King's Business - 1925-12


December 1925


K I N G ’ S



A SE R V IC E FO R CHRISTMAS TheCelestial Song A Christmas service

pray, he continued in prayer until the answer came. We are expecting great blessing to result from these Prayer Circles, LESSON SEVENTEEN How to Deal with Mormons: Formerly Mormonism was a negligi­ ble factor in the life of our nation be­ cause it was so small, but this cult is now pushing its propaganda every­ where, and deceiving many people into the belief that they are really an evan­ gelical denomination. Rev. J . D. Nut­ ting, of the Utah Gospel Mission, who has done valiant service among the Mormons for many years, says under the caption, “Why Care About Mor- mohisrn?” in his periodical “Light on Mormonism“ :' “W hy ought we to ca re ? Our answ er Is: B ecau se of th e ch aracter and results o f the system , w hich affect in d irectly or directly a l­ m ost every one in En glish-speaking lands, and m ultitudes in others. B riefly, w e should care, “B E C A U S E O E IT S B IG N E SS. T he cult now claim s h a lf a m illion m em bers in th e W est, and about 100,000 in th e E a stern or ‘Reorganized’ Morm onism . T h e num bers have tripled and m ore since our personal acqu ain t­ an ce w ith it in 1892. “B E C A U SE IT IS A DANGEROU S SY ST EM O F R E L IG IO U S E R R O R . {These errors are tak en up in d etail la te r in th is lesson.) “B E C A U SE IT IS A G R E A T P R O S E L Y T ­ IN G SY ST EM F O R SUCH B E L IE F S . T his is its own word fo r its m ethod of propagating its beliefs. .I t h as usually 2,000 em issaries out from th e U tah region, and perhaps 200 m ore from th e E a stern M ormonism . “B E C A U SE IT M A K ES A H IG H STAND­ ARD O F M O R A L IT Y IM P O S S IB L E . I f a person prays to such a God a s th a t of th e Mormon religion, th en h e prays to a sinner, and sin becom es a p art of h is ideal, and— w hether consciously or otherw ise— ho m ust sin or be false to h is ideal. “B E C A U SE THOUSANDS O F SOULS A R E B E IN G LO ST B E C A U SE O F SUCH DOC­ T R IN E S . I f th e ‘Gospel is th e power o f God unto salvation,’ th en a false Gospel m ust have th e opposite effect.” In dealing with a Mormon, you need especially to know something of their teaching in order to meet their sub­ tle half-truths, remembering that a half-truth is a deadly lie. Taking up their teaching as to the essential doctrines, in order, we have— I. As to the Doctrine of God: (1) They teach that God is Adam; an exalted Man; the supreme God, and the only God with whom we have to do; and that Jesus Christ is the son of this “Adam-God and Mary,” by nat­ ural generation. This, of course, is in contradiction of the Scripture which teaches that “God is a Spirit” (John 4:24), (2) They teach that there are many Gods, once human beings. These Gods are male and female and continue their earthly relations; but the Word teaches that there is but one God (Mark 12: 32): “ F o r th e r e is b u t o n e G o d ; a n d th e r e is n o n e o th e r b u t h e ,” (Deut. 6:4; Matt. 22:24-30). (3) They teach that Jesus Christ and the Father are two distinct persons, in the same sense that John and Peter

are two persons; but Jesus says (John 10:30 and 1 7 :1 1 ): “I and m y F a th e r a re one.” (4) They teach that the Holy Spirit is a substance, similar to electricity, but the Scriptures bear testimony to the personality of the Holy Spirit; He speaks, commands, forbids, etc. (Acts 1 3 :2 ): “A s th e y m in istered to th e L o rd and fasted , th e H oly G host said, S ep arate me B a rn a b a s and Saul fo r th e w o rk vvhere- nn to I h av e called th em .” (Acts 1 6 :6 ; 1 John 5 :7 ): “F o r th e re a re th re e th a t h ear re co rd in heaven, th e F a th e r , th e W o rd and th e H oly G h ost; and th ese th re e a re one.” (5) They teach that these Gods are subject to the necessary laws that gov­ ern all matter. In dealing with this phase of the question, you might well ask how, if God is subject to the laws of matter, He Could be the Creator of matter. Jesus was not subject to the laws He had made, hut on the contrary, He made new laws, as when He walked on the water (Isa. 40:12-15, 28): “W h o h a th m easu red th e w a te rs in th e hollow of his hand, and m eted ou t heaven w ith th e span , and com prehended th e du st of th e e a rth in a m easu re, and w eighed th e m ou n tain s in sca le s, an d th e h ills in a b alan ce? «W ho h a th d irected th e S p irit of th e L ord , or being his cou n sellor h ath ta u g h t him ? “W ith w hom to o k he coun sel, and who in stru cte d him , and ta u g h t him in th e p ath of ju d gm en t, and ta u g h t him k n ow ledge, and shew ed to him th e w a y of un d erstan d in g ? “B ehold th e n ation s a re a s a drop of th e b u ck et, and a re coun ted a s th e sm all du st of th e b a la n ce ; behold, he ta k e th up th e isles a s a v e ry little th in g .” “H a st th ou n o t kn ow n ? h a st th o u not ¿heard, th a t th e e v e rla stin g God, th e L ord , th e C re a to r o f th e ends of th e e a rth , fa in te th n o t, n eith er is w e a ry ? T h ere is no se a rch in g of his u n d erstan d ­ in g .” II. As to the Doctrine of Man: They teach that the spirits of human beings are born in the spirit world, and come here for bodies. But the Word of God teaches that the body was first formed, then the spirit (Gen. 2:7 ): “And th e L o rd God form ed m an of th e du st of th e grou n d , and b reath ed in to his n o strils th e b re a th of life, and m an be­ cam e a livin g soul.” (2) They teach that polygamists and other sealed Mormons become gods, after death. The Scripture is very definite as to their destiny after death. When they die they will go into the outer dark­ ness; they go to- their own place, as Judas did, who denied the Christ. They cannot go where Christ is (John 7:34): “Y e sh a ll seek m e and sh all n o t find m e; and w h ith er I am , th ith e r y e can n ot com e.” (1 Cor. 8:5, 6): « F o r th ou g h th e re be th a t a re called god s, w h eth er in h eaven o r in e a rth (a s th e re he gods m an y and lord s m a n y ). “B u t to u s th e re is but one God, th e F a th e r , of w hom a re a ll th in g s, and w e in h im ; and th e L o rd Je s u s C h rist, by whom a re a ll th in g s, and w e by him .”

of unusual attractive­ ness for Sunday Schools. The songs are varied in style, and may be used as solos, duets, and chorus singing by the entire school. The m u s i c is charming, without being difficult. The responsive read­ ings, recitations and ex­ ercises offer material for delightful platform presentation.

$3.25 for fifty Sample copy, 7 cents

$ 6 . 0 0 a hundred 80 cents a dozen

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