had the time and means to go into just as many shops as time would permit over this great country of ours.”'. Pray that God may raise up the workers and the means for this very purpose. Leaving Roseville we journeyed south to Fresno, speaking in one of the local churches there in the evening and preaching to a large group of shop men in the Calwa Shops. Having been there several times before every man was lined up and not a few expressed the desire to he remembered in prayer that they might be what they ought to be in God’s sight. You will rejoice to know that the twenty-one meetings held each week here in the city are showing blessed re sults. Just this instance to encourage you to pray. A man whom we have been working for and with for five years, and who has told us time and time again he couldn’t believe the Vir gin Birth or the Deity of Christ, re cently, on a hospital bed to which he had been taken, said as he gripped my hand, “I will,” to Jesus Christ. This is the sole aim and purpose of our work in the shops and factories, and we covet a place in the prayers of ail our friends. Again we say, PRAY FOR US. BIOLA HALL WORK D avid Cant, Su p t.—O ur City M ission fo r Men in the cen ter of Los Angeles. M eetings co n tinuous from 10 a . m. to 10 p. m . N oon-day P ray er M eeting. H NE day’s experience at Biola Hall differs little from an other. Some mornings we reach our “lighthouse” as early as eight thirty, but usu ally the doors are thrown open by ten a. m. However, it is no unusual sight to witness more than one earnest watch er for souls dealing with anxious men into the early hours of the next day. Usually we can hear the phone ringing as soon as we reach the Hall. Someone is on the line trying to tell us of a very distressing and needy case. “Will we please get in touch with them?” We are made familiar with the details, and discover it means either a trip to the’ hospital, the jail, or perhaps a visit to some outlying district. This ring is usually followed by another, calling for a man to do a day’s work or perhaps in viting us to call and collect clothing or magazines, and while we are taking down the address, we are confronted by a seedy, discouraged man presenting a note from some friend of Biola. As we question the man we discover the same old story, and the man’s name might well be called “Legion.” The need in such cases covers almost everything
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