King's Business - 1925-12


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

December 1925

T ßßßßßßß ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß ßßßsßX j WINSTON-INTERNATIONAL p p lŒ SUNDAY SCHOOL IlSlSi ■potili SCHOLARS’BIBLES SELF-PRONOUNCING Contain specially prepared H elp s to B ib le S tu d y andmany A ttra ctiv e Illu s» tra tio n s suitable for children. Sen d fo r Illustrated Catalog T H E JO H N C . W IN ST O N C O ., Publishers American Bible Headquarters 299 W inston Building Philadelphia i fifM ’ie if* * v te e (S iie iiiS fs s s s ie ii£ S ie e s a


H g jjT has been said that no Gos- |1| pel song in history ever at- Wjl tained the international pop- |g] ularity of the “Glory Song” in so short a time. It was written in 1900, and in less than five years it was sung around the world. The wonder of this, however, is not due to the song alone, but to circum­ stances and conditions that took con­ trol of it. Many interesting incidents connect­ ed with it have been sent me from many countries, besides scores that have appeared in print, but to me the most remarkable fact concerning the song is that it stands today note for note and word for word as Charles H. Gabriel sent it to the printer twenty- five years ago. It has been translated into more than twenty different languages and dialects, and over twenty millions of copies have been printed. I have heard it played by brass' bands, Ger­ man bands, hand organs, street pianos, and phonographs; I have heard it numerous times, sung, by over ten thousand people, and again by the usual congregation; but the most im­ pressive rendering I ever heard given was by a certain congregation of over one thousand men; these men were all dressed in steel gray suits, and sat with folded arms; the man who played the organ and the man who held the baton and led the song were dressed in exactly the same way. Down the right side, across the rear and up the left side of the audience room, on high stools, sat a row of men in blue uni­ forms, holding heavy canes across their knees; these men seemed never for an instant to take their eyes from cer­ tain spots in front of them. Not a man whispered during the service— for it was a State’s Prison. Among that congregation of 1,077 men, 256 were there for life— there to live and die, and on each of their cell doors, where they would read it every time they left and re-entered, was that startling word “life.” How strangely their voices impressed me— these men without a country, without a home, without a name, deprived of every privilege accorded to all men by the Almighty, and known only by a num­ ber. As I sat before them, the prison pallor of their faces against its back­ ground of gray within that frame of blue, made a picture never to be for­ gotten. With few exceptions every man sang. Here sat one with downcast eyes,i^-there another with mute lips, while yonder near the center a large, strong fellow was weeping like a little child— but silently. They told me he had been there but a short time, and I wondered if he had heard the song before, under different circumstances — and where, for he had a kindly face. Softly they sang that last stanza: “Friends will be there I have loved long ago; Joys like a river around me will flow;

Yet just a smile from my Saviour, I know, Will through the ages be glory for me.” Thé chaplain said a brief prayer, that crowd of men marched out to the music played by the man in gray.


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All the proper words being ac- centedand dividedinto syllables for quickand easy pronunciation LARGE B U C K FACE TYPE SPECIM EN OF TYPE and of Xr’pad? where are the gc Seph-ar-va'im, He'na, and I have they delivered Sa-ma'ri-a mine hand? 35 Who are they among all the of the countries, that have deb IT ALSO CONTAINS A NEW SERIES OF HELPS TO THE STUDY OF THE BIBLE Selectedfor their general utility INCLUDING 4500 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ON THE OLD AND NEW TESTAMENTS which unfold the Scriptures. A feature of great value to old and young 31 BEAUTIFUL ILLUSTRATIONS showingscenes and incidents of Bible History, handsomely printed on enamel paper in phototone ink 12 MAPS OF THE BIBLE UNDS IN COLORS Printed onsuperior white paper, size 5^ x 8 J inches. Suitable to carry or for home reading

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