King's Business - 1925-12

December 1925



K I N G ’ S



(Efynatmaa dar&B cThat Tell {he Christmas Story Do you search each year for Christmas cards that carry the spirit and message of the first Christmas? ¿Hrrr ta ttff £ni> of Hour (furat S e n d I j h e s e Twelve exquisite cards reproduc­ ing in glowing colors the beautiful pictures in which the old masters ■painted their visions of the birth heralded by angels. Each card will b r i n g to some friend “good tidings of great joy !” Twelve cards, all different, with envelopes for ONE dollar. Pin $l.oo to this coupon and help spread the tidings o f the angels TH E WOMANS P R E S S 600 Lexington Avenue New Y ork, N. Y . Please send me a box of your C h rist­ m as card s for the $1.00 enclosed. B H B B I ........B B B I .......... U

W here the Gospel Rings Out in Chicago

H URING the past year a church edifice of massive propor­ tions has been slowly rising in Chicago, opposite Lincoln Park, in the block between North Clark and La Salle Streets, just north of North Avenue and fronting on both streets. It is the D. L .’ Moody Memorial Church and Sunday School Building, so named in honor of , the great evangelist, and was dedicated on Sunday, November 8, as the home of the Moody Church, founded by D. L. Moody 61 years ago. Erected at a cost above $900,000, the new building is being financed by thè m e m b e r s h i p chiefly through pledges made in January, 1924, and payable weekly through five years. From other resources of the church $360,000 was realized, and the balance of the sum required is being secured by a bond issue sold directly by the church without commissions to any one. It is of interest at this point to note that there is not a single person of wealth in the membership of Moody Church. Its motto from the begin­ ning has been,; “Ever welcome to this house of God are strangers and the poor,” and its missionary character is evidenced by the fact that more than eighty of its members are now in for­ eign missionary service, and by the further significant fact that at the church’s annual missionary rally last April above $30,000 was pledged to­ ward the support of these mission­ aries; also that for eleven years the church’s annual missionary pledges, which have frequently exceeded this year’s figure, have always been paid in full and usually overpaid. Founded on God’s Word, Moody Church is the same today in doctrine and practice as in the beginning. The whole emphasis is now, as in Moody’s day, on a Bible preaching, evangelizing

and teaching ministry. New Testa­ ment church discipline is practised, and has been owned and blessed of God in many instances. . Modernism is recognized for what it is, the enemy of the cross of Christ, and Moody Church believes the best way to com­ bat it is by faithfully giving forth the Word in revival power. As might be expected from the Moody Church, the opening services of the new structure were followed by an evangelistic campaign to continue several weeks under the leadership of Rev. R. A. Torrey, D.D. Homer Ham- montree, recently elected Assistant Pastor of the church, will be the music conductor. Furthermore, beginning in January, the Rev. Louis Entzminger will lead the church in a great for­ ward movement for recruiting the un­ saved of ■ the community around about and bringing, it is expected, many hundreds into the church and Sunday School. Throughout nearly its whole history the Moody Church has maintained a high standard for its platform minis­ try. In periods when it has been with­ out a regular pastor the pulpit has been supplied as a rule by distinguish­ ed preachers from this country and abroad. Among its regular pastors of note have been the late Dr. W. J. Erd- man, Rev. Charles A. Blanchard, Pres­ ident of Wheaton College; Dr. R. A. Torrey; the late Dr. A. C. Dixon; Dr. James M. Gray, who supplied the pul­ pit for a long period following Dr. Tor- rey’s pastorate; Evangelist George C. Needham, and others. ■v\l/^’ 88» ' ^3 Tell Your Friends to Give Their Other Friends The King’s Business for Christmas

AGENTS<6ADAY taking orders for Non-Alcoholic Food Flavors. Every variety. Put up in collapsible tubes. Always Iresh. Threetimes the strength of bottled flavors. Notsold in stores. Fast repeaters. Big income every day. M en a n a W om en devoting full timecanmake $6to$d a day. Bis; money for spare time. . Largest concern of its kind in the world. Over two million dollars’ worth of orders taken last year by ourRepresenta­ tives for Zanol Pure Food Products, Toilet Preparations, Soaps, Laundry ana Clean- a ' Specialties and House- Supplies. Everyarticle guaranteed. Write for Sam­ ple Outfit and Money Mak­ ing Proposition. American Products Co. 3166 American Building, Cincinnati, Ohio

A simple, p ractical, sup­ plem entary set of Hand W ork to be used w ith the INTERNATIONAL GRADED LESSON S for Beginners and Prim ary grades. Som ething f o r the child to do every Sunday in the year. The m aterial for the child is A L L prepared. A T each ers’ H andbook.

Send stam p for Specim en Pages. M ILL ER PU BLISH IN G CO., Salam anca, N. Y .

VIT A N T T H M IN IST ER S Tf A l l I EaLr GO SPEL W O RK ER S 1,000 more Christian men and women to sell Scriptural Mottoes, Christian Life Calendars, Christmas Greeting Cards, Books, and Bibles. Full or spare time. Big Profits. Gospel T rum p et Co. D ept. K B A nderson, Ind.

Scripture Texts Christmas Cards and Folders Carefully selected tex ts breath in g the C h rist­ m as Spirit. E xqu isite coloring and designs. S ets of ten (10) w ith envelopes 50 cents. Also a full line of Scripture T ex ts M ottos. Circular upon request. H EN RY TROG LER 169 M elrose S t., - - Brooklyn, N. Y .

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