December 1925
K I N G ’ S
from a meal to the price of fare back to the old home town. This man is followed by an excited individual who has become confused. He wants to have some theological ques tion solved. Perhaps it is the difference between a backslider and an apostate, and having cleared away his difficulties, we are next confronted by “some moth er’s boy.” He is seen standing wist fully gazing into the hall with that hungry look so familiar to Mission workers. A few encouraging words is all that is needed to draw out the story of “wanderlust,” ' stealing rides, and hopeless search for work. We seek to satisfy the present need, which opens the way for the entrance of the Bread of Life and, as the acceptance of Christ as his own personal Saviour is present ed, the first step in a life of faith is be gun. The first confession of the Lord Jesus Christ is made in the presence of a young convert who has sacrificed his lunch hour to run in to Biola where, in all the sweetness of his first love, he fills in the time distributing tracts and quoting Scripture passages to the pas serby. Another, daily occurrence is for the commercial man to run into the hall with a request for fifty copies, or even five hundred copies, of Gospels of John. These are stored away in his grip and off he rushes to catch his train. If wé could follow him we would find him quietly handing them out to interested business men on the train. Then we aré treated to one of those refreshing experiences which are like cool waters to a thirsty soul. A seedy looking man, slaving in a cheap feeding stall twelve long weary hours, presses into our hand a dollar bill whispering “for the dear Lord’s work, brother,” and surely He who sits over against the treasury and notes how they cast in, makes a record of this act in His book of remembrance to be rewarded in that day of days so nearly due. As he leaves, another aged man drops in. We have noticed him selling papers on the street corner in the late hours, but this is his hour off duty when he slips in to dig into the “news from a far country,” where sin and sorrow and suffering have no place. Quietly he sits and reads and meditates on eternal realities. Often he is companion to the busy, prosperous merchant, for he, too, craves his quiet’ moments, and appears never less alone than when humanly alone; and he too rubs shoulders with the narcotic fiend, crazed with burning desire, ready even to break the gold filling from his teeth and exchange it for the gratification of that mad thirst which is never appeased till he hears the voice of the Son of God speaking the word of authority and bidding the unclean spirit depart. Close upon his heels crawls in the moral degenerate from whom the very demons of hell well nigh draw aside their reeking garments lest they be pol luted with his infectious touch. Can Christ Save such a one? Praise Qod, Yes! from the uttermost to the utter most, for “him that cometh unto Me I will in no wise cast out!” Hallelujah! What a Saviour! The pious fraud, com mercializing his special brand of re ligion, is no stranger to Biola; the proud Pharisee demanding the upper most seat; the I. W. W. with his slogan
“down with all authority,” are but a few of the strange fishes who flock to our door seeking to force their doctrines upon us, and Oh! how it does require the wisdom and “much more” grace to be all things to all men to win some. By this time the faithful ones drop in for the noonday meeting, the hymns are sung, the prayers go up, the Word of Life is broken, while toiling sons of men pause just outside 'the door, some to scorn, some to heed, and a few tim
idly venture in. The hour is all too swiftly gone, and again the testimony is resumed from the entrance as one after another faithful witness rings out the message of grace, and, as- the watch er of souls picks oyt his man from the crowd for that closer heart talk, how his own heart thrills when finally the hand is gripped and he hears the whisp er, “I will.” Thus the day draws to a close, one tired worker steps down to relieve an-
Ab Men 8 0 0 w h o c a n E a m H 5 0 a W e e k ThisSuitOnly $12.50 1 I am going to show you how you can m ake from $100 to $1,000 a m onth in ca sh ! Y ou will be your own boss. You can go to work when you w ant to. Y ou can quit when you w ant to. Y ou can set your own hours. Y ou will g et your profits in cash every day. You can s ta rt w ithout experience, training or cap ital. And you can earn from $ 100 to $ 1,000 a m onth in th is easy, p leasan t work. A Wonderful New Suit! I have ju st brought out a wonderful new su it for men. It’s a good suit— -stylish, fits fine— and w ears like iron. It is m ade of a m arvelous new special cloth th a t is unusually durable and long-w earing. It w ithstands treatm ent th at would ruin an ordinary suit. And because these w onder ful new suits are so sty lish and w ear-resisting, th ey are selling like wildfire. Hundreds of men in your territory will sn atch a t th e chance to buy th is m ost am azing suit. A Red Hot Money Maker Does th a t sound too good to be tru e? Then read the record o f P . L . H am ilton. In less than a m onth’s tim e Mr. H am ilton sold $813 w orth o f. Com er suits. H e takes 6, 8, 10 orders a t a clip. B. M iller w rites: “ Suits sell very easily— in fa ct I find it easy to average one su it order every h alf hour.” C. H. M er eness m ade $ 18 profit in h alf day. R obert Rizalda cleared $32 in one day and finds it easy to average $4 an hour. Casey H urlbut says custom ers com e to his house. He m akes as high a s $13 an hour. And you have the sam e opportunity to m ake big money righ t in your own town. Tremendous Demand We are making this wonder suit in tremendous quantities—not one at a time—but by the thousands. All that modern- machinery and efficient meth ods can do to produce bis value at small cost is applied in making the new Comer suit. And finally, we are using the same modern efficiency in selling it—direct from factory to wearer through our local representatives. The result is amazing It brings the suit to. the wearer at a price that is revolutionary—a price that every one can afford to pay—a price that makes it the greatest clothing value in years. An Amazing Suit for Only $12.50 Think. $12.50 for a good suit of clothes. You can see immediately that every man is a prospect. A million suits a year is our objective. Every community in America is swarming with opportunities for sales. And now if you are interested in making money we want to show you how you can make it. We are appointing men in every locality to represent us—to take orders. That’s all. We furnish all instruotions. We deliver and collect. But we must have local representatives everywhere through whom our cus? tomers can send on their orders. Experience is not necessary. We want men who are ambitious—industrious and honest. Men who can earn $30 or $40 a day without- getting lazy—men who can make $1,000 a month and still stay on the job. If you are the right type—you may be a bookkeeper, a clerk, a factory worker, a mechanic, a salesman, a farmer, a preacher, or a teacher—that makes no' difference— the opportunity is here and we offer it to you. Complete Selling Outfit Sent Free If you want to make $10 to $20 a day, if you want a chance at this big money-making opportunity, mail the coupon below. We will send you our complete selling outfit absolutely free. With it will come full instructions, samples, style book, order book and everything you need to get started. Write Today Territories will be filled rapidly. Orders are now com ing in a flood. Men are making money faster and easier than they even hoped. Don't send' any money. Capital is not required. Just fill out the coupon and mail it. C. E. COMER, Pres., Comer Mfg. Co. Dept. 116— ES, Dayton, Ohio Ma il Now For Fu ll D e ta ils C. E. Comer, Pres., Comer Mfg. Co., Dept. II6-ES, Dayton, Ohio. | Send selling outfit on your suit proposition. Tell me how to earn as i much at $1,000. a month. This does not obligate me in any way. 1 C. E. Comer, President of the Comer Manufacturing Company, .wearing a Comer suit. Look at the style! Notice the At! And the amazing low price! Think how easily you can sell hundreds of these suits. Mail the coupon AT ONCE for full details. ™i.SN^,T $12.50 IMPORTANT! The Comer Mfg. Co. is the largest business of its kind in the world. It has twelve years of successful experience back of it. The business has been built on the policy of giving exceptional values to customers and - fair, square treatment to representa tives. y Address .
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