King's Business - 1925-12



K I N G ’ S


December 1925


Buy Them! Read Them! PassThemOn ! A full library of in­ formation and inspira­ tion at the n r l price of. . J J C e a c h 3 for $1.00

We are glad, to announce to all our friends in Iowa that The King’s Business is to be our medium of information regarding Iowa Fundamental Association news, and trust th at it will prove mutually helpful to both our Association and The King’s Business. One of the best ways we know of to advance the cau&e of our blessed Lord is to do what we can to increase the circulation of magazines th at are standing for the truth.

NEW COLPORTAGE LIBRARY (Covers in Two Colors) 1. SALVATION SERM ON S B y R ev . A; B. S impson . Excellent for the unconverted to make the way of Salvation plain. 2 . TH E FOURFO LD GO SPEL eBsaR ev . A. B. S impson . Amost convincing exposition of the dynamic message of the Book. 3 . TH E C H R IST L IF E B y R ev . A. B. S impson . New and Augmented edition with Six of Dr. Simp­ son’s own choice poems. The book that helped to make Dr. Simpson a spiritual leader of his generation. 4 . TH E C R IS IS O F TH E D EEPER L IF E B y G. P . P ardincton , P h .D. Answers the question,#“Is the sanctified life a de­ velopment or is it a definite experience?” 5. WHOLLY SAN C TIFIED B y R ev . A. B. S impson . A satisfactory treatise on Sanctification and the Spirit-filled life. 6. TH E LORD FO R TH E BO D Y B y R ev . A. B. S impson . Dr. Simpson answers in his inimitable manner many questions that occur to the earnest seeker after the truth of Divine Healing. 7. C H R IST ’S RETURN—T h e K ey to Prophecy and Providence B y S t . C lement . Revealing the Divine plan of God that has run throughout all ages. 8. WONDERS O F PR O PH EC Y. (Vol. I) B y J ohn U rquhart . Introduction to sixth edition by Philip Mauro. IVolume I traces Scriptural prophecy, and quotes pre­ dictions from Tyre and Sidon down through the time of Judea and Babylon. 9. WONDERS O F PR O PH EC Y. (Vol. II) B y J ohn U rquhart . Volume II contains “A Prophetic Forecast of the World’s Entire History.” 10. M ISSIO N A R Y M ESSAG ES B y R ev . A. B. S impson . Dr. Simpson’s missionary appeals stirred America ! to a new interest in Missions. 11. TH E L IF E O F PR A Y E R B y R ev . A. B. S tmpson . From the effective practice of a long life of prayer Dr. .Simpson >vas well equipped to write this instruc­ tive treatise.

NOTES FROM THE EDITOR OF THE IOWA FUNDAMENTALIST ASSOCIATION Iowa enjoyed a rare treat during the month of September1through the visit of León Tucker of New York, and his “Musical Messengers.” They visited in succession, for four days each, Boone, Grundy Center, Des Moines, and then on to Omaha, which was in the itiner­ ary arranged by our secretary, Mr. John M. Dunkerton. In Boone and Omaha, the meetings were held in the Christian and Missionary Alliance Tab­ ernacles; in Grundy Center, in the Baptist Church, and in Des Moines, in the First Methodist Church. All re­ port a good attendance, and an inspira­ tional time. The personnel of the party has changed some since they were here, but, we understand, has lost none of its strength. The following letter was received the other day from our treasurer, Mr. É. M. Pyle, Marion, Iowa, and presum­ ably all Fundamentalists on his mail­ ing list received a similar one. The only reason for reproducing it here, is to give the information it contains to readers of The King’s Business, in Iowa, whose names are not on his files, in the hope that they will send Mr. Pyle a check for three dollars, and thus help along the Fundamentalist cause in the state, and at the same time extend their subscription to The King’s Business one year, or if they are not subscribers, to thereby give them-V selves that treat. Iowa Fundamental­ ists ought to extend the ministry of The King’s Business, to a very marked degree, by this advantageous arrange­ ment with the management, and at the same time place quite a considerable sum in the hands of the treasurer of the Iowa State Fundamentals Asso­ ciation with which to prosecute the work of that organization. Mr. Pyle’s letter reads in part as follows: To Iowa Christian Fundamentalists: The church of our Lord Jesus Christ is facing a crisis that demands the utmost of every true believer. The features w h i c h distinguished the church in the morning of her birth— her holiness and her truth—-are now scarcely perceptible, in the evening of her days. Hence it behooves us, who love our Lord, to shine more brightly for Him during the dark night of His absence. The Lord has wonderfully blessed our work during the past year and we give Him all the glory. We held twenty Bible Conferences, with noted

teachers, in different parts of the state. There were about fifty Bible study classes, with a membership of fifteen hundred, studying ,the Word, and much has also been done along the line of Young People’s work. We hope to in­ crease this the coming year, and the needs before us are greater than ever. The prospects are very bright, but we need your prayers and your help. At the Conference last June It was voted that all who pay three dollars, or more, for the year, beginning August 1st, will receive The King’s Business for one year, containing accounts of our work. Will you kindly send us your check by return mail. Yours In His service, E. M. PYLE, _Marlon, la,, State Treas. We sincerely hope that this letter will be productive of results. That every possible effort should be made in Iowa to keep before the people of the state, the facts of the Bible, together with its divine authorship and integ­ rity, is evidenced again by this recent Associated Press dispatch from Mt. Vernon, la., the seat of one of Method­ ism’s strongest middle-western col­ leges : OUTLINES RELIGION OF NATURAL LAW Harvard Professor Speaks at Dedication of Building at Cornell College (B y A sso cia ted P re s s ) Mt. Vernon, la., Oct. 24 (1925 )— “The truth about the universe cannot be learned from the Mosaic law, but must be gleaned from the rocks. “The fading beliefs of the past ages, including ethics and religion, no longer satisfy, and we shall replace our faith in a man-like God, with a larger faith in an orderly universe whose processes of evolution will extend over endless time. “It Is impossible to believe in the supernatural creation of man. That creation is to be learned from science and the record of the earth. “There shall be a decrease in the be­ lief of miracles. With every sentence an exposition of life as a great evolu­ tionary process, every thought taken from the discoveries of geology and the other sciences, Prof. W. M. Davis of Harvard university, outlined such a religion of natural law and infinite evolutionary plan, rather than a re­ ligion of revelation, in speaking at the


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