King's Business - 1925-12

December 1925


T H È K I N G ’ S


angels very explicitly declared that He was “taken up” but would “come In like manner,” that Is, bodily and vis­ ibly. And the Scriptures declare that He “is at the right hand of God.” Surely, then, He is not here as He once was. I marvel at the words of that preacher, speaking thus ' unadvisedly. The impression can hardly be avoided that the subject of the second coming of Christ was distasteful to Him. What a barrier to truly knowing the Holy Scriptures is prejudice! Certainly “Christ is here,” but only in the person of the Holy Spirit. Why should not that explanation have been made' at least for the simple minded and ignorant? “Why talk about His coming?” Why not do so? As has already been observed, Christ and the inspired writers freely referred to it. The apostle Paul, in several of his epis­ tles, gives very great prominence to it. Indeed it is the sublime theme, all through the Bible, that makes many obscure passages glow with new inter­ est and light. And it warms the hearts of those who “love His appearing.” THREE DAYS OF INTERCESSION ENDING WITH “WATCH NIGHT” Over 300 three days prayer gather­ ings and thousands of Watch Night services were held last year, in many of which the results were quite defi­ nite and enduring. Souls were saved, churches revived, lives consecrated, missionaries recruit­ ed, evangelistic campaigns begun, and multitudes moved towards God. This is probably the one outstand­ ing occasion of the entire year when the true Church of Christ worships simultaneously, drawing near to God “with a true heart in full assurance of faith.” More and more for several years past Watch Night has been given over to prayer. And why not? He, the Head of the body, “ever liveth to make intercession.” Should not this there­ fore be the chief occupation of the members of His body? He says .so: “Pray without ceasing;” “Men ought' always, to pray;” “I will that men pray everywhere.” “He that goeth forth” WITH TRAVAIL OF SOUL, scattering the precious seed of the Word-—by preaching, by tract distribution, by personal life and testimony — ?‘shall DOUBTLESS come again WITH RE ­ JOICING, bringing his sheaves with him” (Psa. 1 2 6 :6 ). 1925— let it close in “MIGHTY PREVAILING PRAYER !” 1926— let it begin and continue in “STRONG CRYING AND TEARS;” and long ere it closes the shout of new-born souls will be heard afresh in thousands of churches around the world, and the year will end in “PRAISE AND THANKSGIVING.” On Watch Night, as well as before and after, and during the “three days" (December 29 to 31) ■—for the sake of Jew and Gentile and Church of God— PRAY FOR THE CHURCH’S REVIVAL!

Compare Hebrews 11: 1 as rendered in th e Am erican Standard Bible, w ith any prev­ ious version. “Assurance” in

A Deluxe Bible No. 2154X—The finest, lightest,- most durable India paper, genuine Mo­ rocco^ divinity circuit, leather lined to edge, silk sewed, round corners, red under gold edges, title

place of “substance” and “con­ viction” replacing “evidence ” — w hat a w ealth o f m eaning and cla rity these highly au th o rita­ tive translation s im part. How much more understandable b e ­ cau se m ore accu rate—-especially to the young—-does th is sm all verse b e c o m e w i t h these changes I And y et they are only typ ical of the entire

stamped on back in pure gold ......

N elsoiist^da^BiblG (Edited by American Revision Committee) It behooves you, therefore, the earnest seeker after truth and of delicate shades of meaning as revealed in Holy Writ, to- have and to use this priceless book. The American Standard Bible text has been adopted by all leading Colleges, Theological Seminaries, Y.M.C.A., Y.W.C.A., and Bible Schools throughout the United States, and is used by over 13,000,000 scholars from which to study the International, graded or other Bible lessons. A Nelson Bible is a guarantee of the best character of printing, binding, paper, as well as of the latest and best translation. Two hundred styles of binding and ten sizes of type.

Nelson Bible» in all sizes, types and styles of binding are ob­ tainable wherever Bibles are sold.

F R E E B O O K L E T A charming 36-page booklet entitled "The Wonderful Story," published at 10c per copy, telling how the Bible came down through the ages, and con­ taining many facts of vital interest, will be sent FREE on request to any­ one mentioning The King's Business.

Thom as Nelson & Sons, 385-D 4 th A ve., New Y ork City Authorized Publishers for the American Revision Committee Dear Sirs: Please send me FREE copy of your book entitled "The Wonderful Story." This does not obligate me in any way. Name....................................................................................-......... ................ Street............................................................... .............................................. City................................. ..................................................State...... ...........

DIETZ INDIVIDUAL COMMUNION SERVICE Used by thousands of Methodists everywhere. Ask for our catalog of Church and S.S . supplies. \VM. H . D IETZ . 2 0 E . RANDOLPH . CHICAGO

[ hi CH U R CH FURN ITURE Ul __ Everythingfo r Church and Sunday School «=. use. FromFactoryto You. Finecatalogfree. DeMoulin Bros. 8C Co. H 1151 South 4th St., Greenville, Illinois »*IP

An Appropriate Holiday Gift “ KESWICK” BLOCK CALENDAR for 1926 60c each, postage paid. $3.50 per half dozen, postage paid. $6.75 per dozen, postage paid.

Back contains a charming country scene litho­ graphed in full colors on heavy board. Corded to hang. Pad has separate sheet for each day with bold date, select scripture reference and spiritual meditation thereon by such accredited writers as C. H. Spurgeon, George Muller, Dr. Jowett, Samuel Rutherford, J. R. Caldwell and others. Pad is fastened to back with patent metal fastener. This splendid Calendar is in great demand every year, and has been a source of much blessing to many of “His own.** One writes: “I want to take this opportunity of telling you how greatly God has blessed the ‘Keswick Cal­ endar* to my soul. It seems the Lord has pro­ vided through this Calendar day after day just

the message I needed at the time. This is the testimony of all here who have these Calendars. They are well worth advertising among your customers.**— Mrs. C. D., Atlanta, Ga. Please order EA R LY . E ach season we have calls we cannot supply. G et your copies NOW. Rem em ber also th a t friend, th a t shut-in, th a t lonely m issionary in som e isolated p art, etc. A fine selection of Bibles (including the Scofield Reference Bibles and T estam en ts), Bible Study Books and Booklets, W all M ottoes, Scrip tu re-T ext P o st Cards a s well as tra cts for both saved and unsaved carried in stock. Send for F R E E catalogue. A helpful pam phlet also sent F R E E to all m entioning th is ad.

I. C. HERENDEEN, Bible Truth Depot 7313 Wade Park Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio

° f R r D o E m R

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