King's Business - 1925-12

December 1925

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S



Do Not Miss the CHRISTMAS ISSUE of the MOODY B I B L E I N S T IT U T E MONTHLY It will contain a thought provoking article by a Canadian pastor entitled “From the Watch Toxtfers of the World” A Review of Dr. Fosdick’s article in the Ladies Home Journal by Evangelist Biederwolf. An inspirational sermon' by the REV. CHARLES SPURGEON, worthy son of a great father. And a veritable spiritual feast of other good things. The Christmas issue alone will be worth the price of a year’s subscription. W ITH E V E R Y Y E A R ’S SU B SCR IPT ION W E W IL L SEND T H E N O V EM B ER and D EC EM BER ISSU ES F R E E . Moody Bible Institute Monthly, 134 Institute Place, Chicago, 111. Enclosed find $2.00 for a year’s subscription to The Moody Bible Institute Monthly. It is understood that I will receive the November and December issues free. Name......................................................................................... ....................... ......................... ......... Address.............................—................................................... ............................................................. ........

tion, but all men need a Biblical one. Could the writer referred to have a bet­ ter salvation than the expanded one of Titus 2:11-14? 1. The Source of Salvation—“The Grace of God” as focused and found in Christ. 2. The Teaching of S a l v a t i o n — “Teaching us” to “deny ungodliness and worldly lusts.” 3. The Outlook of Salvation—“Look­ ing for that Blessed Hope and the glor­ ious appearing of our great God and Saviour.” (R.V.) 4. The Price of Salvation—“Who gave Himself for us.” 5. The Purpose of Salvation—“That He might redeem us from all iniquity;” that is, everything that is crooked and not found in the will of God. 6. The End of Salvation—“Purify unto Himself a peculiar people;” that is, a people for Himself, as His treasure and for everything that He desires. 7. The Employment of Salvation—9 “Zealous of good works.” “Good works” mean a heart of love, a hand of help, and a benediction to the undeserving.— P. E. Marsh. MISSIONARY THEME “The field is the world." (Matt. 13:38) I. The field in its beauty. See it as the paradise of God, (Gen. 1:26-31; Jer. 10:12). II. The field blighted. See what sin has wrought. 1. Spoiled by Satan, (Rom. 5:12). 2. Lying in the wicked one, (1 John 5:19). 3. Guilty before God, (Rom. 3:19). 4. Groaning unto God, (Rom. 8:22). III. The field beloved. See how God loved it, though steeped in wickedness, (John 3:16-17; i John 4:9). IV. The field bought back. See how God valued the treasure in it, which was the reason for pur­ chasing it, (Matt. 13:44; John 1: 29). The price paid for it, (Matt. 13:44, 1. c; 1 Pet. 1:18-19). V. . The field bequeathed. See how the Lord bestowed it upon His disciples, as a place to sow and reap, to gather a harvest for His glory, (John 10:36). 1. As witnesses, (Acts 1:8). 2. As evangelists, (Mark 16:15). 3. As Saviours, (John 17:18). 4. As soul winners, (Dan. 12:3). All who are faithful servants help to bring about the consummation of God’s desire, the filling of the whole world with His glory, (Isa. 55:10-13; Rev. 21:23-27). m B th “Preachers’ Magazine.” OUR KINSMAN-REDEEMER IN PROPHECY AND MANIFESTATION Behold, a virgin shall*****bear a Son, and shall call His name Immanuel— God with us— Isa. 7 :1 4 ; Matt. 1:23. Behold, thou shalt*****bring forth a Son, and shall call His name Jesus, for

Merry Christmas to Everybody INCLUDING THE LEPERS


Most o f the 2 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 lepers o f the world will not have a Merry Christmas. None o f them will, unless Christian friends provide it. T h e American Mission to Lepers is in touch with missionaries who are helping lepers with food, clothing, medicine, and Gospel cheer, in 10 3 centers, in 18 different countries. It is supported by voluntary contributions from followers o f Him who said, “C leanse the lepers. M ake the lepers’ hearts glad and fill your own I Christmas with happiness by sending a check or l'mEfifsMfth1Ave.

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