T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
December 1925
cause he is capable, brilliant and hand some. Throughout the ages the devil has always loved a shining mark. The more brilliant a young man, the greater the temptation placed before him. Without Christ as Saviour and His principles as guide, and the Holy Spirit as power, no young man or young wo man is safe. Without Christ in the life, a young man has a bad start. No mat ter what other characteristics he may have, if he continues without Christ, he is sure to have a bad finish.”
end in utter failure. In the education and training of boys and girls, there is one vital element in which our educa tional system is woefully weak. “I believe in the public schools and I believe in their value as Americanizing agencies, but the one weak spot which must be supplemented by the home and by the church is its failure to teach a vital spiritual religion as the founda tion upon which a strong Christian character may be built. A young man is not safe for the future simply be
He shall save His people from their sins—Matt. 1:21. And Mary brought forth her first-born “^-Luke 2:7. God was manifest in the flesh—1 Tim. 3:16. As the children are partakers of flesh and blood, He also, Himself, likewise took part of the same—Heb. 2:14. He took on Him the seed of Abraham »-Heb. 2:16. Made like unto His breth ren ***** that He might make reconciliation for the sins of the people—Heb. 2:17. He was a Man of sorrows, and ac quainted with grief. He was wounded for our transgressions; He was bruised for our iniquities—Isa. 53:3-5. For He looked and there was none to help*****so He was their Saviour—Isa. 63:5-8-9. He made His soul an offering for sin; and poured out His. soul unto death— Isa. 53:10, 12. And now He ever liveth to make inter cession for them—Heb. 7:25. He will not rest until He has finished the thing— Ruth 3:18. He shall see the travail of His soul, and shall be satisfiedSlsa. 53:11. In the day of His espousals, in the day of the gladness of His heart—Cant. 3:11. When at His marriage supper He shall present unto Himself His own spotless bride—Eph. 5:27. Redeemed with His own precious blood—1 Pet. 1:18, 19. THEN He will rest in His love; He will joy over thee with singing—Zeph., 3:17. -—Selected. HOME-GOING OF MRS. A. E . BISHOP Central America lost a devoted friend when Jennie Armitage Bishop, the devoted wife of Mr. A. E. Bishop— for thirty years a missionary under the Central American Mission in Gua- temala-jpf-fell asleep in Jesus at Long Beach, Calif., September 15, 1925. The long years which Mrs. Bishop spent on the field with her husband were years of devoted service for the needy ones there, who lived in ignor ance of the finished work of Christ as both Saviour and Lord, but thousands of whom are today rejoicing in Him through their sacrificial service. Mrs. Bishop knew the joy of a life of sacrifice for Him, and her heart’s desire was that she might return to Guatemala, and labor there until the call should come, but the Lord had something better for her and she has gone to be with Him. May God bless the husband, daugh ter and little grandson who tarry for a season waiting the time when the Lord Himself shall descend with a shout, and we shall be caught up to meet Him in the air.-—T.C.H. A MINISTER’S MESSAGE ON PUB LIC SCHOOLS Dr. J. Whitcomb Brougher, pastor of the Temple Baptist Church of Los Ange les, in a sermon on “Does a Bad Start Mean a Good Finish,” said: “When it comes to the development of manhood and womanhood, a good start is needed if you are going to have a good finish. The life that lacks one essential element to real success may
I Was Afraid of This NewWay to Learn Music — Until I Found It Was Easy As A-B-C
Then I Gave My Husband the Surprise of His Life < that method. You are silly to even think about it. Why it claims to teach music in half the usual time and without a teacher. It’s: impossible.” That is how my husband felt when I showed him an ad telling about a new way to learn music. But how I hated to give up my new hope of learning to play the piano. When I heard others playing, I envied them so- that it lovely song-. Words can ’t describe his astonishm ent. “Why . . ..w h y . ; . ” he floundered. I simply sm iled and w ent on playing. B u t soon’ Ja c k insisted th a t I te ll him where I had learned . . . when . . . how?- So I told of my secret. One day not long a fte r my husband came to me and said, “Mary, don’t laugh, but I w ant to try learn in g to play the violin by th a t wonderful method. You certain ly proved to me th a t it is a good way to learn m usic.” . So only a few m onths la te r Ja c k and X were playing tog ether. Now our m usical evenings are a m arvelous success. E v ery one compliments us, and we are flooded w ith invitations. Music has simply m eant everyth in g to us. I t has given us P op u larity ! Fun ! H appiness! I f you, too, lik e music— then w rite to the tí. S. School of Music fo r a copy of the booklet “Music Lessons in Your Own Home,": tog eth er w ith a D em onstration Lesson, explainin g this wonderful new easy method. Don’t h esita te because you th in k you have no talen t. Thousands of successfu l stud ents never dreamed , th ey possessed m usical ab ility un til it w as revealed to them by a wonderful “M usical A bility T est.” You, too, can learn to play your fav orite instrum ent thru this sh ort-cu t method. Send the coupon. The Demon stratio n Lesson show ing how th ey teach, w ill come ÁT ONCE. Address the U. S. School of Music, 40512 B run sw ick B u ild ing, New Y ork. In strum en ts supplied when needed, cash or credit. U. S. School of Music, 40512 Brunswick Bldg., New York City. Please send me your free book, “Music Lessons in Your Own Home,” with Introduction by Dr. Frank Crane. Demonstration Lesson 'and particulars of your Special Offer. 1 am interested in the following 'course: almost: spoiled the pleasure of the music for me. : For they could entertain their friends and family . . . they were musi cians. I had to be satisfied with only hearing music. I was so disappointed. I felt very bit ter as I put away the magazine contain ing the advertisement. For a week I re sisted the temptation to look at it again, but finally I couldn’t keep from “peeking” at it. It fascinated me so much that fin ally, half-frightened, half enthusiastic I wrote to the U. S. School of Music—with out letting my husband know. Imagine my joy when the course ar rived and I found that it was as easy as A. B. C . Why, a mere child could master it! My progress was wonderfully rapid and before I realized it, I was rendering selections which pupils who study with private teachers for years can’t play. For through this short-cut method, all the dif ficult, tiresome parts of music have been eliminated and the playing of melodies has been reduced to a simplicity which anyone can follow with ease. Finally I decided to play for Jack, and show him what ' a “crazy course” had taught me. So one night when he was sitting reading, I went casually over to the piano and started playing a PickYour Course Piano Organ Violin Drums and Traps ’Cello Harmony and Composition Sight Singing Ukulele Guitar Hawaiian Steel Guitar Harp Banjo Tenor Banjo Mandolin Clarinet Flute Saxophone Cornet Piccolo Trombone Voice and Speech Culture Automatic Finger Control Piano Accordion Have you above‘instrument?......................... Name................................................................. (Please Write Plainly) Address.................................................... City......................................... ..............State
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