December 1925
T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
Do Not Miss the CHRISTMAS ISSUE of the MOODY B I B L E I N S T IT U T E MONTHLY It will contain a thought provoking article by a Canadian pastor entitled “From the Watch Toxtfers of the World” A Review of Dr. Fosdick’s article in the Ladies Home Journal by Evangelist Biederwolf. An inspirational sermon' by the REV. CHARLES SPURGEON, worthy son of a great father. And a veritable spiritual feast of other good things. The Christmas issue alone will be worth the price of a year’s subscription. W ITH E V E R Y Y E A R ’S SU B SCR IPT ION W E W IL L SEND T H E N O V EM B ER and D EC EM BER ISSU ES F R E E . Moody Bible Institute Monthly, 134 Institute Place, Chicago, 111. Enclosed find $2.00 for a year’s subscription to The Moody Bible Institute Monthly. It is understood that I will receive the November and December issues free. Name......................................................................................... ....................... ......................... ......... Address.............................—................................................... ............................................................. ........
tion, but all men need a Biblical one. Could the writer referred to have a bet ter salvation than the expanded one of Titus 2:11-14? 1. The Source of Salvation—“The Grace of God” as focused and found in Christ. 2. The Teaching of S a l v a t i o n — “Teaching us” to “deny ungodliness and worldly lusts.” 3. The Outlook of Salvation—“Look ing for that Blessed Hope and the glor ious appearing of our great God and Saviour.” (R.V.) 4. The Price of Salvation—“Who gave Himself for us.” 5. The Purpose of Salvation—“That He might redeem us from all iniquity;” that is, everything that is crooked and not found in the will of God. 6. The End of Salvation—“Purify unto Himself a peculiar people;” that is, a people for Himself, as His treasure and for everything that He desires. 7. The Employment of Salvation—9 “Zealous of good works.” “Good works” mean a heart of love, a hand of help, and a benediction to the undeserving.— P. E. Marsh. MISSIONARY THEME “The field is the world." (Matt. 13:38) I. The field in its beauty. See it as the paradise of God, (Gen. 1:26-31; Jer. 10:12). II. The field blighted. See what sin has wrought. 1. Spoiled by Satan, (Rom. 5:12). 2. Lying in the wicked one, (1 John 5:19). 3. Guilty before God, (Rom. 3:19). 4. Groaning unto God, (Rom. 8:22). III. The field beloved. See how God loved it, though steeped in wickedness, (John 3:16-17; i John 4:9). IV. The field bought back. See how God valued the treasure in it, which was the reason for pur chasing it, (Matt. 13:44; John 1: 29). The price paid for it, (Matt. 13:44, 1. c; 1 Pet. 1:18-19). V. . The field bequeathed. See how the Lord bestowed it upon His disciples, as a place to sow and reap, to gather a harvest for His glory, (John 10:36). 1. As witnesses, (Acts 1:8). 2. As evangelists, (Mark 16:15). 3. As Saviours, (John 17:18). 4. As soul winners, (Dan. 12:3). All who are faithful servants help to bring about the consummation of God’s desire, the filling of the whole world with His glory, (Isa. 55:10-13; Rev. 21:23-27). m B th “Preachers’ Magazine.” OUR KINSMAN-REDEEMER IN PROPHECY AND MANIFESTATION Behold, a virgin shall*****bear a Son, and shall call His name Immanuel— God with us— Isa. 7 :1 4 ; Matt. 1:23. Behold, thou shalt*****bring forth a Son, and shall call His name Jesus, for
Merry Christmas to Everybody INCLUDING THE LEPERS
Most o f the 2 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 lepers o f the world will not have a Merry Christmas. None o f them will, unless Christian friends provide it. T h e American Mission to Lepers is in touch with missionaries who are helping lepers with food, clothing, medicine, and Gospel cheer, in 10 3 centers, in 18 different countries. It is supported by voluntary contributions from followers o f Him who said, “C leanse the lepers. M ake the lepers’ hearts glad and fill your own I Christmas with happiness by sending a check or l'mEfifsMfth1Ave.
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