December 1925
T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
We have not the space in this issue to complete this lesson on Mormonism, but will give in the January number their doctrines as to the Bible, Sin, the Atonement, the Ordinances, Baptism, etc., the Priesthood, their relation to Civil Government, Polygamy and Mar riage, and Modern Miracles. (The suggestions given above are taken from a Correspondence Course on “Personal and Practical Christian Work,” by T. C. Horton, one of the many courses offered by the Correspond ence School of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. Further information con cerning these courses will be cheerfully given by the Secretary, Keith L. Brooks, S36 S. Hope St., Los Angeles, Calif.) CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR TOPICS (Continued from page 559) the new year by abandoning self and all its desiFes and affectiods. Thus our loss will be our gain, for we will then win more of Christ. 2. The ACME of knowledge (vs. 10, 11 ). We should be eager to ob tain greater knowledge each year, but the highest knowledge possible to ob tain is the knowledge of Christ. Paul knew Christ better than did any other man, but he longed to know Him bet ter. Not to know about Him, but to know Him. To experience the power, or the outflowing, of His resurrection life, to have a share in His suffering, conforming unto His death, perhaps literally. Christ died to bring men to God. We may have to. Surely this coming year we should seek to know Him better than ever before and thus press on in true knowledge (2 Pet. 3 :1 8 ). 3. The AIM or AMBITION of life (vs. 12-14). What are you living for? You must have a goal. Press on? Yes. But to what? Paul says, that though he is not perfect, yet his aim or goal in life is to lay hold on, or apprehend, that for which Christ had laid hold of him. If we are saved, it is because Christ reached out and laid hold of us. He laid hold of us for a definite purpose. He has a plan for each individual life. Our objective is to fulfill the plan that He has in mind for us. So, forgetting the victories and the defeats of the past, let us concentrate on the plan, making our aim— to apprehend that for which we also have been apprehended (Eph. 2 :1 0 ; Col. 4 :1 7 ). Against Little.— Leonard Bacon, who was one of the best-known theologians in New England a half century ago, was attending a confer ence, and some assertions he made in his address were vehemently objected to by a member of the opposition. “Why,” he expostulated, “I never heard of such a thing in all my life !” "Mr. Moderator,” rejoined Bacon calmly, “I can not allow my oppon ent’s ignorance, however vast, to off set my knowledge, however small.” ■—The Christian Register (Boston). Much
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d onisp nijj) chapter The Hebrew-Christian Publication Society, Inc., E H B Christian men and women to the important work being done by our beloved agent, Mr. B. A. M. Schapiro. The following pamphlets, written by him and freely distributed by us, among Jews and Christians, will give an intelligent idea of our work. They are not only enlightening to the Jewish inquirer, but are also comforting and strengthening to the Christian. Will you, therefore, fellowship with us in our labors for God's ancient people, and send us a donation as the Lord has prospered you? None of the tracts are for sale, and we are depending upon the Lord's peo ple for support. Should you desire any specimen publication, communicate with our office. Please enclose two cents postage for tracts. Do not send post cards. PAMPHLETS by B. A. M. SCHAPIRO, issued for free distribution “ Love Begets Love.”—Introduction by P. Whitwell Wilson, LL. D. “What the Rabbis Have to Say on the 53rd of Isaiah.”—Introduction by Rev. George Alexander, D. D., LL.D., Pastor First Presbyterian Church, New York City. “What Ails My People?” “The Sure Word of Prophecy.”—Introduction by the Rt. Rev. Arthur Selden Lloyd, D. D.. Bishop Suffragan of New York and President of the Society. “The Sacrifices. Their Origin and Significance.”—Introduction by the late Rev. David Gregg, D.D., LL.D., President Emeritus of the Western Theological Seminary. “The Jewish Golden Future”—(Yiddish). “The Higher Critics Hebrew.”—(Out of Print). “The Similarity Between the New Testament and the Talmud” (Hebrew and Yiddish).— Introduction by the Rev. Robert Dick Wilson, Ph. D., D.D., Professor of Semitic Languages and Old Testament Criti cism, Princeton Theological Seminary. “Without Him We Can Do Nothing” (English and Yiddish). “Jesus, and His Kinsmen” (English and Yiddish).—Introduction by the late Prof. Luther T. Townsend, D.D., S.T.D., M.V.I. “The Faith of Noah.” “Saul, the Pharisee, and Paul the Christian.''—Introduction by the Rev Kenneth Mackenzie, Rector of Holy Trinity, Westport, Connecticut, and President of the South American Inland Mission; Secretary and. Treasurer, of the Society. “Jesus Christ, an Historical Character as Proved by the Talmud.” “The Doctrine of the Incarnation in the Old Testament.” With a foot-note on the meaning of the word "Almoh." “Some Objections to Jewish Evangelization.” “Christian Obligations to the Jews.” . “The Mission of Israel.” . An address delivered at the Labor Temple (English). (Yiddish edition trans lated by Rev. Henry Einsprush). “The Christian Church and Her Jewish Neighbors,” “Gethsemane in Our Lives.”—Introduction by the Rt. Rev. Ernest M. Stires, D.D., LL.D., Bishop Coadjutor of Long Island. ♦“Zionism, the Hope of the Jews.” ♦“Sunday School Teaching and the Jewish People.” ♦“Moses and Balaam—A Study in Contrasts.” “The Messiah According to the Old and New Testaments” (English, Yiddish and Russian)—made and printed through the courtesy of Mrs. Helen Gould Shepard—(Russian edition).* “Must Christians Keep the Jewish Sabbath?” Introduction by the Rev. Duncan J. McMillan» D.D., Secre tary New York Sabbath Committee. ♦Those marked with a star will be published as soon as the Lord provides the means, as this work is supported by voluntary contributions. DO IT NOW! The Hebrew-Christian Publication Society, Inc. 405 Bible House, New York City tas ♦“Our Peoples’ Sins—Its Remedy." ♦“The Jew and the Old Testament.” . This advertisement has been paid for by a spiritually minded Christian lady
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